- Name The name of the committee governed by this constitution shall be the “Student Aid Committee of the Protestant Reformed Churches.”
- Purpose The purpose of this committee shall be to care for the distribution of funds from the Student Aid Fund of the Protestant Reformed Churches in accord with Article 19 of the Church Order.
- Constituency
The committee shall consist of five members appointed by the synod from the eastern branch of our churches.
- The length of each term shall be three years.
- The appointments shall be made to staggered terms.
- A president and secretary shall be chosen annually from the constituency of the committee.
- Functions
- The committee shall interview all applicants to the Student Aid Fund so as to determine the reality and extent of the students‘ needs.
- The committee shall have the power to decide on all applications for aid. Granting of aid and the determination of the amount shall be only by the affirmative vote of four of the five members of the committee. In case the committee cannot gain a four-fifths vote, the advice of the Theological School Committee shall be sought; and only if the Theological School Committee concurs shall aid then be granted.
- The committee shall make an annual report to synod of its activities, including a statement of the grants-in-aid allowed and its expected need for the coming year.
- The committee shall be empowered to investigate any possible misuse of the Student Aid Fund.
- The committee, after consultation with the Theological School Committee, shall have power to terminate the distribution of these funds should it be determined that any applicant is no longer conforming to the conditions of application cited under Article V below. This action shall be subject to the final determination of synod.
- The committee shall meet at least once a year. This meeting, together with the time and place and a notice that aid is available to qualified seminary students, shall be publicly announced.
- Applications (Limitations and Regulations)
- All applicants for aid from the Student Aid Fund must be enrolled in the Theological School of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America.
- Each applicant must give an estimated statement of his needs for the coming school year.
- Each applicant must agree to furnish to the committee and to synod all requested information concerning his financial needs and assets so long as he is receiving assistance from the fund.
- Each applicant shall sign an agreement:
- That he will repay in full whatever money he has received from the Student Aid Fund should he refuse to enter the service of our churches or transfer to another school or church prior to his installation as a minister.
- That he will submit himself to the decision of synod in case he must discontinue his studies for reason of illness or crippling disability.
- The maximum aid which may be granted to any student shall be determined annually by the synod upon the recommendation of the Student Aid Committee.
- Distribution from the Student Aid Fund is to be made directly by the synodical treasurer under the authorization and control of this committee.
- The activities of this committee are at all times to be kept confidential, and synodical treatment of particular cases is to be handled only in executive session.
Agreement Between Our Synod and Student Aid Fund Beneficiary
The undersigned hereby declares that, since synod has acted favorably upon his request for assistance from its Student Aid Fund so that he may continue his studies for the gospel ministry in our church, he agrees and solemnly promises:
- That he will repay in full whatever money he has received from the Student Aid Fund should he refuse to enter the service of our churches or transfer to another school or church prior to his installation as a minister.
- That he stands ready to explain to the committee any irregularities that may develop in his conduct, belief, or academic status.
- That he will submit himself to the decision of synod in case he must discontinue his studies for reasons of illness or crippling disability.
- That he will keep this agreement confidential.
Signature: ______________________________________
Date: _________________________
(Original to be retained by the committee.)
(Duplicate to be retained by student receiving aid.)
(Cf. Acts of Synod, 1959, Art. 121, Suppl. XXX, XXX-A; Acts of Synod, 1964, Arts. 98-105; Acts of Synod, 1974, Arts. 155-157, Suppl. XXX; Acts of Synod, 1980, Art. 44; Acts of Synod, 1984, Art. 38; Acts of Synod, 1991, Art. 40; Acts of Synod, 1993, Art. 31; Acts of Synod, 2002, Art. 49.)