PRC Standards:
Major & Minor Confessions, Liturgical Forms
Other Online Literature

The Three Forms of Unity

 3formsbookletA free sample copy of a booklet containing the three creeds listed below can be obtained by writing to:

Protestant Reformed Seminary,
4949 Ivanrest Ave., S.W.,
Wyoming, MI 49418

    (The Synod of the Protestant Reformed Churches approved some revisions of the following Creeds --principally in correcting punctuation.  Check out these changes for an accurate presentation as presently applicable in the PRC.)

The Confessions and Church Order of the Protestant Reformed Churches  (pdf)


Other translations

See also:

Early Church Creeds

Church Order of the PRC (in separate form from above confessions book)





Sermons (Reading)

Pamphlets and Articles

Spanish literature and other languages

Daily meditations

Web Sites with The Bible

Catechism Books

The Protestant Reformed Churches have produced a series of instruction books to train children of the church from ages 6 into adulthood concerning the fundamentals of Bible history and Church Doctrine.

These books can be purchased (price list will be sent upon request), or sample copies can be requested for examination by interested parties. Write to:

Protestant Reformed Seminary
4949 Ivanrest, S.W.
Grandville, MI 49418
Phone: (616) 531-1490
Fax: (616) 531-3033

Sample lessons of each of the following catechism books are available for browsing online, including the entire text of Essentials of Reformed Doctrine.
Find a complete set of the catechism books at:

Free downloads of Reformed Catechism Materials for All Ages in Various Languages (Spanish, Chinese, Burmese, etc.) from Gratia Deo Sola Media

Sunday School

The Sunday School Association, consisting of members of the Protestant Reformed Churches, also produce Sunday School materials covering Bible history from Genesis through Revelation for children of ages six through 14 years. This is not the glossy, fancy, activity-filled materials offered by major publishers, but sound, Biblical, materials designed to give the student a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible and its significance for this life and the life to come. For sample copies of this material: e-mail: or, view an HTML-formatted version online.


See also:

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Last modified February 17, 2013