Church Government


The PRC Synod is the broadest church assembly or gathering, made up of 20 delegates, 5 ministers and 5 elders from each Classis (of which there are two in the PRC). It meets annually during the second week of June to treat the ecclesiastical matters of the denomination (Missions, Seminary, etc.) and whatever matters have been brought from the narrower assemblies, viz., the Consistories and the Classes. The decisions of this body are published in the annual "Acts of Synod".

PRC Synod 2024 - Day 7, Thursday - June 20, 2024

Trinity PRC front a

The 2024 PRC Synod will return to its work this morning at 8 a.m. in the fellowship area of Trinity PRC after its recess yesterday. It will begin deliberating on the advice of Committee IV, dealing with the third-party investigation into sexual abuse in the PRC and various protests. Synod also has some financial matters from Committee V to treat.

May the Lord again guide the delegates and advisors by His Spirit and grace. Be in prayer for the body today. 


UPDATE: Synod finished its work this afternoon about 2 p.m. See the final report below.


Final Report of the 2024 Synod of the PRCA 

Today synod treated a majority report and a minority report on six protests against a decision of Synod 2023 to hire Guidepost Solutions to investigate sexual abuse in the Protestant Reformed Churches of America. Both reports were read. After deliberation on the majority report, Synod decided to approve its recommendation to “sustain the protests and declare that Synod 2023 erred by authorizing a secular organization to assist Christ’s church in an ecclesiastical work (investigating sin) that belongs exclusively to the church” on three grounds: 
1. Synod 2023’s grounds for hiring a secular organization were flawed in two respects.
a. First, no ground used scriptural principles to demonstrate that consistories are permitted to use a secular organization to help them investigate cases of sin (Agenda pp. 488, 495, 504, 507). Such clear demonstration is necessary when taking action that is weighty, controversial, and unprecedented.
b. Second, no ground used church-political principles to demonstrate that consistories are permitted to use a secular organization to help them investigate cases of sin (Agenda pp. 487, 504). Particularly this is true of synod’s third ground. Such clear demonstration is necessary when taking action that is weighty, controversial, and unprecedented.
2. Synod’s decision to authorize a secular organization to assist Christ’s church in an ecclesiastical work conflicts with Reformed ecclesiology.
3. Synod 2023’s decision conflicts with the Bible’s teaching that the church, in carrying out her calling, must consciously depend on God for His help, may turn to others within the church for their help, but may not turn to a secular organization for help in investigating cases of sin. As was pointed out in the protests, “the church of Jesus Christ is spiritually distinct in character from that of a secular organization.”
Synod’s decision did NOT declare the decision of 2023 erred in seeking to combat the sin of the sexual abuse of minors by using a third party to assist the PRCA in discovering the extent of the sin within the PRCA. The decision also did NOT declare the decision of 2023 erred in judging that the PRCA needed assistance from an independent third-party to help PRCA examine itself for the purpose of identifying and seeking to overcome woeful weaknesses and failures in addressing the sin of abuse. While synod declared it erred in hiring a secular organization to do church work, the proper perspective is that the focus must be on the much more serious matters of combatting the heinous sin and crime of child sexual abuse and of acknowledging and seeking to overcome the devastating sin of the improper response to child sexual abuse by consistories. 
Synod also treated recommendations regarding the work of the Ad Hoc committee that Synod 2023 appointed to work with Guidepost. Synod thanked the committee for its labors and disbanded the committee. Synod appointed a new special committee to “To review the minutes and supplements of the Ad Hoc Committee; to evaluate Guidepost’s final assessment report as well as its methodology; to report to synod 2025.” Synod also mandated that the committee work with Guidepost to publish their assessment report as soon as possible (the report belongs to Guidepost and cannot be published without prior written permission). 
Perhaps the newly appointed committee or others in the denomination will draw up proposals for using an appropriate organization that belongs to the church organic to investigate the sin of sexual abuse in the PRCA, even though this was not mandated by synod.  
Synod adopted a recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee to “remind consistories that they represent Christ and answer to Him, for which reason they must continue in the work of rooting out the evil of sexual abuse from our churches by doing due diligence in the thorough investigation of each abuse case reported to them, by decisive implementation of church discipline for the genuine repentance of the perpetrator, by compassionate care for each victim, and by diligent protection of the members of the congregations.” 
Synod approved expenses for the meeting totaling $13,727.93. 
After synod adjourned, Rev. Bill Langerak, chairman of this year’s meeting, closed with prayer. 
For Synod 2024, 
Rev. C. Spronk, 2nd Clerk
Let's not forget the people who worked behind the scenes at synod, and without which it would not function very well.
Trinity catering ladies
Thank you kitchen catering ladies and helpers! Great job preparing and serving snacks and lunches!
Peter H sound guy
Phil VB sound recording
The sound and technology men - Peter Hanemeyer and Phil Van Baren!
D Mingerink PRC stated clerk
PRC Stated clerk, Doug Mingerink, ready with resources for the delegates.
And photographer John Van Baren - thank you for all the great pictures!

PRC Synod 2024 - Day 6, Tuesday - June 18, 2024

TrinityPRC new sanctuary 2018

Synod Day Six Report

Today Committee 3 presented its advice for treating several appeals to Synod having to do with doctrinal issues.

