Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines

PRCP Organization Banner 4 9 2014

Berean PRC, Antipolo City - Pastors: Rev. V. Ibe; Rev. L. Trinidad (emeritus)
Provident PRC - Pastor:

Berean PRC Newsletter - February 2022

Berean PRC newsletter header                                        


~ Meditation by Rev. Ibe                                            Page 1

~ Monthly Birthdays and Wedding Anniversary             Page 2

~ Getting to know our Church Family                          Page 3

~ Out of the Mouths of these Children                        Page 4

~ Kids’ Corner                                                          Page 5

~ Literary Section: Art Work, Poems                           Page 6

~ Daily Scripture Verses                                            Page 9

~ Announcement/ Pulpit Supply                                 Page 10

MEDITATION                                 Psalm 1


The whole first Psalm is a description of what God has done upon and in the heart and soul of a regenerated son/daughter of His by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hence, an introduction to the whole book of Psalms. In the Book of Psalms, we find the pilgrim’s journey and the diary of his/her walk with the Lord as he/she treads upon darkness in the world of sin and misery.

For that reason, we are told, that, The Law of God is his Light onto the path of glory. The daily struggles in life cannot surpass the joy that the Word of God brings to his heart and mind. And though the pilgrim’s place in the world is surrounded with “ungodly sinners whose mouth is full of bitterness, lies and mockery,” peace and comfort never leave him, for God is with him and always for him.

We have a clear picture, therefore, of what would be life is for the godly during and throughout their journey with God in this world. A life full of trials, temptations, enemies within and without the fold, and thus persecution for righteousness’ sake; and apart from the grace of God, he would never have continued in his journey by and in his own strength, for it will surely fail him!

We note further that the pilgrim is pronounced as “blessed” essentially not for his external deportment but for his inward affections upon God’s Law produced by the Holy Spirit which caused his abhorrence of evil and thus, of evil men. This is the outstanding character of one who is poor in spirit and yet so rich in Christ for all the blessings which flow from the cross of Jesus into his heart and soul.

Besides, the pilgrim’s bread and water are drawn out of the cisterns of God’s constant provision from His Word. He daily receives and meditates upon God’s Word with great delight, and thus always guided and guarded by it wherever and whatever life brings him!

Keep in mind too, that, the pilgrim’s hope [i.e., future expectation] is likewise grounded upon God’s Word. His eyes are fixed in the glory that awaits him when His Savior comes again to bring him Home! The ungodly are not so; for the Savior’s judgment is their lot against their wicked works when He returns.

The pilgrims, therefore, begins and ends his/her journey with the certainty of the fruit of God’s Word; sealed in his heart with the blood of the Lamb by the Spirit of the Savior onto glory everlasting, in the presence of the Almighty Triune God, for Christ’s sake alone and for the glory of God’s name alone! Amen.






     1-     Paul Benjamin Zuniega

     2-     Venus Figueroa (AGPRF)

     6-     Cris Espiritu

     11-   Melody Ibe

     15-   Jotham Luchico

     21-   Lea Trias

     26-   Peter Adrian Zuniega

      27-  Bheny Alarcon

Wedding anniversary:

      6-   Julius & Mari Arragona

       16- Argel & Emy Chua


We welcome in our congregation, Stefanie Buenaventura and her 2 daughters, Isla who is 11 years old and Sahara who is 4 years old. They are from Antipolo. Her husband Mark is an OFW. They used to be members of a Pentecostal/Charismatic church. By the grace of God, they were able to see the errors on the teachings and practices of that church and decided to leave. Although it was a painful decision for them, but they are full of hope that they could find another church. After months of searching or googling Stefanie found out about Berean Protestant Reformed Church. Upon knowing the address, she could not believe that it was near where she lives. They have been attending since October and it has been a joy for them. She is forever grateful to God for calling them out from a false church and to start anew. They are very much thankful for the warm welcome and they appreciate everything. God willing, Stefanie will join the Essential Class this coming month in preparation for her public confession of faith. While Isla has already started joining the Catechism Class where they are learning the Old Testament History. We pray that God will use these means for them to grow with us spiritually.



Jesus loves me because He made me and has every intention of me succeeding in becoming a living child of God.

