Sample Catechism Lessons

Old Testament History for Beginners, Book 1 (sample lesson)

Lesson 1: Creation

Genesis 1
  1. What does the first verse of the Bible teach us?
    "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Gen. 1:1
  2. In how many days did God create all things?
    God created all things in six days.
  3. What did God create on the first day?
    God created the earth, and also the light.
  4. What did God create on the second day?
    God created the firmament, or, the sky.
  5. What did God make on the the third day?
    God made dry land, the trees and the plants.
  6. What did God create on the fourth day?
    The sun, the moon, and the stars.
  7. What did God make on the fifth day?
    God made the fish and the birds.
  8. What did God form on the sixth day?
    God formed the animals and man.
  9. Did God create a helper for Adam?
    Yes, God created Eve while Adam slept.
  10. Where did God place Adam and Eve?
    In paradise, which was a picture of heaven.
Memory verse: "And God saw all that He had made, and behold it was very good." Gen. 1:31

Old Testament History for Beginners, Book 2 (sample lesson)

Lesson 21: Daniel and His Friends

Daniel 1-4
  1. Who were taken with the Jews to Babylon?
    Daniel and his three friends.
  2. What became of Daniel and his three friends?
    They became princes in Babylon.
  3. How did God show that He was with them?
    He made them the wisest men in Babylon.
  4. How did Daniel show his wisdom?
    He explained the dream of Nebuchadnezzar.
  5. Of what did Nebuchadnezzar dream?
    A great image destroyed by a stone.
  6. What did the dream mean?
    That Christ will destroy all the wicked nations of the earth.
  7. Did the three friends worship God in Babylon?
    Yes, they would not worship an image of the king.
  8. Did the king punish them for this?
    Yes, he threw them into a fiery furnace.
  9. Were they burned up in the furnace?
    No, God sent His angel into the furnace with them.
  10. How was the king punished for being proud?
    God made him to live like an animal.
Memory verse: "Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace." Daniel 3:17.

New Testament History for Beginners, Book 3 (sample lesson)

Lesson 3: Jesus is Born

Luke 2
  1. What happened just before Jesus was born?
    Caesar Augustus commanded that all the world should be taxed.
  2. Why did God cause this command to be made?
    God wanted Jesus to be born in Bethlehem.
  3. Why did God want Jesus to be born in Bethlehem?
    God wanted to show that Jesus is of the royal line of David.
  4. Why was Jesus born in a cattle stall?
    There was no room in the inn.
  5. What does Jesus' birth in a cattle stall show us?
    He had to become poor to make us rich.
  6. To whom did God send an angel to announce Jesus' birth?
    To shepherds who were watching their flocks at night.
  7. What did the angel tell the shepherds?
    "Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11
  8. What did a host of angels sing?
    "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Luke 2:14.
  9. Who else knew of Jesus' birth?
    Wisemen who saw Jesus' star in the East.
  10. What did the wisemen do when they saw Jesus?
    They worshipped Him and brought Him gifts.
Memory verse: "Yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye thourgh his poverty might be rich." II Corinthians 8:9

Old Testament History for Juniors (sample lesson)

Lesson 17: King Solomon

  1. Who became king at David's death?
    His son Solomon, who reigned about 1000 B.C.
  2. Was Solomon a God-fearing king?
    Yes, he loved the Lord, and walked in the statutes of David.
  3. What did he ask of the Lord?
    When the Lord appeared to him in a dream, Solomon asked for wisdom to rule God's people.
  4. What did the Lord give Solomon?
    Great wisdom, and riches and honor besides.
  5. Who came to visit Solomon?
    The Queen of Sheba, who came to hear his wisdom and see his glory.
  6. In what books of the Bible do we find much of the wisdom God gave Solomon?
    In the books called Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.
  7. Did Solomon fight many wars, as David had?
    No, in his days there was peace and prosperity.
  8. Did Solomon build the temple, as God had told David?
    Yes, Solomon built a beautiful and rich temple at Jerusalem.
  9. Who turned Solomon's heart away from the Lord?
    His many heathen wives, for whose idols he even built temples.
  10. What did the Lord tell Solomon because of his sin?
    That all the tribes except Judah would be taken away from the house of David, and given to Jeroboam.
Memory project: Hebrews 11:34-35

New Testament for Juniors (sample lesson)