The first recommendation of the committee advised synod not to sustain three appellants. Classis East ruled in February of 2024 that the Consistory of Grandville PRC “erred when they made a judgment that Rev. Ken Koole was guilty of the public sin of teaching false doctrine without proving this from Scripture or the Confessions.” The three appellants asked synod to overturn this decision of Classis East. On the basis of two grounds synod approved the advice of Committee 3 not to sustain the appellants and to uphold the decision of Classis East. Ground 2 succinctly states, “None of the appellants have proved that Grandville’s original decision of April 22, 2021 was carefully grounded in Scripture and the confessions.”

The second recommendation of Committee 3 advised synod to sustain an appeal of Grandville PRC’s Consistory against a decision of Classis East. Grandville contended that Classis East did not give a proper ruling on a statement quoted and explained by Rev. Koole, namely,“Scripture teaches that something must be done that we may be saved.” Synod decided to adopt the advice the committee and made the judgment that the statement “a)…is erroneouswhen referring to our good works, and b) Rev. Koole’s explanation and use of [the statement] was erroneous” on two grounds.

The third recommendation of Committee 3 advised synod to sustain an appeal of Grandville’s Consistory against a decision of Classis East regarding a second statement quoted and explained by Rev. Koole, namely, “We must accurately distinguish between a right to life and the possession of life. The former must be assigned to the obedience of Christ, that all the values of our holiness may be entirely excluded. But certainly, our works, or rather these, which the Spirit of Christ worketh in us, and by us, contribute something to the latter.” Synod also approved this recommendation making the judgment that “a) Statement #2 is erroneous, and b) Rev. Koole’s promotion of the statement was erroneous” on two grounds.

The fourth recommendation of Committee 3 advised synod not to sustain an appeal of Grandville’s consistory against the decision of Classis East regarding a third statement quoted and explained by Rev. Koole, namely, “Hence, I conclude, that sanctification and its effects, are by no means to be slighted, when we treat of assuring the soul as to its justification.” Synod approved the recommendation and made the judgment that “a) this statement, although not a clear statement of orthodoxy, is not erroneous, and b) Rev. Koole’s explanation and use of the statement were not in conflict with Scripture, the confessions, and Synod 2018” on the basis of two grounds.

The fifth and final recommendation of Committee 3 advised synod to sustain Grandville Consistory’s appeal against a decision of Classis East advising the consistory “to publicly retract its decision to charge Rev. Koole with the public sin of teaching false doctrine.” Synod adopted the recommendation to sustain Grandville Consistory, which means that the consistory does not have to retract publicly its decision. The two grounds were adopted by synod with a lengthy section of explanation that is not copied here for the sake of space but should be carefully read when the Acts of Synod 2024 are published. The important points to be noted include 1) it was proper for the consistory to require of Rev. Koole a public apology for publicly teacher error, 2) there is no evidence that Rev. Koole deliberately or purposely was seeking to teach contrary to the Scriptures and the Reformed Confessions, and 3) Grandville’s Consistory never sought to use Articles 79 and 80 of the Church order to charge Rev. Koole with deliberately and persistently teaching contrary to Scripture and the Reformed confessions.

overhead view synod

After concluding the advice of Committee 3 synod treated advice from Committee 2 that had been recommitted for reformulation. Synod adopted the recommendation of the committee to provide financial assistance to the Berean PRCP for a downpayment for a parsonage for the congregation.

Synod also adopted a recommendation from Committee 2 to provide each family in the PRCA with a total of three copies of the revised Psalter (earlier synod decided to provide each family with 1 copy and decided on 2 more copies today).

Professor Doug Kuiper read to synod a letter accepting its appointment for permanent tenure as Professor of Church History and New Testament in our seminary.

Synod ended the day by treating a number of recommendations from Committee 5. Some highlights:

1. Approved emeritation requests for retired ministers and their wives.
2. Approved of subsidy for 6 needy churches for 2025.
3. Adopted a budget for 2025. The total of budgeted expenses is $2,911,326. The synodical assessment per family in 2025 was set for $600, the same as in 2024. Note: the estimated number of families used for these assessments in 2025 was 2,100.
4. Appointed Faith PRC as the host of Synod 2025 to convene on Tuesday, June 10, 2025 at 8:00am. Faith looks forward to hosting synod for the examination of Seminarian Aaron VanDyke, a member of Faith!

Synod is in recess until 8:00 am on Thursday. Committee 4 will be working until then to prepare advice on the six protests of the decision of Synod 2023 to approve the hiring of a third-party organization to investigate sexual abuse within the PRCA.

I should have mentioned this earlier, but it must be said that Trinity PRC, the custodians and kitchen committee especially, has done an amazing job hosting the sessions of synod.

Please continue to pray for the delegates and the work of synod.

For Synod 2024,

Rev. C. Spronk, 2nd Clerk

And a lighter moment of synod. Rev. W. Langerak, president of Synod 2024, with a special cup.

WLangerak cup

PRC Synod 2024 - Day 5, Monday - June 17, 2024

Trinity PRC front a

On Monday, June 17, 2024, the PRC Synod returned for another session beginning at 8 a.m. They met for the morning, covering material from Committee II on the Foreign Mission Committee before turning to the material from Committee IV on the third-party investigation and the protests related to it. Some of the advice was recommitted to that committee, and at that point synod decided to recess until Tueasday morning to allow Committees III and IV time to bring advice.