– Charis, 11 years old

Jesus loves me because that's the truth of who He is, a joyful and eternal truth - Achaicus Zion Espiritu, 7yrs old, ?                                                                   

Jesus loves me because I am his child and I also love him because he made me and other people. Axcel Prosia, 12 years old

Jesus loves me because He is my Lord and I love Him with all my heart and He forgives all my sins. -Azaleia E. Prosia, 10 yrs old

Jesus loves me because I'm His child. And by His grace I will serve him. -Trixie Jean Luchico, 13 years old

Jesus loves me because I am His child and He loved me first before I’ve loved him and serve His name. - Jethro V. Luchico Age: 11 yrs. Old

Jesus loves me because He blessed me with wisdom. – Robert Sumalde, 9 years old

Jesus loves me because He gave me faith to become a believer of Jesus Christ. – Rihanna Eunice Zuniega, 7 years old

Jesus loves me because He saved me from all my sins and gave me faith. – James Daniel Zuniega, 10 years old

Jesus loves me because He saved me from my sin. Paul Benjamin Zuniega, 9 years old

Jesus loves me because He died on the cross for my sins so that I become His child. – Louvin Jedidiah Ibe, 9 years old

Jesus loves me because He gave me wisdom so I could love Him and worship Him. -Bryce Acerado, 7 years old

Jesus loves me because He saved me from my sins. – Antonielle Chua, 10 years old

Jesus loves me because He died for my sins. – Isla Faith Buenaventura, 11 years old

Jesus loves me because He has chosen me even before I was born to live and to serve Him, for His glory and for Jesus’ sake, and He shows it so by providing everything that I need in this life and the life to come. -Martyn Ibe, 12 yrs. Old

Jesus loves me because He died on the cross for my sins that I may be saved and live with Him forever in Heaven.  - Vernon Bien Ibe, 6 yrs. old

kids page



 (see the attched pdf)


art work LJIbe Feb 2022               


Jesus Loves Me


Jesus Loves me, this I know

From heaven above to here below

He sent His Son for Him to show

His love for me that overflows.

I am the apple of His eye

And I could tell you why

Not because of what I’ve done, no matter how I try

But at Calvary’s cross where He was crucified

Was indeed the proof that I am justified.

He has chosen me before the world began

He loves me beyond my life span.

Such an amazing love I can’t find from no one

But from God’s only begotten Son.


Thy Love


Thou hast loved me

Even though I’m a sinner,

Thou hast loves me

Though I can’t show the same,

Thou hast loved me

 though I disobeyed You and follow my way,

Thou hast loved me

Still, Thou didn’t turn away.

Thanks for Thy love

It’s a blessing from above,

Thanks for Thy love

It’s something, I can’t live without,

Thanks for Thy love

I wouldn’t fear nor doubt,

Thanks for Thou love

It’s a great thing to talk about.

Knowing Thee more and more

Is the desire of my soul,

More of Thee in my life

That others may see the light,

Knowing Thee for others to know Thee

And see Thy great love for me.


FEBRUARY                               2022

Daily Verses


“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.” 

                                                                                           1 John 4:7

















Psalm 5: 11

Matt. 22: 37

Prov. 8:17

John 13:35

Romans 5: 5





                               1 0



Micah 6: 8

John 15:9

Romans 8: 35

Psalm 145: 20

John 15: 13

Isaiah 38: 17

1 Thess. 3: 12








Jeremiah  31: 3

Eph. 5:33

Eph.     3: 19

1Tim. 1: 14

Heb. 10: 24

Romans 13: 10

James     1: 12








Psalm 116:1

Psalm 40: 16

Phil. 2:2

1 Peter 1:22

Psalm119: 165

2Tim. 4:8

Ephesians 5: 2








2Corinthians 8: 7

Rom. 12: 9








            We encourage everyone, especially the catechumens, to write articles, poems, and/or submit their artwork based on the monthly theme. Monthly theme are as follows:

            March- Mercy

            April- Death & Resurrection of Christ

            May- God’s Provision of Godly Mothers

            June- God’s Provision of Godly Fathers

            July- Joy

            August- Antithesis

            September- Comfort in Dying

            October- Reformation Day/ Faith

            November- Thankfulness

            December- Redemption

*Please submit articles, poems, artworks to Sis. Melody a week before the month ends or earlier.