Lesson 13: Jesus' Arrest and Trial

Matthew 26-27; John 18
  1. What did Jesus do on Thursday of the Passion Week?
    Jesus ate the last Passover with His disciples in an upper room.
  2. What did Jesus do to His disciples in the upper room?
    Jesus washed His disciples' feet.
  3. What did Jesus do after He had eaten the Passover with His disciples?
    He sent Judas away and instituted the Lord's Supper.
  4. Where did Jesus go with His disciples from the Upper Room?
    To the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed while His disciples slept.
  5. Who came to the garden of Gethsemane to capture Jesus?
    Judas, with a large company from the rulers of the people.
  6. Could the mob capture Jesus?
    Not until Jesus willingly surrendered Himself.
  7. What did the disciples do when Jesus was captured?
    They all forsook Him and fled.
  8. Where did Jesus' enemies take Him first?
    To the rulers of the Jews to try Him.
  9. What did Peter do during the trial of Jesus?
    He denied his Lord three times.
  10. Who finally sentenced Jesus to die?
    Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor.
Memory Verse: "And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." Matthew 26:39

Old Testament History for Seniors (sample lesson)

Lesson 10: Deliverance Through the Red Sea

  1. Whom did God prepare to deliver His people?
    God prepared Moses for this work. Exodus 2 and 3.
  2. How did God prepare him in the first few years of his life?
    God spared his life and made it possible for him to be taught in his parents' home. Exodus 2:8-10.
  3. How do we know that God was preparing him in the king's court?
    He learned the wisdom of the Egyptians in order to lead God's people. Acts 7:22.
  4. How was Moses further prepared?
    He spent forty years in Midian as a shepherd. Exodus 3.
  5. How did God call Moses to the work of delivering His people?
    God spoke to him from the burning bush and gave him signs to show Pharaoh. Exodus 3:1-10; 4:1-9.
  6. Was Pharaoh willing to let the people go?
    No, God hardened his heart to show His power in him. Exodus 7:4; Romans 9:17-18.
  7. How did God show His power in Egypt?
    God sent ten plagues to show Pharaoh that He is God.
  8. What had God commanded Moses and Israel to do while the last plague was upon Egypt?
    To keep the Passover. Exodus 12.
  9. Of what is the Passover a type?
    Of the shedding of the blood of Christ upon the cross.
  10. What is so important about the deliverance through the Red Sea?
    It marks the second great deliverance which God gave to His Church

New Testament History for Seniors (sample lesson)

Lesson 21: Paul and Barnabas Sent Out from Antioch

Acts 11-13
  1. What is the importance of the church at Antioch?
    It became the center from which the gospel was spread to Asia Minor and even to Europe.
  2. How was the church at Antioch established?
    Men from Cyprus and Cyrene preached the gospel both to Jews and to Greeks.
    Acts 11:19-21.
  3. How did the church at Jerusalem show its support of the work at Antioch?
    They sent Barnabas, through whose preaching many were added to the Lord.
  4. How did Herod persecute the church at Jerusalem about this time?
    He killed James the apostle, and he put Peter in prison. Acts 12:1-3.
  5. Did Herod kill Peter also?
    No, the angel of the Lord delivered Peter from prison. Acts 12:4-11.
  6. Did Herod's persecution hinder the growth of the church?
    No, the Word of God grew and multiplied.
  7. Whom did Barnabas bring to Antioch to help him?
    Barnabas went to Tarsus for Paul, and together they worked at Antioch for a whole year. Acts 11:23-26.
  8. What did the Holy Ghost tell the church at Antioch?
    "Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them." Acts 13:3.
  9. Did the church at Antioch heed the command to send out Paul and Barnabas?
    Yes, after fasting and prayer, they laid their hands on them and sent them to preach the gospel.
  10. What method did Paul follow in all his missionary labors?
    He preached to the Jews first, and then to the Gentiles.

Heidelberg Catechism for Junior Catechumens (sample lessons)

Lesson 11: God's Providence

  1. Did God, having created all things, leave the world it itself?
    By no means, but He upholds all things by His providence. Heb. 1:3.
  2. What do you understand by the Providence of God?
    The almighty and omnipresent power of God whereby He upholds and governs all things.
  3. What is comprehended under the Providence of God?
    All things that are and that take place in the history of the world. Job 1:21;
    Matt. 6:26-34
  4. How do you distinguish the Providence of God?
    In three parts: preservation, co-operation and government.
  5. What do you understand by preservation?
    The immanent power of God whereby He upholds all things and they continue to exist. Heb. 1:3.
  6. What do you understand by co-operation?
    That operation of God's omnipresent power, whereby He accomplishes His purpose through the acts of His moral creatures. Prov. 21:1.
  7. What do you understand by government?
    That God by His power controls and directs all things to His own determinate end.
    Eph. 1:11.
  8. What is the comfort you derive from God's Providence?
    That all things work together for good to them that love God.