Synod plans to resume work at 8 a.m. Tuesday morning.


Synod Day Five Report

Synod began its day by adopting various guidelines for giving financial assistance in foreign lands.

Synod took a noteworthy decision to declare Prof. Ronald Cammenga emeritus (retired) and expressed appreciation to Prof. Cammenga for his 45 years of faithful service as a minister of the Word and sacraments in our churches, 20 of these years as a professor in our seminary. We pray that God bless Prof. and Rhonda Cammenga as they continue in a different station to serve the kingdom of God.

Synod approved significant revisions to the catechism material for the Juniors (4th and 5th graders) curriculum.

Synod sent the material of the six protests regarding the hiring of third-party to investigate sexual abuse in the PRCA back to the committee of pre-advice to provide reformulated advice.

Synod approved of the work of a special committee that is working on an abuse manual that is intended to provide guidelines for the churches and encouraged the committee to continue its work.

Synod recessed in order to give committee III (appeals regarding doctrine) and Committee IV (protests regarding the third-party investigation) time to work.

Synod will begin its work on Tuesday, June 18, at 8:00am by treating the material of Committee III

For Synod 2024
Rev. C. Spronk, 2nd Clerk

PRC Synod 2024 - Day 4, Friday - June 14, 2024

Trinity PRC front a

Day Four of the 2024 PRC Synod

After celebrating a wonderful seminary commencement last evening (see day 3's news post and report), the delegates to the 2024 PRC Synod will dig back into its regular work this Friday morning. The material of Committees I and II are being treated.

Yesterday, synod photographer John Van Baren took some 'official' pictures of the body and its committees (see below). Look for more updates later!

 Synod delegates advisors 1a

Committee I: Prof. Cammenga, Rev. Decker, Rev. Smit, Elder A. Miersma, Elder S. Kuiper

Comm 1a

Committee II: Elder D. Bruinsma, Rev. Mahtani, Prof. Gritters, Rev. Barnhill, Elder J. Lubbers

Comm 2a

Committee III: Prof. Huizinga, Prof. Griess, Elder J. Krosschell, Rev. D. Holstege, Elder R. Gritters, Rev. Engelsma


Committee IV: Prof. Kuiper, Rev. D. Kleyn, Elder B. Worries, Elder J. Hoekstra, Rev Spronk


Committee V: Elder R. Brands, Rev. W. Langerak, Rev. A. Brummel, Elder J. Van Baren


Special sister-church delegates: Elder Tang, Covenant ERC-Singapore; Rev. V. Ibe, PRC-Philippines

sister church delegates Tang Ibea

Also present is Dr. J. Klautke from the BERG in Giessen, Germany

J Klautke BERG address


Report of Day 4, June 14, 2024

Synod of the PRCA

Today synod treated reports from the Student Aid Committee, the Catechism Book Committee, the 100th Anniversary Committee (Mark June 2-6, 2025 on your calendars!), Synodical Deputies, the Contact Committee, the Foreign Mission Committee, and the Psalter Revision Committee. To read of all the details you will have to await the Acts of Synod. In this report we take note of three important decisions and two significant moments from today’s deliberations.

Important Decisions:

1. Members of the PRCA will especially be interested to know that synod voted in favor of the following motion: “That Synod adopt the revised Psalter, as proposed, for worship and general use in the churches of the PRCA, and encourage the churches to use it, but allow the freedom to choose one of three options: to use the revised Psalter exclusively, the existing Psalter exclusively, or a combination of both.” Synod also decided to supply one copy of the revised Psalter free to each household in the PRCA.

2. Synod decided to approve the recommendation of the Contact Committee to establish a Corresponding Relationship with the BERG (a congregation in Giessen, Germany). For more information about a corresponding relationship see: committee-constitutions/contact-with-other-churches. We rejoice in the formal relationship that has been established in which we express oneness with, and love and support for, fellow believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. May God richly bless the members of the BERG.
 3. Synod also decided to approve the recommendation of the Contact Committee to appoint Byron Center PRC to call a minister-on-loan to serve in the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines (PRCP). The need for ministers is great within the PRCA and well as the PRCP. May God hear our prayer for more men for the ministry!

Significant Moments:

1. Elder Tang Yoon Chuan (see photo below), present at synod as an elder from the Covenant Evangelical Church in Singapore, addressed synod by reading letter a letter of greeting from the CERCS and by reading a letter from the congregation in honor of the memory of Prof. Herman Hanko, who was taken to glory earlier this year.
Elder Tang CERC address

2. Pastor Vernon Ibe (see photo below), present at synod on behalf of the PRCP, also read a letter of greetings expressing love and thanks for the Protestant Reformed Churches. 
VIbe address PRCP

It has been a joy for the delegates of synod to pray, worship, and fellowship with these two brothers during the past week. They are leaving for their homes and will not be at the meetings next week. We wish the brothers safe travels and pray fervently for God’s blessings upon them and the congregations that they represent. How precious is the unity of the universal church of Jesus Christ!
synod at work 2

Yes, you read that right, synod did not conclude its business today and will meet next week. 

