
PRC Seminary News - April 2017

Sem front May 2016 1

The PRC Seminary is now well into its second semester, with four weeks of classes to go and one week of exams, as of this date. Friday, May 12 is the final day of classes, while May 15 marks the beginning of exams.

The faculty and students have been busy with their usual work of teaching and studying this semester, in addition to preaching in the churches, giving catechism instruction, and leading Bible studies. Both rounds of practice preaching have been completed, with the seniors now finishing this formal portion of their studies, while the sophomores now have four sermons completed (two each semester).

The seven seniors have also started preparing for their synodical exams, which will be the first days of the PRC Synod 2017 in Hudsonville PRC, beginning Tuesday, June 13. Let us remember these young men and all of the students and faculty as they enter these final weeks of the semester and get ready for synod.

Back in March the seminary again hosted two special Christian grade-school classes from the area. On Tuesday, March 28, the fifth graders from Adams Christian School in Wyoming, MI (taught by Mrs. M. Lubbers) visited and on Wednesday, March 29, the 4th graders from Heritage Christian School in Hudsonville, MI (taught by Mrs. J. Woudenberg) made their annual visit. Prof. R. Cammenga gave an introductory talk to the students before giving them a tour of the building. Afterward, these students joined the professors and students for snacks during coffee time. As always, these visits were an encouragement to the faculty and students, and we pray God uses them to sow the seed of desire for the ministry in the hearts of some of these young boys. Below are pictures of the two groups.

 AdamsCS 5thgrade 2017 1
Adams CS Fifth Grade with seminary students and professors

 HCS 4thgrade March 2017 3
Heritage CS fourth graders taking in Prof. R. Cammenga's talk about the seminary.

Did you know that the professors' wives and the seminarians' wives also have special opportunities to meet together to share the challenges of being married to a seminary student and to learn about the special place a minister's wife has in the church? For example, on March 2 they met at the home of Prof. B. Gritters and his wife where Mrs. Jean Kortering (wife of Rev. Jason Kortering) shared some of her experiences as a minister's wife laboring in the United States as well as in Singapore. What a blessing these opportunities are for the ladies! Remember to pray for them too, as they support their husbands in their studies and in the ministry.

The April 2017 issue of the PR Theological Journal is being prepared and should be ready soon. Watch for further notice on the seminary website for the release of this important periodical. In the meantime, you can enjoy the November 2016 issue by visiting the Journal page.

Special notice! The Protestant Reformed Seminary is sponsoring a conference commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.  The conference theme is: "Here We Stand!"  It will be held at Faith PRC on October 27 and 28 of 2017.  There will be six speeches given by the three professors and Rev. Steven Key, Rev. Martyn McGeown, and Rev. Mark Shand from the EPC of Australia.  Please mark your calendars and make plans to attend. Below (and attached in pdf form) is the special flyer that has been made to promote the event. Do your part by printing the flyer and posting it around your area to spread the newsof this important event.

 Poster 1 Page 1

Last modified on 18 April 2017

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