Church Government

PRC Synod 2024 - Day 2, Wednesday - June 12, 2024


TrinityPRC new sanctuary 2018

Day Two of the 2024 PRC Synod

The PRC Synod will begin its morning session at 8 a.m. in Trinity PRC (Hudsonville, MI). After opening devotions, the delegates will proceed with the oral examination of Sem. Arend Haveman.

The exam will begin with questions on Introduction to Reformed Dogmatics (20 minutes) and the six loci of Reformed Dogmatics by Prof. R. Cammenga (30 minutes each). The rest of the exam will resume Thursday morning. 

May the Lord uphold the brother during this important part of his goal to candidacy in the PRC.

AHaveman exam RC
Prof. R. Cammenga (for his final time) examining Sem. A. Haveman in dogmatics.

The livestream of this examination may be found here on Trinity PRC's Sermonaudio channel.

UPDATE: 11:45 a.m. - Synod is now recessing until 1 p.m. Following lunch she will take up her business, considering advice from some of her committees. 

delegates singingProf Kuiper technician

Delegates standing to sing for devotions this morning; Prof. D. Kuiper, synodical technician (?!) laying it all out on the line

Day Two Report of Synod 2024

Synod spent this morning, June 12, 2024, listening to the oral examination of Seminarian Arend Haveman. Prof. Cammenga asked him questions for 20 minutes on Introduction to Dogmatics. He also asked him questions for 30 minutes each on the doctrine of God, of man, of Christ, of salvation, of the church, and of the end times.

After lunch synod met briefly to consider the legality of four appeals. The four appeals contend against decisions of Classis East made in January/February 2024 that originated out of statements quoted and explained in Standard Bearer articles. Classis ruled that one of the appeals was legally before classis in total. Some portions of the other appeals were declared legally before synod and other portions illegal.

Synod also declared six protests of the decision of Synod 2023 to use a third party organization named Guidepost Solutions to investigate sexual abuse in the PRCA to be legally before it.

Synod recessed after treating these legality issues to allow the committees to continue their work.

For Synod 2024,
Rev. C. Spronk, 2nd Clerk

Comm 2 at workComm 4 at work

Committees II (top) and III (bottom) at work this afternoon

Last modified on 13 June 2024

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