Some committees will be working tonight and tomorrow. We will all take a day to rest and worship on the Sabbath Day. We will reconvene Monday morning at 8:00am.

For Synod 2024,

Rev. C. Spronk, Second Clerk

PRC Synod 2024 - Day 3, Thursday - June 13, 2024

TrinityPRC new sanctuary 2018

Day Three of the 2024 PRC Synod

The PRC Synod will begin its Thursday morning session at 8 a.m. in Trinity PRC (Hudsonville, MI). After opening devotions, the seminary professors and delegates will continue with the oral examination of Sem. Arend Haveman.

Arend H exam 1

The exam will begin with questions on Church Polity by Prof. B. Gritters (45 mins), followed by Church History by Prof. D. Kuiper (45 mins), OT History by Prof. B. Huizinga (45 mins), NT History by Prof. R. Cammenga (45 mins) and, finally, Practica by Rev. W. Langerak (20 mins). The livestream of this examination may be found here on Trinity PRC's Sermonaudio channel.

May the Lord grant grace to the brother for this final part of his examination. 

BGritters exam CP
Prof. B. Gritters examining Sem. A. Haveman in church polity.

DK exam CH
Prof. D. Kuiper examining Sem. A. Haveman in church history.

Prof BH exam OTH

Prof. B. Huizinga examining in OT History.

Prof RC NTH exam final time

Prof. R. Cammenga examining in NT History for the final time.

RevBL exam practica
Rev. W. Langerak examining Arend H. in Practica (practical matters relating to the ministry)

*UPDATE: Synod has unanimously approved all aspects of Arend Haveman's examination and declared him a candidate for the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC, eleigible for a call on or after July 13. We praise God for upholding the brother and enabling him to give a good testimony of his readiness for the work of a pastor. Now may the Lord soon provide a call and place of labor for him in the churches. Great is the goodness and faithfulness of our God! 

WLangerak announcement ArendH

Rev. W. Langerak (Arend's pastor) announcing the decision of Synod 2024 to approve his examination and declare hima candidate for the ministry in the PRC and her sister churches.

delegates congratulate AH

Synod's delegates, family, and friends congratulating Arend H.

The PR Theological Seminary commencement program for Arend will be held this evening in Trinity PRC beginning at 7:30 p.m. Prof. B. Huizinga will give the address on "The Minister's Fixed Heart." All are invited to attend in person or online through Trinity's livestream. Refreshments and fellowship will be enjoyed afterward.

Here are a few photos from the seminary commencement program (thanks to John Van Baren!):

Prof BH sem gradProf. B. Huizinga giving commencement address

Arend H diploma RC GECandidate A. Haveman receiving his diploma

crowd congrats sem gradSome of the crowd congratulating Cand. A. Haveman


Report of Synod of the PRCA

Day 3, June 13, 2024

This morning synod concluded the examination of Seminarian Arend Haveman. He answered questions about Church Polity, Church History, Old Testament History, New Testament History, and on more personal matters in an exam section called Practica. At the conclusion of the exam synod met in closed session and unanimously approved the exam and declared brother Haveman a Candidate for the Ministry of the Word and Sacraments in the PRCA. He is eligible for a call on or after July 13, 2024. When he receives a call, he will have six weeks to consider it before answering. We thank God for gifting our churches with another man for the ministry of the word. 
Synod began the afternoon session by considering matters pertaining to the work of the Domestic Mission Committee (DMC). Synod expressed thanks to Rev. Jim Laning and his wife Margaret for their work in bringing the gospel to places in the USA and in Europe. Synod approved the work the DMC is doing to redesign the website (, to develop a concrete field for the labor’s of Rev. Laning, to expand the use of radio for spreading the word of God,
and to develop a mission manual for use in our churches.

Synod continued in session to consider the report of the Theological School Committee (TSC). Highlights include:
-ATTENTION PLEASE: I was asked by a member of the 100th anniversary committee to highlight this part of the report: “Archives: For 2023, about 30 boxes of archived materials were added from a variety of PRCA sources. With the PRCA’s 100th anniversary to be celebrated next year (2025) and a significant book to be published by a special committee, the archivist is looking for any sized donations of historical documents, pictures, memorabilia, and recordings to preserve and promote PRC history. This includes denominational, congregational, organizational, and family/personal materials.”
-Students enrolled for the 2023-2024 school year included fourth-year student Arend Haveman, third-year student Aaron VanDyke (scheduled to begin an internship in Wingham, Ontario on July 1), second-year student Bruce Feenstra, and first-year student Isaac VanBaren.
-Joe Ophoff was approved by synod for admission to the seminary for the fall semester of 2024.
-Prof. Doug Kuiper was granted tenure as Professor of Church History and New Testament Studies.
-Prof. Barry Gritters was approved for teaching another year at the seminary as his teaching duties continue to be transitioned to Professor Cory Griess.
-Prof. Ronald Cammenga completed his final year as Professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament Studies after 20 years of faithful labors in our seminary. The transition from Professor Cammenga to Professor Huizinga is now complete.
-Synod expressed appreciation to Professors R. Cammenga, C. Griess, B. Gritters, B. Huizinga, and D. Kuiper, as well as to Mr. Charles Terpstra, Miss Valerie Kleyn, and Mrs. Bethany Engelsma, and the TSC for their faithful work on behalf of the churches in the seminary.