*Children are encouraged to answer the Kid’s Page and submit it to Sis. Melody. You may screenshot it and edit it to solve the puzzle if you are unable to print it out. Then take a picture and send it to the messenger account of Sis. Melody Moyo-Ibe.

* You may also suggest a better name for our Monthly Newsletter. For now, it’s called Berean Page 


February 6- Rev. Smit

February. 13- Elders (Pastor has a week off)

February 20- Rev. Ibe

February 27- Rev. Ibe


Contact Committee Delegation in the Philippines - Update Dec.17, 2015

As the delegation of Profs. R. Cammenga and R. Dykstra continues their visit to and work in the Philippines on behalf of the PRC Committee for Contact with Other Churches, Rev.D.Kleyn posted on his blog Friday Dec.17 a summary of their work so far. The report contains many profitable pictures with descriptions of their labors.

Below is a glimpse at some of the visits and works done so far; visit the post to find the complete summary.

In response to a request from the PRCP (Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines), a delegation from the Contact Committee of the PRCA traveled to the Philippines in December 2015 to begin the work toward the goal of establishing a sister-church relationship between the PRCA and the PRCP.

ProfRC ProvCC Dec 2015 1

On Sunday, December 13, Prof. R.Cammenga preached in Provident Christian Church. Outside the church gate with Bro. Bien Montoya and his son BJ.
ProfRC ProvCC Dec 2015 2
Just before the worship service.
ProfRD BereanPRC Dec 2015
Meanwhile Prof. R.Dykstra was preaching at the Berean PRC and having lunch with the saints there.  After lunch we and some of the members of Provident joined him at the Berean church for a speech on Christian Education.
On Tuesday, instead of the regular 7M meeting each professor gave a lecture on a special topic, with other men invited to attend (in addition to the pastors who regularly attend 7M).
ProfRD 7M Dec2015
Prof. R.Dykstra spoke on Old Testament Types.
ProfRC 7M Dec 2015
Prof. R.Cammenga spoke on the Assurance of Salvation.

Classis Meeting, October 31, 2015 - PRC in the Philippines

The Classis of the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines met on Saturday, October 31.

Classis of PRCP Oct 2015 1

One of the main items on the agenda for the classis was the consideration of a request from the Maranatha Protestant Reformed congregation (Valenzuela, Metro Manila) to join the federation with the Berean PRC (Masinag, Metro Manila) and the First PRC (Muzon, Bulacan).

Rev.Daniel Kleyn, PRC missionary-pastor to the Philippines, has posted a report with pictures on his blog about this meeting and its work. You are encouraged to visit that post, but we may also provide this summary from that report.

One of the main items on the agenda was the request of Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela to join the Federation of the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines.  There have been many meetings and months of preparation to determine if we were one in doctrine and faith.  Our Protestant Reformed missionaries (especially Rev. R. Smit) have also labored for many years in this congregation.  We now report with joy, and with thanks to the Lord, that Classis voted unanimously to receive MPRC into the federation.

Classis of PRCP Oct 2015 2
The delegates with the pastor and elder of Maranatha PRC.

 Left to right: Rev. John Flores, Elder Sonny Umali, Elder Eric Mescallado, Elder Rod Bongat, Rev. Daniel Kleyn, Rev. Vernon Ibe, Rev. Leovy Trinidad, Elder Ronald Mercado, Elder Alvin Castillo.

Classis of the PRC in the Philippines - Meeting of June 12, 2015

Classis of PRCP 12

Elder Sonny Umali (stated clerk), Elder Eric Mescallado, Rev. Kleyn, Rev. V.Ibe, Rev. J.Flores, Elder Reden Zuniega, Deacon Eric Castano, Deacon Buboy Prosia

From our missionary in the Philippines comes this report on the recent Classis meeting of the PRC in the Philippines. We thank him for this update and for the pictures.

The Classis of the PRC in the Philippines met on Friday, June 12, 2015.  The meeting was held in the PRC in Bulacan.  This was the 5th meeting since the denomination's formation in 2014.  Rev. Flores led in opening devotions, and then Rev. Ibe chaired the meeting. 

The business of Classis was mostly routine (reports of standing committees, church visitors, clerk, treasurer, etc.) and Classis was able to finish its work by noon. 

