
Rev. Doug Kuiper Installed as New Seminary Professor - Sept.20, 2017

On the evening of September 20, 2017, Rev. Douglas J. Kuiper was installed as the newest professor of theology in the PRC Seminary.

RD preaching install 2017

The installation/convocation service was held in Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) and led by Prof. Russell Dykstra (above photo), whom Prof. Kuiper will be replacing in a few years. Prof. Dykstra preached from I Corinthians 4:1-5 with the theme, "The Professor of Theology as Faithful Steward."

KK DK install 2017

A good crowd attended the service and witnessed the installation. The heart of that installation was the reading of the "Form for the Installation of Professors of Theology," (by the president of the Theological School Committee, Rev. K. Koole) which included these paragraphs and questions:

Conscious of this calling our Church has also established a Theological School and called the reverend brother, [Douglas Kuiper], to devote his talents to this School.

In behalf of our Church the Curators charge thee, esteemed brother, with the task of instructing and establishing in the knowledge of God's Word the students who hope once to minister in his Church. Expound to them the mysteries of the faith; caution them in regard to the errors and heresies of the old, but especially of the new day; seek to explain how they not alone as teachers are to instruct but also as pastors are to shepherd the flock of the Lord. Assist in maintaining order and discipline among the disciples, that our Seminary may continue to enjoy the respect, the support, the appreciation, the love and the prayer of the Church. Be a good example to the students, that they may not only profit from thy learning, but also find in thee a living illustration of the power and practice of true godliness.

Be engaged in all of this according to the measure of the gifts God gave thee, in dependence on the Lord's help and the light of the Holy Spirit. And that it may now publicly appear that thou, highly esteemed brother, art thus disposed, thou art to answer the following questions:

First. I ask thee, dost thou feel in thy heart that thou art lawfully called of God's Church and therefore of God himself to this office?

Secondly. Dost thou believe the books of the Old and New Testament to be the only Word of God? Dost thou reject all doctrine repugnant thereto, and dost thou accept the doctrinal standards of this Christian Church as the truest expression of the doctrine of salvation?

Thirdly. Dost thou promise faithfully to discharge thy office according to the same doctrine above described, and to adorn it with a godly life?

Fourthly. Dost thou promise to submit thyself, in case thou shouldest become delinquent, either in life or doctrine, to the ordinance of the Church, and if necessary, to Church discipline?

To which the brother gave his sincere answer: "Yes, with all my heart."

DKuiper install program 2017

We give thanks to God for providing this faithful servant for this special work in the Seminary. May the Spirit of our risen and ascended Lord rest upon him and empower him to fulfill his task.

DK family install 2017

Prof. D. Kuiper and his wife Teresa and their four children (from l-r), Jared, Ryan, Sarah, and Daniel.

Though the focus of the evening was on the installation of Prof. Kuiper, it was also the annual seminary convocation. Below are the students listed in the program above.

students 2017 18
(L-R) Juniors Matt Kortus, Jacob Maatman, and Darren Vink; Sophomore Josiah Tan

Last modified on 21 September 2017

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