Synod also treated one part of the Contact Committee’s report, namely, a proposal to establish a Corresponding Relationship with the BERG. The BERG is well known to many members of the PRCA, but for those who do not know, it is a German congregation whose name translates in English to Confessing Protestant Reformed Congregation. In the PRCA a Corresponding Relationship is a formal relationship that is established by the PRCA with another church where there is significant disagreement that precludes the establishment of the closest formal relationship, a Sister Church relationship, but there is also widespread agreement that warrants establishing a formal/official relationship. The committee of pre-advice proposed postponing the establishment of the Corresponding Relationship between the PRCA and the BERG. This recommendation was voted down by synod. The committee of pre-advice will formulate a new recommendation for synod to treat either tomorrow or sometime next week.

Synod recessed for the day a little after 5:00pm so that the delegates could attend the graduation ceremony for Candidate Haveman at 7:30pm. Hopefully you were able to attend or tune into the graduation.

For Synod 2024,
Rev. C. Spronk, Second Clerk

PRC Synod 2024 - Day 2, Wednesday - June 12, 2024

TrinityPRC new sanctuary 2018

Day Two of the 2024 PRC Synod

The PRC Synod will begin its morning session at 8 a.m. in Trinity PRC (Hudsonville, MI). After opening devotions, the delegates will proceed with the oral examination of Sem. Arend Haveman.

The exam will begin with questions on Introduction to Reformed Dogmatics (20 minutes) and the six loci of Reformed Dogmatics by Prof. R. Cammenga (30 minutes each). The rest of the exam will resume Thursday morning. 

May the Lord uphold the brother during this important part of his goal to candidacy in the PRC.

AHaveman exam RC
Prof. R. Cammenga (for his final time) examining Sem. A. Haveman in dogmatics.

The livestream of this examination may be found here on Trinity PRC's Sermonaudio channel.

UPDATE: 11:45 a.m. - Synod is now recessing until 1 p.m. Following lunch she will take up her business, considering advice from some of her committees. 

delegates singingProf Kuiper technician

Delegates standing to sing for devotions this morning; Prof. D. Kuiper, synodical technician (?!) laying it all out on the line

Day Two Report of Synod 2024

Synod spent this morning, June 12, 2024, listening to the oral examination of Seminarian Arend Haveman. Prof. Cammenga asked him questions for 20 minutes on Introduction to Dogmatics. He also asked him questions for 30 minutes each on the doctrine of God, of man, of Christ, of salvation, of the church, and of the end times.

After lunch synod met briefly to consider the legality of four appeals. The four appeals contend against decisions of Classis East made in January/February 2024 that originated out of statements quoted and explained in Standard Bearer articles. Classis ruled that one of the appeals was legally before classis in total. Some portions of the other appeals were declared legally before synod and other portions illegal.

Synod also declared six protests of the decision of Synod 2023 to use a third party organization named Guidepost Solutions to investigate sexual abuse in the PRCA to be legally before it.

Synod recessed after treating these legality issues to allow the committees to continue their work.

For Synod 2024,
Rev. C. Spronk, 2nd Clerk

Comm 2 at workComm 4 at work

Committees II (top) and III (bottom) at work this afternoon

PRC Synod 2024 - Day 1, Tuesday - June 11, 2024

TrinityPRC new sanctuary 2018

Last evening the presynodical service for the 2024 PRC Synod was held at Trinity PRC (Hudsonville, MI). Rev. G. Eriks led the service, having served as president of the 2023 PRC Synod. (See photos below) You may find his sermon posted here, "Walking in the Wisdom from Above."

Rev GEriks presynodicalcrowd Trinity PRC presynodical

Today the 2024 PRC Synod officially convenes and begins its sessions, appointing officers and approving committee assignments. Following that, synod will proceed with the examination of Seminarian Arend Haveman, who will deliver his specimen sermon before the body beginning around 10 a.m. (photo below).

AHaveman sermon

Synod will then turn to its work, allowing committees to begin preparing advice on the matters assigned to them. The five professors from the PR Theological Seminary also serve as advisors to the five committees appointed.

Pray for the delegates, the officers, and for Sem. Haveman, that they may have grace to do their tasks in faithfulness to the Lord and His Word.

Officers of the 2024 PRC Synod: President: Rev. W. Langerak; VP: Rev. R. Smit; 1st Clerk: Rev. J. Engelsma; 2nd Clerk: Rev. C. Spronk

