2012 Synod of the
Protestant Reformed Churches
"...Endeavoring to keep the unity of the
Spirit in the bond of peace.
There is one body, and one Spirit, even as
ye are called in one hope of your calling;
One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
One God and Father of all,
who is above all, and through all, and in you
Ephesians 4:3-6
Host Church of Synod 2012 - Crete (Illinois) PRC
Yearbook of the PRC - Now Available!
Find the listings of denominational officers, committees, ministers, and
professors here!
Reports from Synod 2012
Read Prof. Russell Dykstra's Pre-Synod Report from the May 15, 2012 issue of The Standard Bearer (click here for pdf)
The pre-synodical service was held Monday, June 11, in Crete PR Church, Crete, Illinois. Rev. J. Slopsema, president of last year’s meetings, led the service and preached on I Corinthians 15:58. You may hear this sermon at Crete PRC's website (in the sermon archive box scroll down to this sermon).
Synod convened Tuesday morning, June 12, at 8:30 in Crete Church.
Synodical Committees Layout (pdf)
Officers elected are: President, Rev. Steven Key (Loveland, CO - 2nd from right); Vice-President, Rev.Ken Koole (Grandville, MI - far right); 1st Clerk, Rev. Doug Kuiper (Pastor-elect of Edgerton, MN - 2nd from left); 2nd Clerk, Rev. Rodney Kleyn (Spokane, WA - far left).
Synodical Delegates and Special Guests | Delegates at work inside Crete PRC fellowship room |
Summary Report of Tuesday's work (pdf)
Summary Report of Wednesday's work (pdf)
Summary Report of Thursday's work (pdf)
Summary Report of Friday's work and recap of the week (pdf)
Congratulations to Sem. Vernon Ibe and to his wife Melody for successfully sustaining his exam before Synod! We thank the Lord for His provision of another servant fit for the ministry of the Word and sacraments, and pray His continued blessing on Vernon and Melody as they prepare to serve Him in the Philippines.
Graduation of Mr. Vernon Ibe was held
evening, June 19, in First PR Church, Grand Rapids.
Prof.R. Cammenga gives diploma to Vernon Ibe
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President of Synod, Rev. Steve Key | Stated Clerk of Synod, Don Doezema, with his wife Judi |
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Sem. Vernon Ibe preaching before Synod | Sem. Vernon Ibe being examined by Professors |
Prof. Russell Dykstra examing in Church History | Prof. Barry Gritters examing in Knowledge of Scripture |
Committee 5 begins its work | Committee 3 digs into its work |
Committee 1 starts its work | John Van Baren - Delegate & Photographer |
Special CERC Singaporean Guests | CERCS Deacon Chan Addresses Synod |
Philippine Missionary D.Kleyn & Sem. Vernon Ibe | Missionary D.Kleyn & Sharon congratulate Ibe's |
Rev.S. Key presents Synod certificate to Sem.Vernon Ibe | Crete Kitchen Queens & Dutch treats |
Deacon Philip Hall from Covenant PRC of N.Ireland addresses Synod | Elder Dave Rau and Prof. Ronald Cammenga |
Elders H.Pastoor, I.Uittenbogaard, P.Vander Schaaf | Revs.C.Haak, C.Spronk, Elder N.Kleyn with D.Ondersma |
To view the Synod 2011 page click here.