The main actions were that Classis (1) adopted a constitution for Emeritus work, (2) adopted a constitution for Translation work, and (3) mandated its standing committee which is responsible, among other things, for contact with other churches to correspond with the Contact Committee of the PRCA with a view to establishing a sister church relationship.  It is encouraging to know of the PRCP's desire to work toward such a relationship.  We trust the standing committee is able to meet sometime in the near future to get that ball rolling. 

The next meeting of the Classis is scheduled for Saturday, October 31 in the Berean PRC.

Classis of PRCP 2

For more pictures from this meeting, visit Rev.D.Kleyn's blog.


PRC Classis Meeting in the Philippines - Feb.25, 2015 - Update: Report & Pics

Berean PRC New worship place 2014From the February 22, 2015 bulletin of the Provident Christian Church (Marikina, the Philippines), where missionary-pastor D.Kleyn preached this past Sunday,  we learn the following:

The regular Classis Meeting of the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines (which meets 3 times a year) is scheduled for this week  Wednesday, February 25, beginning at 9:00 a.m., in the church building of the Berean PRC in Greenheights Subdivision, Mayamot, Antipolo. All are welcome to attend and observe the meeting.

Let's be sure to pray for the delegates as they conduct the business of the churches together in that part of the world.

Also, this note was placed in the same bulletin:

Next Sunday, Lord willing, Rev. R. Smit will be preaching for us. That will be his and his family’s last Sunday with us here in PCC.

Let's also be in prayer for the Smits as they conclude their life and labors in the Philippines and prepare to come to First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI where Rev.Smit recently accepted a call to serve as pastor.

Update: Rev.D.Kleyn sent this summary of the meeting and a few pictures, which we now add here.

The meeting was held yesterday (February 25) in the church building of the Berean PRC in Mayamot, Antipolo. Rev.D.Kleyn (who served as president of the previous classis) opened the meeting by leading the classis in devotions and a meditation on Psalm 87:2. Then Rev. Flores, by rotation, chaired the meeting of Classis. 

PRCP Classis Feb 2015 1

In addition to receiving reports from the clerk and treasurer and approving their work, the Classis received and treated reports from its two standing committees. The main content of these reports was that each committee presented constitutions to classis for its respective duties - i.e., constitutions for Contact Committee, Finance Committee, Seminary Student Training, etc. 

The Classis also treated and approved the procedure that is to be used when churches request membership in the PRCP.  The classis then gave its approval for one of the standing committees to implement this procedure in treating the request of Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela to join the federation. 

The classis began at 9:00 am and finished at approximately 1:00 pm. 

This was the last classis meeting that Rev.R.Smit will attend, and he bade farewell to the classis and led in the closing prayer.  As many of the men of Classis mentioned, he will certainly be missed.

RSmit bids farewell 2 classis Feb 2015

The next classis meeting is scheduled for June 12, the Lord willing, and will be hosted by the PRC in Bulacan.


Berean PRC Sponsors "Solas of the Reformation" Conference December 30 - Updates Added!

The Berean PRC in Antipolo City, the Philippines plans to hold a Reformed Theology Conference this Tuesday, Dec. 30 at the Bantayog Memorial Center in Quezon City from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Prof. David J. Engelsma (emeritus professor, PRC Seminary) will speak on the theme, “The Five Solas Of The Reformation.” Cost is P 150 per person. To reserve a spot, please contact Elder Rod Bongat at 0925-516-6424.

BPRC Conference Dec 2014

The Engelsmas arrived safely in the Philippines last night (Saturday, Dec.27) and Prof.Engelsma is preaching today in the Berean PRC.

*Update: On January 3, 2015 the Kleyns did a special post on their blog on the conference, with many pictures. You are encouraged to visit that post at the link provided here. Here are two pictures from that collection:

Prof.D.Engelsma with Pastors V.Ibe and J.Flores

Dec 2014 BPRC Conference 1

Group Picture:

Dec 2014 BPRC Conference 2

Further update: On January 9, 2015 Rev.D.Kleyn did a special post on the book selling part of the conference - exciting news! Here is a short note from that post along with a picture of Prof.D.Engelsma signing books:

In all we sold 270 books, more than double last year's sales! Thanks to the congregations of the PRC for the collections that make the sale and purchase of these books affordable!
I also promised an explanation of why Prof. Engelsma, the featured speaker at the conference, was not on the group picture. The reason was that many people wanted their books autographed by the author. :-)
2014 Sola Conference DJE signing books
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