delegates assentsynod at table 1
Above left - delegates arise to assent to the Formula of Subscription; right - synod at work 
The Committee assignments may be found below.
Comm Comm image
Agenda synod 2024 cover
Day One Report from the second clerk:
Last night Rev. Garry Eriks, president of synod 2023, led the pre-synodical service at Trinity PRC, bringing the word of God from James 3:13-18. This morning he led in opening devotions as synod convened at 8:00am in the fellowship hall of Trinity. He declared synod properly constituted after the credentials of the twenty delegates (ten each from Classis East and Classis West) were read and approved by synod. Also present today were five professors who serve as advisors at synod, and two representatives from sister churches, Rev. Vernon Ibe (from the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines) and Elder Tang Yoon Chuan (from Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore).
Elected as the officers of Synod 2024 were: President, Rev. Bill Langerak; Vice President, Rev.Richard Smit; First Clerk, Rev. Joshua Engelsma; Second Clerk Rev. Clay Spronk.
Chairman Langerak appointed a committee of committees to assign the delegates to fivecommittees of pre-advice (see attached document for the committee assignments).
Synod approved an examination schedule for the exam of Senior Seminarian Arend Haveman. Brother Haveman delivered a specimen sermon on Matt. 11:28-30. Synod adopted a recommendation to approve the brother’s sermon and to proceed to his oral examination. We are thankful for the brother’s ability to declare the gospel of Jesus Christ and pray that God will equip him for the rest of the examination. The oral examination on dogmatics will take place tomorrow beginning a little after 8:00am.
Around 11:00am synod recessed for the day to allow the committee’s of pre-advice to begin theirwork.
For Synod 2024,
Rev. C. Spronk, Second Clerk

PRC Synod 2023 - Day 5 - Monday, June 19


The PRC Synod of 2023 met at Southwest PRC (Wyoming, MI) for a fifth day this Monday, June 19.

Below is the report of the second clerk of synod, and attached is the specific decision of synod with regard to a third-party investigation (in your browser click on the title to this news post and it will take you to the attachment download at the bottom of that specific page).

Day 5 Report

The first matter synod treated today was a recommendation to express sorrow to females abused by a former pastor in the denomination. A letter was adopted to be distributed through each consistory of the PRCA to the congregations. The letter expresses sorrow that the former pastor, representing the church in his work, used his position to abuse sheep and cause them great anguish. It also acknowledges and apologizes for the neglect of the broader assemblies of the PRCA in not expressing this sorrow sooner. The letter closes stating: We are broken for you, sisters.  We, as well as our churches, pray for you and for your healing.  Know that the Good Shepherd loves and cares for you, His wounded and hurting sheep.  Be assured that the all-sufficient Savior, who died for you, rose again, and ascended into heaven, will provide for all your needs. “The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.  And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee” (Psalm 9:9-10).

The rest of the morning session and a good part of the afternoon was spent deliberating on a recommendation to approve “the substance of an overture from Providence PRC to hire a third-party organization to investigate sexual abuse in the PRCA.” The recommendation carefully outlined the scope, the implementation, the reporting, the mutual accountability, the hiring, and the financing of the work of the investigation. Synod adopted the recommendation on the basis of three grounds: 

  1. It is wise to conduct a denomination-wide investigation into the matter of sexual abuse on account of the nature of the sin and its prevalence in our churches. 
  2. It is wise to engage a third-party organization to conduct such a denomination-wide investigation. 
  3. Hiring a third-party organization to conduct a denomination-wide investigation in the manner outlined above is consistent with our Reformed system of church government.

An ad-hoc committee was appointed to hire and liaise with a third-party organization for the investigation into sexual abuse in the PRCA.


Synod treated a recommendation to approve the overture of Zion PRC “to appoint a study committee to develop the proper biblical, confessional, and theological groundwork that could be used in the local congregations to guide them in understanding and addressing the evil of abuse.” Synod appointed six men to this committee.


At the end of the day Synod adopted several motions presented by Committee 5. The highlights include:

  1. Approving subsidy requests for Covenant of Grace, Heritage, Hosanna, Immanuel, Kalamazoo, Lynden, Pittsburgh, and Providence PRCs. 
  2. Thanking Mr. Doug Mingerink for his faithful work as the Stated Clerk of Synod. 
  3. Authorizing the reimbursement of the expenses for the meeting of synod totaling $6,138.28.
  4. Setting the synodical assessments, based on a family count of 2,120 families in 2024, at $600. 
  5. Appointing Trinity PRC as the host of Synod 2024 to convene on June 11 at 8:00am. Seminarian Arend Haveman is a member of Trinity and, the Lord willing, will be examined at Synod 2024. 


Synod adjourned around 6:50pm. Rev. Eriks closed with prayer. 


May the decisions of synod be to the honor of our God and welfare of our churches. 


On behalf of Synod,

Rev. C. Spronk, 2nd Clerk


PRC Synod 2023 - Day 4 - Friday, June 16

SW PRC 2012

After a wonderful commencement-celebration program of a new PRC Seminary graduate last evening (Candidate Matt Koerner), Synod returns to its work this morning at Southwest PRC, considering reports from its committees of preadvice.

sem grad GE MK RC

grad crowd

Look for the daily end-of-day report later today.

Day 4 Report - Friday Morning June 16, 2023


Since we are breaking until 2:00pm for committees to work, it seemed good to do a morning report on the activities of synod today. 


The work of synod began today with treating the report of the Foreign Mission Committee (FMC). We are thankful for the labors of Elders Perry Van Egdom, Doug Brands, Brian Gritters, Mike Van Bemmel, and Ed Van Egdom, and Revs. De Boer, Barnhill, and J. Laning on the FMC in the last year. The advice submitted was recommitted. Synod will likely consider the reformulated advice this afternoon. 

RSmit address
Rev. R. Smit speaking on foreign missions in the Philippines (recently returned to the States)


Synod also recommitted advice regarding a protest in order to add grounds. The reformulated advice will also likely be treated this afternoon. 


