
PRC and Sister-Church News for Sunday, December 18, 2016

On this third Lord's Day of December 2016 we mention these news items relating to PRC ministerial calls, the delegation to the Philippines, and a mission call to India from our sister church in Singapore.

  • Today Rev. R. Kleyn answered his call to serve as third missionary to the Philippines - a call he declined.
  • We remember in prayer Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville PRC) as he continues to consider the call to Southwest PRC (Wyoming, MI).

Gospel to all nations

The Contact Committee of the PRC published this note for this week:

A delegation of the Contact Committee of the PRCA, consisting of Prof. Dykstra and Rev. Eriks, traveled to the Philippines this past week.  They will be in the Philippines until December 27, the Lord willing.  The main purpose of their visit is to continue discussions regarding a sister-church relationship between the PRCP and the PRCA.  Rev. Eriks and Prof. Dykstra will also be preaching for churches in the PRCP.  

In connection with that, we find this special note about that delegation in the Provident CC bulletin:

The visiting delegation from the PRCA will accompany Rev. & Sharon Kleyn on their monthly visit to Negros Occidental this week. They plan to leave early tomorrow morning [Monday]. They will hold a Bible study in Bacolod City, and pastors’ classes in Sipalay City.

From the bulletin of our sister church in Singapore, Covenant ERC we find this significant note:

After the ECM last week, Session signed and sent the call letter to Brother Emmanuel Singh. Emmanuel sent the following note acknowledging that he received the call:

Greetings to you in the matchless name of our only Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. This is to inform you that I have received the Call letter to be Missionary in India under the headship of our
Lord Jesus Christ and supervision of CERC Singapore. I am truly thankful to God and to the saints in Singapore for giving me the opportunity and support to propagate the Gospel of Grace in
this heathen land, that the Lord may gather His Church in due time. I need a few days’ time so that I can with much prayer make my decision to receive this call as a missionary. Once again
thank you for all things.

Yours in His Service
Emmanuel Singh

Emmanuel will consider the call over the next few days/weeks, and he plans to answer on or before 1 January 2017. If the Lord leads Emmanuel to accept the call, he will be installed into office in
Singapore on Sunday, 8 January. Let us continue to remember our brother in prayer as he seeks the Lord’s will regarding our call.

And from Georgetown PRC's bulletin we learn about another upcoming delegation to Vellore, India:

India Delegation Departure! Prof. Barry and Lori Gritters and Deane and Donna Wassink leave for a three Sunday stay with the PRCV on Dec. 27. This will be Prof. Gritter’s third trip to India. He will be involved especially with the Sola Gratia Program in training area pastors in the Reformed Faith and in the pastoral ministry. He will preach and teach in the PRCV, English congregation, and Village out reach. The Wassinks will assist in all these labors, but especially direct their attention to the GFH and Tamil congregation in expanding our understanding and strengthening the bonds in Christ we have with the PRCV. Pray for the Lord’s blessing.

Last modified on 18 December 2016

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