The Right Choice

Monday the 22nd of July

in Meditations I

Psalm 119:71-72

    If you had to choose between becoming a millionaire tomorrow, or continue the rest of your life as you are, and then when you die enter at once into heavenly glory, what would you choose? If you chose the latter, why did you do so? What do you consider heavenly glory to be, that makes you turn down a million dollars of silver and gold? Is it because you say with the psalmist what we read in Psalm 119:71,72? He wrote, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy statutes. The law of Thy mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and of silver."

    The point is that in heaven we will know the law of God's mouth, the statutes which He designed and decreed for us to keep. So the question is: "Do you consider it heavenly to be so completely freed from sin that a sinful thought and desire never arises in your heart and mind? Or is heaven your desire first and only because you want to get rid of all the afflictions and miseries of your flesh?"

    The psalmist had already confessed that God is good and doeth good, and that God had dealt well with him in sending him afflictions. Can you sincerely sing these words of our versification (PRC Psalter)?

    Affliction has been for my profit
    That I to Thy statutes might hold;
    Thy law to my soul is more precious
    Than thousands of silver and gold.

    This expresses a basic truth which we must have in mind before we think of or speak of heaven. It also makes the cross of Christ so meaningful and valuable. Christ died not merely to remove the curse from off us, but to bring us out from under the power of sin. He loves us, but He also loves God. And He came and died for us that He might make us love God as completely as He does.

    Look deeply then into your soul to see whether that is the kind of heaven that you want to enter. And pray to God that He will already in this life teach you how to live in that law, so that you may walk in love to Him no matter what an afflicted life you may have here on this earth.

Read: Hebrews 12:1-13 
Psalter versification: #329:4

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter #420
Why not sing along??


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
2 Chronicles 6:12-42 ;   2 Chronicles 7 ; 2 Chronicles 8:1-10 
Romans 7:14-25;   Romans 8:1-8 
Psalm 18:1-15 
Proverbs 19:24-25 
Quote for Reflection:

Antichrist, with all his murderous agents, leaves in peace those who by their treacherous silence deny Christ, and are prepared to embrace as slaves every kind of impiety; neither does he exercise his cruelty, insatiable though it be, where he sees no manliness to exist; and he exults and triumphs, as if his end was gained, when he perceives any who had some courage in professing their faith fallen into effeminacy and cowardice. But how much better is it for us to die an hundred times, retaining our manly firmness in death, than to redeem our life for the base service of the devil.  John Calvin

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