Lesson 23: Of Conversion to God

  1. Wherein doth this true conversion of man consist?
    In a hearty repentance, and avoiding of sin, and an earnest desire to walk in all good works. Mark 1:15.
  2. Is conversion the work of one moment or a limited period in our lives?
    In the narrower sense it is, but in the wider sense it denotes the same as sanctification and continues through our whole life. Phil. 2:12-13.
  3. Of how many parts doth this true conversion of man consist?
    Of two parts: of the mortification of the old, and the quickening of the new man. Rom. 6:4-6; Eph. 4:22-23; Col. 3:5.
  4. What is the mortification of the old man?
    It is a sincere sorrow of heart that we have provoked God by our sins and more and more to hate and flee from them. Rom. 8:13.
  5. What is the quickening of the new man?
    It is a sincere joy of heart in God through Christ, and with love and delight to live according to the will of God in all good works. Rom. 6:10-11.
  6. Who is the author of our conversion?
    God through the Spirit of Christ, who works within us to will and to do of His good pleasure. II Cor. 5:17; Phil. 2:12-13.
  7. Is perfection reached in this life?
    No, for if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. I John 1:8.

Old Testament in Brief for Juniors--written work: (sample lesson)

Lesson 17

  1. When David was old, _____________________ tried to become king instead of Solomon.
    I Kings 1:5-10; 22-27.
  2. In I Kings 10:21-29 we read several facts which show that Solomon was very rich:
    1. All his drinking vessels were of _________________.
    2. All the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of ___________________.
    3. _____________ was nothing accounted in Solomon's time.
    4. Solomon's navy brought ____________, and ______________, ______________, and _____________, and ________________once in three years.
    5. Solomon exceeded all the ____________ of the earth for _____________ and for ___________________.
    6. Solomon had ___________________ chariots, and _____________ horsemen.
    7. Solomon made silver to be as common as ________________ in Jerusalem; and he made ________ to be as the __________________trees.
    8. Solomon had _____________ and __________________ yarn brought out of Egypt.
  3. The Queen of Sheba said of Solomon's riches and wisdom that the ______________ had not been told her. I Kings 10:6-7.
  4. The three main parts of the temple were: the ___________ ___________, I Kings 7:12; the most ____________ ______________, I Kings 8:6; and the ____________, I Kings 8:8.
  5. Besides the temple, Solomon built his own _______________, I Kings 7:1; the house of the forest of ___________________, I Kings 7:2; a house for ________________ daughter, I Kings 7:8; he also built several ________________, I Kings 9:19; and he made a _____________ _________ ________________, I Kings 9:26.
  6. The prophet ________________ the ________________ told _____________ that he would receive 10 tribes and that Solomon's son would be left only ______________ I Kings 11:26-36.

New Testament Workbook for Juniors (sample lesson)

Lesson 13

  1. After the celebration of the Lord's Supper, Jesus told the disciples that they would all be offended because of Him that night. How did Peter answer this? (Matthew 26:33) "________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________"
  2. In Gethsemane Jesus took with Him _________________ and the two sons of _________ (Matthew 26:37). Quote Jesus' prayer in the garden from Matthew 26:39:
    "________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________"
  3. When Jesus gave Himself up in the garden, they took Him first to _______________ who was the ________________________to Caiaphas, the high priest. (John 18:13). Later he was sent __________________ unto Caiaphas (John 18:24) and from there he was taken to the hall of ______________________ to be tried before __________________, the judge. (John 18:28-29).
  4. When Peter denied Jesus the third time, ___________________ the __________crew and Peter went out and _____________________________. (Matthew 26:74-75).
  5. State whether the following are true or false:
    1. __________ The Sanhedrin said that Jesus was innocent. (Matthew 26:65-67)
    2. __________ Pilate knew that Jesus was guilty. (John 19:4-6)
    3. __________ Jesus told Pilate that His Kingdom was not of this world. (John 18:36)

Old Testament for Seniors, Workbook (sample lesson)

