*UPDATE: [The PRC Seminary's Dordt400 Conference is now over and it was a blessed event. Look for pictures below and for more details on the seminary's blog.]
This weekend is the PRC Theological Seminary's Dordt400 Conference!
After months of planning and preparing, the big event is finally here! This Thursday night through Saturday morning, April 25-27, at Trinity PRC in Hudsonville, MI, join the faculty, foreign speakers and friends, PRC members, and many others for edifying speeches, instructive presentations, and blessed fellowship - all centered on the theme of "Dordt400: Safe-guarding the Reformed Tradition."
The conference will be a humble remembrance and celebration of the defense of God's sovereign, particular grace through the "Great Synod" of Dordt held in the Netherlands from Nov.1618 to May 1619. All sessions are open to the public (no registration). We hope that you will join us.

The venue is the new sanctuary and newly renovated fellowship room of Trinity PRC near downtown Hudsonville, MI (north side of Chicago Dr., off School St., 3385 Van Buren 49426).
The presenters are a blend of the seminary's faculty, PRC ministers, and foreign participants (cf. flyer below).

The schedule of events may be found below as well as on the conference website.
Trinity Protestant Reformed Church
3385 VanBuren Hudsonville MI 49426
All three days will be live-streamed at Trinity PRC's SermonAudio channel.
7:00: PM Welcome and Devotions
7:15: PM Who is Jacob Arminius? (Historical snippets on PowerPoint by Prof. R. Dykstra)
7:30: PM The Canons as the Original Five Points of Calvinism - Rev. A. Stewart
8:30: PM Closing
8:45: PM Refreshments
FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019
8:30: AM Devotions
8:45: AM Rev. Johannes Bogerman, President - Prof. R. Dykstra
9:00: AM Warring a Good Warfare with the Canons - Rev. B. Huizinga
10:00: AM Break
10:30: AM The Foreign Delegates - Prof. R. Dykstra
10:45: AM The Unfeigned Call of the Gospel - Rev. M. Shand
11:45: AM Closing
12:00: PM Lunch (not provided)
1:15: PM Devotions
1:30: PM Commissioning A New Bible Translation - Prof. R. Dykstra
1:45: PM The Doctrine of the Covenant in the Canons - Prof. D. Kuiper
2:45: PM Break
3:15: PM High Majesties: The States General - Prof. R. Dykstra
3:30: PM The Polity of Dordt: Om Goede Orde in de Gemeente Christi te Onderhouden - Rev. Wm. Langerak
4:30: PM Closing
4:45: PM Supper (not provided)
7:00: PM Protestant Reformed Student Orchestra
7:30: PM Devotions
7:45: PM Promoting Christian Schools - Prof. R. Dykstra
8:00: PM Illustrating and Recommending the Grace of Election - Dordt's Doctrine of Reprobation - Prof. R. Cammenga
9:00: PM Closing
9:15: PM Refreshments
8:30: AM Devotions
8:45: AM The Conclusion of the Canons - Prof. R. Dykstra
9:00: AM Assurance: Sovereign Grace's Speech to the Heart - Prof. B. Gritters
10:00: AM Break
10:30: AM Q & A - Round Table
11:30: AM Writing contest prizes
11:45: AM Concluding comments, prayer
12:15: PM Refreshments
Come for all or part of the conference! Hope to see you there!
Below are a few pictures taken at the conference:

Prof. R. Dykstra at the opening of the conference

Rev. A. Stewart (Covenant PRC, N. Ireland) speech on "The Canons as the Orignial 'Five Points' of Calvinism" - Thursday evening

Full fellowship room, Thursday night at Trinity PRC

Some of the Dordt artifacts on display, including a Dordt400 T-shirt!

Rev. B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA) giving his Friday monring speech on "Warring a Good Warfare with the Canons"

Rev. M. Shand delivers his speech on "The Unfeigned Call of the Gospel."

Prof. D. Kuiper speaking Friday afternoon on "The Doctrine of the Covenant in the Canons."

PR Student Orchestra performing to open Friday evening's program

Prof. R. Cammenga speaking on "Illustrating and Recommending the Grace of Election: Dordt's Doctrine of Reprobation."

The speakers sit on a Q&A panel moderated by Prof. R. Dykstra - Saturday morning

Prof. B. Gritters gives thanks for and bids farewell to the foreign visitors - men and women from 8 countries came!

Some narthex fellowship - so much of this was experienced and enjoyed!

Some were still promoting the conference as they left it!