Synod treated the report of the Board of Trustees (BOT). The BOT members in the past year include: Nick Kleyn, Don Offringa (synodical treasurer), Doug Mingerink (synodical clerk), Sid Mideama (president of the BOT), Dirk Westra (asst. synodical clerk), Tom Holstege (asst. synodical treasurer), and Revs. Eriks and Langerak. 


Synod approved several recommendations of the BOT regarding the corporate restructuring of the PRCA. Presently the PRCA is incorporated in the state of Illinois, but the denominational offices are in Michigan. Synod adopted the recommendation to reincorporate in the state of Michigan. A recommendation to change the name of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America (PRCA) to the Protestant Reformed Churches in North America (PRCNA) failed. 


The BOT reported on work that it is doing with Hosanna PRC of Edmonton AB to resolve a conflict with a group that continues to use the name of Protestant Reformed even though it is has left our denomination.


Synod approved the recommendations of the Emeritus Committee for the financial support of sixteen ministers/widows of ministers. Synod also approved the recommendation to increase the amount of “no questions asked” funds for retired ministers to $28,000 for 2025. Synod expressed thanks to Brian Gritters, Chester Hunter, and Ed VanEgdom for their work on the committee in the past year. 


Synod thanked Don Offringa and Pamela Bos for their work as the synodical treasurer and bookkeeper.


Synod thanked Rev. Barnhill, Rev. Carl Haak, Mr. Terry Dykstra, Mr. Dan VanUffelen, Mr. Bert Wories, and Prof. Gritters for their work on the 100th Anniversary Committee. This committee has been disbanded because a new steering committee has now been appointed synod. 


The synodical deputies of Classis East reported that it concurred with Classis West in September of 2022 to approve the retirement of Rev. Key. Synod approved of this work of the synodical deputies.


Synod received a report of work the Catechism Book Committee is doing to revise the Juniors and Seniors curriculum. Synod decided to postpone approval of the work until 2024 and thanked the committee for its work. 


Synod approved the work of the Student Aid committee in providing assistance to seminary students. The churches are asked to take one collection for student assistance in 2024.  We thank the committee of John DeVries, Brandon VanOverloop, Jon VanOverloop, Steve Bylsma, and Brian Kalsbeek for their work. 


On behalf of synod,
Rev. C. Spronk, 2nd Clerk 

Friday Afternoon June 16, 2023


Synod returned to the report of the FMC regarding mission work in the Philippines. Approval was given to the “decision of Doon PRC’s council and the FMC to begin the process of withdrawing the missionaries.” The FMC and Council of Doon were directed by synod to “close the mission field in the Philippines and take necessary steps to bring the work to completion.” The FMC and Doon’s council were also instructed to “write up an evaluation of their work in the Philippines, including especially what can be learned from it both positively and negatively for future mission work, and present this as a report to Synod 2024. Ground: It is important that we remember our history and learn from our previous experiences. Such an evaluation will help facilitate this.” The PRCA desires to help our sister churches in the Philippines and adopted a recommendation to “instruct the Contact Committee to consider offering assistance to the PRCP in the form of visiting ministers providing pulpit supply.” Synod expressed thanks to the FMC, Doon PRC, and current and past missionaries (and their wives) involved in the work: Revs. Spriensma, D. Holstege, Smit, D. Kleyn.”


Hope PRC continues to work with Rev. Titus and saints in Myanmar, and Georgetown PRC continues to work with Pastor Paulraj and saints in India. Synod approved the work of the FMC with Hope and Georgetown, and we pray that God will continue to preserve and bless the saints in Myanmar and India with whom we have fellowship in the Lord.


Prof. Huizinga read a letter informing synod of his acceptance of the decision to reappoint him as Professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament Studies for a 3-year term. He also asked for prayers for himself and his colleagues in the seminary.


The one protest submitted to Synod this year was declared legally before it. Synod sustained the protest. In January of 2022 the Synodical Deputies from the West concurred with the decision of Classis East to approve the deposition of a minister. They reported their action of concurring with Classis East’s decision to Synod 2022. The protest contended that the error of Synod 2022 was that it approved the work of the Synodical Deputies without receiving or reviewing the grounds for the deposition of the minister. Synod agreed with the protest and declared that “Synod 2022 erred in approving the report of the synodical deputies of Classis West regarding the deposition of [the former pastor] without background material, decision, and grounds of Classis East.” The information was submitted and received into the records of synod. A portion of the advice regarding the protest was recommitted for reformulation.


Synod recessed at 5:00pm and will reconvene Monday at 8:00am. 


We thank SW PRC (especially the caterers!) for hosting synod this week and look forward to enjoying their hospitality again Monday.


On behalf of Synod,
Rev. C. Spronk, 2nd Clerk

PRC Synod 2023 - Day 3 - Thursday, June 15


The PRC will convene at 8 am in Southwest PRC today. After opening devotions, synod will continue with the oral examination of Sem. Matt Koerner. This is the schedule as adopted by synod and which will be followed this (Thursday) morning:

a. Church Polity: 45 minutes (Questions by Prof. Gritters)
d. Church History: 45 minutes (Questions by Prof. Kuiper)
e. OT History: 45 minutes (Questions by Prof. Huizinga)
f. NT History: 45 minutes (Questions by Prof. Cammenga)
g. Practica: 20 minutes (Questions by Rev. Mahtani)

The examination will be livestreamed through Southwest PRC's website. Visit the link here for that.