Lesson 10

  1. Look up Exodus 1:14, 17, 22 and finish these sentences:
    1. Pharaoh made the lives of the Israelites bitter with ____________________________.
    2. The midwives _____________________ God.
    3. Pharaoh commanded the people to cast every son into the ___________________.
  2. Moses' father and mother were both of the tribe of _____________________. Exodus 2:1. They hid Moses for _____________________________. Exodus 2:2.
  3. Look up Exodus 2:10 and indicate whether this statement is true or false:
    Moses was given the name Moses by his father and mother. __________________
  4. At the burning bush God called Himself ______________________. See Exodus 3:13-14.
  5. Look up Exodus 8:21-22 and indicate whether it is true or false that the fourth plague fell on the land of Goshen where the Israelites dwelt. ___________________
  6. From I Corinthians 5:7 fill in this sentence: "...For even ___________ our ____________ is ________________________ for us:..."
    Now indicate whether the following statements are true or false:
    1. Jesus is called our Passover because He died in our place. ___________
    2. Because of Jesus' death the angel of God's wrath passes over us also today, so that we are not destroyed in God's wrath. ___________
    3. According to Romans 1:6, the gospel of Christ is only for the Jews. ___________
  7. From Exodus 14:13-14 fill in this sentence: "...Fear ye not, stand still, and see the _________ of the ____________, ...The Lord shall _____________for you, and ye shall hold your ________________."
  8. There is growth in the Church of God here on earth. Look up the verses and indicate this growth in the following sentences:
    1. The Church delivered by the Flood numbered _______ souls. See I Peter 3:20.
    2. The Church that entered Egypt numbered ______ souls. See Genesis 46:26-27.
    3. The Church that left Egypt numbered ______________ besides children and a mixed multitude. Exodus 12:37-38.
  9. Fill in this sentence from Exodus 20:2: "I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of ____________, out of the _________________ of _______________."
  10. This deliverance through the Red Sea is the second great victory that God gave to His Church. The first great victory was the ________________________________. See the memory work of Lesson 4.

New Testament for Seniors, Workbook, (sample lesson)

Lesson 21

  1. From Acts 11:21 fill in the blanks in this sentence: "And the ____________of the __________ was with them: and a ______________ number ___________________, and _____________ unto the ______________."
  2. Of Paul we read in Acts 11:24:
    1. He was a ____________ man.
    2. He was full of the _________________and of __________________.
    3. According to verse 26: "And the disciples were called ____________________ first in Antioch."
  3. Read Acts 11:27-30 and answer the following question:
    1. Which prophet came at this time to Antioch? _________________
    2. What did Agabus foretell (signify) by the Spirit?______________________________?
    3. When did this famine take place?__________________________________________
    4. What did the church of Antioch do during this famine? Verse 29_________________
    5. By whom did the church of Antioch bring this relief to the brethren in Judea? _______
  4. Read Acts 12:1-19 and answer the following questions:
    1. Whom did Herod kill about this time? __________________________________
    2. Why did Herod take Peter also? ____________________________________
    3. When did Herod capture Peter? _____________________________________
    4. How many soldiers guarded Peter? ___________________________________
    5. How was Peter being guarded the same night before Herod would kill him? Verse 6 ____________________________________
    6. What in verse 6 indicates that Peter was not worried at all? _____________________
    7. Who delivered Peter? _____________________________________
    8. How did the gates of the prison open before Peter and the angel? Verse 10: ________
    9. What happened to the soldiers who were appointed to guard Peter? Verse 19: _______
  5. Read Acts 13:2-3 and fill in the blanks: "As they _________________, and _____________ the _____________ said, Separate me ________________ and ______________ for the ___________________________. And when they had _____________________ and laid ____________________________________, they sent them away."
  6. Who accompanied Barnabas and Saul on this first missionary journey of Saul? Acts 13:5; Acts 12:25 __________________________

Heidelberg Catechism, Workbook I, Lord's Days 1-26 (sample)

