Church Government

PRC Synod 2023 - Day 3 - Thursday, June 15



The PRC will convene at 8 am in Southwest PRC today. After opening devotions, synod will continue with the oral examination of Sem. Matt Koerner. This is the schedule as adopted by synod and which will be followed this (Thursday) morning:

a. Church Polity: 45 minutes (Questions by Prof. Gritters)
d. Church History: 45 minutes (Questions by Prof. Kuiper)
e. OT History: 45 minutes (Questions by Prof. Huizinga)
f. NT History: 45 minutes (Questions by Prof. Cammenga)
g. Practica: 20 minutes (Questions by Rev. Mahtani)

The examination will be livestreamed through Southwest PRC's website. Visit the link here for that.

MK BG CO exam
Prof. B. Gritters examining in the knowledge of the Church Order

MK DK CH exam
Prof. D. Kuiper examining in knowledge of Church History

MK BH OTH exam
Prof. B. Huizinga examining in Old Testament History

MK JM Practica exam
Rev. Jon Mahtani exams Sem. Koerner in Practica

*UPDATE: Synod has unanimously approved all aspects of Matt Koerner's examination and declared him a candidate for the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC, eleigible for a call on or after July 15. We praise God for upholding the brother and enabling him to give a good testimony of his readiness for the work of a pastor. Now may the Lord soon provide a call and place of labor for him in the churches. Great is God's faithfulness!

synod decision candidate MK GE
Pres., Rev. G. Eriks, informing Matt and Sharon Koerner of synod's decision on his examination and candidacy.

synod congrats Cand MK

MK SK congrats  

This afternoon synod will continue to treat the advice of its committees (see Day 1's webpage for the layout of the committees and their work).

This evening, the PRC Seminary will hold its commencement program, with Sem. Matt Koerner graduating and Prof. R. Cammenga giving the address. The program will be held in Southwest PRC beginning at 7:30 p.m. The Southwest PRC choir will also sing a few numbers. You are cordially invited to join us in celebrating this wonderful event and another candidate for the gospel ministry in the PRC.

synod group photo 2

Day 3 Report

Congratulations to Candidate Koerner and his wife, Sharon! Mr. Koerner answered questions this morning on Church Polity, Church History, OT and NT History, and in a Practica examination. Synod unanimously approved his examination and declared him a candidate for the ministry of the word and sacraments. The Stated Clerk of Synod, Mr. Doug Mingerink, will inform the congregations of the PRCA and our sister churches that Cand. Koerner will be eligible for a call on or after July 15, 2023. We trust the Lord will call him to the particular congregation where He is pleased to use Cand. Koerner as an ambassador for Christ.

Synod treated recommendations from Committee 2 regarding the work of the Domestic Mission Committee (DMC). The men serving on the DMC from June 2022-June 2023 are: Elders Brad Dykstra, Doug Dykstra, Randy Dykstra, Mike Gritters, and Jon Lubbers and ministers Revs. Haak, J. Holstege, Lee, Smidstra, and Spronk.

Synod approved the work of missionary Rev. Laning, Zion PRC, and the DMC in the work of home missions and expressed gratitude to them for their labors. Rev. Laning’s wife, Margaret, was included in this expression of gratitude. We thank God for providing a domestic missionary for our churches and for the good beginning Rev. Laning has made in his efforts to call the lost unto salvation in Jesus Christ.

Synod heard reports of the work of the DMC in seeking new fields of labor, expanding the denomination’s radio witness, updating, producing a manual for missions, and support for the work of the Reformed Witness Hour radio program. Synod approved the labors of the DMC in these areas.

Synod treated the report of the Theological School Committee (TSC). Members of the TSC the last 12 months included: Elders Brendan Looyenga, Joel Minderhoud, Doug DeBoer, John VanBaren, Doug Pastoor, and Revs. Langerak, Eriks, Mahtani, and Noorman.

Synod approved the appointments of Prof. Cammenga and Gritters for another year of teaching in our seminary. Prof. Huizinga was reappointed to another three-year term as professor. Professors Griess and Kuiper did not need to be reappointed at this time and continue to labor with the other professors faithfully in the work of training men for the ministry.

It was reported to synod that the current students are doing well and that Arend Havemen will enter his final year of seminary this fall, Aaron VanDyke will enter his third year, and Bruce Feenstra will enter his second year. Synod also approved the admission of Mr. Isaac VanBaren to begin studies in the seminary this fall.

Synod adopted a proposal from the TSC which reads: “In light of our current great need for pastors, we request synod to permit the TSC, in consultation with the faculty, to admit provisionally into the seminary older students, who lack all or some of the pre-seminary requirements, with a special program of study that is designed to make up for this lack but is somewhat less than the normal education for our ministers (a four-year undergraduate degree plus four-year seminary program). The specifics of such a program would be on a case-by-case basis, and depend on the student’s age, experience, educational background, gifts, etc. Formal admission and approval of the specific program would be sought at the following synod.”

Synod expressed appreciation to Professors R. Cammenga, C. Griess, B. Gritters, B. Huizinga, D. Kuiper, and to Mr. Charles Terpstra, for their faithful service at the seminary. It also expressed special thanks to Mrs. Sharon Koerner for her years of faithful service as seminary secretary and commend our sister to the Lord’s care as she moves on to another calling.

The final act of synod today was to begin discussing the report of the FMC regarding foreign missions. The first recommendation was discussed until synod recessed for the day at 5:00pm.

At 7:30pm tonight the delegates will attend the graduation ceremony of Seminarian Koerner at Soutwest PRC.

Synod will meet again Friday morning at 8:00am.

On behalf of synod,
Rev. C. Spronk, 2nd Clerk

Last modified on 15 June 2023

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