MK BG CO exam
Prof. B. Gritters examining in the knowledge of the Church Order

MK DK CH exam
Prof. D. Kuiper examining in knowledge of Church History

MK BH OTH exam
Prof. B. Huizinga examining in Old Testament History

MK JM Practica exam
Rev. Jon Mahtani exams Sem. Koerner in Practica

*UPDATE: Synod has unanimously approved all aspects of Matt Koerner's examination and declared him a candidate for the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC, eleigible for a call on or after July 15. We praise God for upholding the brother and enabling him to give a good testimony of his readiness for the work of a pastor. Now may the Lord soon provide a call and place of labor for him in the churches. Great is God's faithfulness!

synod decision candidate MK GE
Pres., Rev. G. Eriks, informing Matt and Sharon Koerner of synod's decision on his examination and candidacy.

synod congrats Cand MK

MK SK congrats  

This afternoon synod will continue to treat the advice of its committees (see Day 1's webpage for the layout of the committees and their work).

This evening, the PRC Seminary will hold its commencement program, with Sem. Matt Koerner graduating and Prof. R. Cammenga giving the address. The program will be held in Southwest PRC beginning at 7:30 p.m. The Southwest PRC choir will also sing a few numbers. You are cordially invited to join us in celebrating this wonderful event and another candidate for the gospel ministry in the PRC.

synod group photo 2

Day 3 Report

Congratulations to Candidate Koerner and his wife, Sharon! Mr. Koerner answered questions this morning on Church Polity, Church History, OT and NT History, and in a Practica examination. Synod unanimously approved his examination and declared him a candidate for the ministry of the word and sacraments. The Stated Clerk of Synod, Mr. Doug Mingerink, will inform the congregations of the PRCA and our sister churches that Cand. Koerner will be eligible for a call on or after July 15, 2023. We trust the Lord will call him to the particular congregation where He is pleased to use Cand. Koerner as an ambassador for Christ.

Synod treated recommendations from Committee 2 regarding the work of the Domestic Mission Committee (DMC). The men serving on the DMC from June 2022-June 2023 are: Elders Brad Dykstra, Doug Dykstra, Randy Dykstra, Mike Gritters, and Jon Lubbers and ministers Revs. Haak, J. Holstege, Lee, Smidstra, and Spronk.

Synod approved the work of missionary Rev. Laning, Zion PRC, and the DMC in the work of home missions and expressed gratitude to them for their labors. Rev. Laning’s wife, Margaret, was included in this expression of gratitude. We thank God for providing a domestic missionary for our churches and for the good beginning Rev. Laning has made in his efforts to call the lost unto salvation in Jesus Christ.

Synod heard reports of the work of the DMC in seeking new fields of labor, expanding the denomination’s radio witness, updating, producing a manual for missions, and support for the work of the Reformed Witness Hour radio program. Synod approved the labors of the DMC in these areas.

Synod treated the report of the Theological School Committee (TSC). Members of the TSC the last 12 months included: Elders Brendan Looyenga, Joel Minderhoud, Doug DeBoer, John VanBaren, Doug Pastoor, and Revs. Langerak, Eriks, Mahtani, and Noorman.

Synod approved the appointments of Prof. Cammenga and Gritters for another year of teaching in our seminary. Prof. Huizinga was reappointed to another three-year term as professor. Professors Griess and Kuiper did not need to be reappointed at this time and continue to labor with the other professors faithfully in the work of training men for the ministry.

It was reported to synod that the current students are doing well and that Arend Havemen will enter his final year of seminary this fall, Aaron VanDyke will enter his third year, and Bruce Feenstra will enter his second year. Synod also approved the admission of Mr. Isaac VanBaren to begin studies in the seminary this fall.

Synod adopted a proposal from the TSC which reads: “In light of our current great need for pastors, we request synod to permit the TSC, in consultation with the faculty, to admit provisionally into the seminary older students, who lack all or some of the pre-seminary requirements, with a special program of study that is designed to make up for this lack but is somewhat less than the normal education for our ministers (a four-year undergraduate degree plus four-year seminary program). The specifics of such a program would be on a case-by-case basis, and depend on the student’s age, experience, educational background, gifts, etc. Formal admission and approval of the specific program would be sought at the following synod.”

Synod expressed appreciation to Professors R. Cammenga, C. Griess, B. Gritters, B. Huizinga, D. Kuiper, and to Mr. Charles Terpstra, for their faithful service at the seminary. It also expressed special thanks to Mrs. Sharon Koerner for her years of faithful service as seminary secretary and commend our sister to the Lord’s care as she moves on to another calling.

The final act of synod today was to begin discussing the report of the FMC regarding foreign missions. The first recommendation was discussed until synod recessed for the day at 5:00pm.

At 7:30pm tonight the delegates will attend the graduation ceremony of Seminarian Koerner at Soutwest PRC.

Synod will meet again Friday morning at 8:00am.

On behalf of synod,
Rev. C. Spronk, 2nd Clerk

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