calling of children

  • The apostle Paul addresses children in Ephesians 6:1-3, commanding them to obey their parents. This simple instruction is directly antithetical to the course of this world because the way of the world is rebellion. Today’s society is characterized by disobedience to parents which is worked by Satan, the original rebel to God. This text is also contrary to our sinful natures which constantly rebel under authority. How then are children able to obey? What is the calling of parents in regard this command? The text also mentions God’s fifth commandment to obey parents as the first commandment with promise. What is this promise and why is it so important? Rev. David Overway examines this very relevant passage of scripture in his sermon which is divided in this manner: 1. Their Own Parents 2. In the Lord 3. With a Promise
  • For many of us, parenting our children in the fear of the Lord is one of the most challenging callings we will ever face. But how rewarding this calling can be when we follow God's way and God's will. Do we struggle when our children are angry, or proud, or selfish? How do we discipline them as God calls us to? Do we teach our children about sexual purity or warn them about the ways of the world? These and many other topics are addressed in this 14-sermon series by Rev. Eriks, based on the wisdom of Solomon found in Proverbs. This sermon on teaching wisdom to children is divided into these parts: 1. Get What? 2. Get How? 3. Get Why?
  • For many of us, parenting our children in the fear of the Lord is one of the most challenging callings we will ever face. But how rewarding this calling can be when we follow God's way and God's will. Do we struggle when our children are angry, or proud, or selfish? How do we discipline them as God calls us to? Do we teach our children about sexual purity or warn them about the ways of the world? These and many other topics are addressed in this 14-sermon series by Rev. Eriks, based on the wisdom of Solomon found in Proverbs. This sermon is divided into these parts: 1. What It Is 2. How It Is Given 3. With What Blessing We Give It
  • Sermon preached in Hudsonville PRC (MI) by guest minister, Rev. J. Holstege (Zion PRC, Jenison, MI). The main points are: 1. To believe in him 2. To obey your parents 3. To hope for the blessing

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  • For many of us, parenting our children in the fear of the Lord is one of the most challenging callings we will ever face. But how rewarding this calling can be when we follow God's way and God's will. Do we struggle when our children are angry, or proud, or selfish? How do we discipline them as God calls us to? Do we teach our children about sexual purity or warn them about the ways of the world? These and many other topics are addressed in this 14-sermon series by Rev. Eriks, based on the wisdom of Solomon found in Proverbs.
  • For many of us, parenting our children in the fear of the Lord is one of the most challenging callings we will ever face. But how rewarding this calling can be when we follow God's way and God's will. Do we struggle when our children are angry, or proud, or selfish? How do we discipline them as God calls us to? Do we teach our children about sexual purity or warn them about the ways of the world? These and many other topics are addressed in this 14-sermon series by Rev. Eriks, based on the wisdom of Solomon found in Proverbs. This sermon on teaching sexual purity to our children is divided into these parts: 1. The Important Calling 2. The Serious Warning 3. The Necessary Way
  • For many of us, parenting our children in the fear of the Lord is one of the most challenging callings we will ever face. But how rewarding this calling can be when we follow God's way and God's will. Do we struggle when our children are angry, or proud, or selfish? How do we discipline them as God calls us to? Do we teach our children about sexual purity or warn them about the ways of the world? These and many other topics are addressed in this 14-sermon series by Rev. Eriks, based on the wisdom of Solomon found in Proverbs. This sermons is divided into these parts: 1. Teaching What 2. Teaching How 3. Teaching the Blessings
  • For many of us, parenting our children in the fear of the Lord is one of the most challenging callings we will ever face. But how rewarding this calling can be when we follow God's way and God's will. Do we struggle when our children are angry, or proud, or selfish? How do we discipline them as God calls us to? Do we teach our children about sexual purity or warn them about the ways of the world? These and many other topics are addressed in this 14-sermon series by Rev. Eriks, based on the wisdom of Solomon found in Proverbs. This sermon is divided into these parts: 1. What It Is 2. How To Teach It 3. Our Only Hope
  • For many of us, parenting our children in the fear of the Lord is one of the most challenging callings we will ever face. But how rewarding this calling can be when we follow God's way and God's will. Do we struggle when our children are angry, or proud, or selfish? How do we discipline them as God calls us to? Do we teach our children about sexual purity or warn them about the ways of the world? These and many other topics are addressed in this 14-sermon series by Rev. Eriks, based on the wisdom of Solomon found in Proverbs. This sermon on teaching our children wisdom and hard work is divided into these parts: 1. Addressing Laziness 2. Teaching the Wisdom of Work
  • For many of us, parenting our children in the fear of the Lord is one of the most challenging callings we will ever face. But how rewarding this calling can be when we follow God's way and God's will. Do we struggle when our children are angry, or proud, or selfish? How do we discipline them as God calls us to? Do we teach our children about sexual purity or warn them about the ways of the world? These and many other topics are addressed in this 14-sermon series by Rev. Eriks, based on the wisdom of Solomon found in Proverbs. This sermon on discipline in the home is divided into these parts: 1. The Loving Activity 2. The Forbidden Despising 3. The Necessary Trust
  • For many of us, parenting our children in the fear of the Lord is one of the most challenging callings we will ever face. But how rewarding this calling can be when we follow God's way and God's will. Do we struggle when our children are angry, or proud, or selfish? How do we discipline them as God calls us to? Do we teach our children about sexual purity or warn them about the ways of the world? These and many other topics are addressed in this 14-sermon series by Rev. Eriks, based on the wisdom of Solomon found in Proverbs. This sermon on the teaching of our children to beware the path of the wicked is divided into these parts: 1. Exposing the Evil Way 2. Calling to Diligent Avoidance 3. Teaching the Grand Goal
  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour by Rev. C. Haak.

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