Lord's Day 14

The incarnation of Jesus means His coming into the flesh. We believe, according to Holy Scripture, that the incarnation took place when Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. Before you do this lesson, read: Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:28-35; Heb. 2:14, and the Belgic Confession, Article 8.
  1. Answer each question carefully.
    1. In your own words, tell what the virgin birth means.___________________________
    2. Why was such a miraculous birth necessary?_________________________________
    3. What does this birth show as far as the work of salvation is concerned? ___________
    4. Why was it important that Christ be born to Mary of the seed of David? ___________
    5. What is the profit for the church of the incarnation of Christ? ___________________
    6. Did Jesus have brothers and sisters? That is, did Joseph and Mary have sons and daughters? _________ If so, what are their names? ___________________________
    7. Through the many years of church history, there have been various controversies (doctrinal disputes) concerning the natures of Christ. Some denied that Christ had a REAL human nature. Others denied that He had a COMPLETE human nature. The result of these controversies is that the church has defined the human nature of Jesus with the following terms. Learn these terms, and try to give an explanation for each one. (You might have to fill in a few when you come to class.)
      1. Real - _____________________________________________________
      2. Complete - _________________________________________________
      3. Sinless - ___________________________________________________
      4. Weakened - _________________________________________________
      5. Central - ___________________________________________________
    8. Christ was made as much like us as it is possible to be, with one important exception of sin. He was even tempted as we are. (Heb. 4:15)
      1. List the temptations of Jesus (Matth. 4:1-11): _____________________, _________________________, and _____________________________
      2. Why was He tempted? (See Heb. 2:18)____________________________
  2. True or False:
    1. _____ There were times when Jesus was tired, hungry, and thirsty.
    2. _____ The temptations of Jesus were not really difficult for Him.
    3. _____ Jesus had a human body, but a divine soul.
    4. _____ There were many times when Mary could not understand her Son.
    5. _____ God is the Father of Jesus also according to the human nature.
    6. _____ Jesus understands everything that we will ever have to experience.
    7. _____ When Jesus was born of Mary, He stopped being God.
    8. _____ If Jesus had had one sin, He could not cover our sins in the sight of God.
    9. _____ We can understand the word "virgin" to mean "young lady."
    10. _____ Jesus had a human father.

Heidelberg Catechism, Workbook II, Lord's Days 27-52 (sample)

Lord's Day 34

This is the second time the Catechism holds the Law of God before us. In Lord's Day 2 we saw that the knowledge of our misery was discovered in the Law. Here, having been delivered from our sin and misery by Christ, we are to view the Law as our guide for a life of gratitude to God.
  1. The Law of God in general.
    1. Read Exodus 19 and answer these questions:
      1. When was the Law given to Israel through Moses? _____________________
      2. See Exodus 19:16-18 and describe the appearance of the mountain after God had descended upon it. ____________________________________________
      3. What three types of laws were given to Israel in the wilderness? ___________, __________________, and _________________________.
      4. What does Article 25 of the Belgic Confession say concerning these laws? ______________________________________________________________
    2. Concerning the tables of the Law:
      1. How many tables were there? ________ . What does each table teach? __________________________, _________________________.
      2. Read Exodus 32:15-16:
        1. Who wrote the Law on the tables of stone? _________. What is the significance of this fact? _____________________________
        2. What is the idea of tables of STONE?________________________
        3. What is the significance of the fact that the stones were written full on both sides? _____________________________________________
        4. What is the significance of the number 10 in "Ten" Commandments?" ______________________________________
    3. In Matt. 22:37-40 and John 14:15, Jesus makes plain that the keeping of the Law is ________________________.
    4. Read Psalm 119:1-8, and find six synonyms for the word "law": ______________, ______________, ________________, _________________, ______________, _______________.
    5. Although the contents of the Law never change, there was a difference between the Old and New Dispensation as far as the purpose of the law is concerned. Read each passage and fill in the blank.
      1. If the law is merely external (a set of rules) in our life, all it can do is _____________________ us. Gal. 3:10.
      2. But Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law "________________ __________________________" Ga. 3:13.
      3. By His Spirit, Christ engraves the law upon the ______________________ of our hearts, so that we ________________ the law and keep it. Ps. 40:8; II Cor. 3:3.
      4. Romans 10:4 teaches us that Christ is the ______________ of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. This tremendous truth means two things:
        1. That Christ was the goal towards wiich the law in the O.T. pointed.
        2. That Christ's obedience is the righteousness of every believer.
  2. The First Commandment:
    1. Every commandment prohibits a certain sin and requires a certain good. What is forbidden in the first commandment? _____________________________
    2. What is idolatry? (You may form your own definition on the basis of Answer 95.)
    3. Idolatry is such a serious sin that we are to avoid it as "sincerely as _______________________________. Does this mean that those who continue in idolatry cannot be saved? ____________________.
    4. How can we know the only true God? ___________________________________
    5. From answer 94, list the specific sins forbidden and the good commanded:
             FORBIDDEN                COMMANDED 
       ______Idolatry_________  _____Know the only true God_____
       _______________________  ________________________________
       _______________________  ________________________________
       _______________________  ________________________________
       _______________________  ________________________________
       _______________________  ________________________________
      We are all inclined towards the sin of idolatry.
    6. What things might be idols in the lives of young people? _____________________________________________________________________________________
    7. Read Psalm 115:4-8 and tell why idolatry is so very foolish: __________________

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Last modified, 12-Jan-1997