Church Government

PRC Synod 2023 - Day 1 - Tuesday, June 13


presynod service SWPRC audience

Last evening the pre-synodical service was held in the sanctuary of Southwest PRC, the host of this year's PRC Synod. Rev. Steve Key (president of the 2022 Synod and an emeritus pastor in the PRC) led the service and preached on "In the Potter's Hands" based on Jeremiah 18:1-6. Part of what he had to say was this:

"To us whom He has chosen to look upon in Christ, and therefore to form as vessels that show forth the beauty which is His grace, we can only stand in deepest humility and awe at what God has made of us.  But there are always those who rise up against such a portrayal of God as absolutely sovereign.  When Satan has so long attempted to deceive and to teach, “You shall be as God,” the sinfulness of the human heart is such that it is given to swell itself in pride and to think that way.  It is easy to begin to think of ourselves that way.  How many decisions don’t we make without God in our thoughts, let alone seeking His will? 

"But to be told that our heads are far too big, and that we are not so important as we might think — that isn’t easy to take.  The apostle Paul, in facing that natural but very wicked argument against God’s sovereignty, says, “Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?”  I like the way Calvin put it: “Here Saint Paul sheers off our horns. He says, “You poor wretch, you dare talk back to God?  You are less than a clay pot!”  We must humble ourselves.  Always we must humble ourselves before God, asking, What wilt Thou have me to do?”  We have to do that as a Synod.  The nature of a broader assembly being a deliberative assembly means that we don’t always have the answers as individuals.  Iron sharpens iron.  We have to take into account what our brothers have to say.  But ultimately we have to answer to God.  How does He direct us in His Word?  What are the means that He has appointed to accomplish His purposes in the midst of His church?  When we remember what it cost Him in shaping us as His own, how important it is that we remember to live in humility before Him.  Remember that as the delegates of Synod.  Labor in humility, remembering Him before Whom and for Whom you labor. "

SKey presynodical sermon

Today synod will begin its official sessions. The delegates will elect her officers and appoint a "Committee on Committees" to organize the work for the week.

UPDATE: The officers of synod are; Pres., Rev. G. Eriks; Vice-pres., Rev. W. Langerak; 1st clerk, Rev. J. Engelsma; 2nd clerk, Rev. C. Spronk. 

After this, synod's attention will be turned to the examination of senior PRC seminary student Matthew Koerner. The exam will begin Tuesday morning around 10 am with the delivery of his specimen sermon. Starting Wednesday morning (and again Thursday morning), Sem. M. Koerner will be examined in the main branches of his studies - dogmatics, knowledge of Scripture, knowledge of the confessions, church history, church polity, and practica. These parts of the exam are open to the public and will also be livestreamed through Southwest PRC's website - in part for the benefit of his family, friends, and fellow saints.

MKoerner sermon

UPDATE: Synod has approved the sermon specimen of Sem. Koerner and will proceed to his examination Wednesday morning.

Look for the full report of Tuesday later today. Updates will be given as provided by the clerks of synod. Photos provided are compliments of elder John Van Baren (Hudsonville PRC).

Let us remember to pray for synod in all its work, and for Sem. Koerner as he submits to his examination with a view to his candidacy for the ministry of the Word in the PRC.

REPORT of Day 1

Last night the delegates of synod gathered with the congregation of Southwest PRC for a worship service led by Rev. Steve Key. This morning Rev. Key fulfilled his other duties that are required of him as the President of Synod 2022. He led in opening devotions, read the credentials of the delegates from Classis East and West, and declared synod properly constituted. After the election of the officers for Synod 2023, Rev. Key, recently retired from active ministry and therefore no longer eligible to serve as a delegate, bid synod adieu, wishing God’s blessings on the deliberations.

After the election of officers, Rev. Eriks assumed the chair as President of Synod 2023, Rev. Langerak took his seat as Vice President, and Rev. Engelsma began serving as First Clerk with Rev. Spronk serving at his side as Second Clerk.

Synod welcomed Rev. Marcus Wee from the Covenant Evangelical Church in Singapore and granted him the right to be seated at synod and participate in all discussions.

The committee assignments for this year’s synod:

Committee 1: Revs. Spronk and Barnhill; Elders Keith Bruinsma and John Van Baren; Prof. Kuiper.

Comm 1

1. Contact Committee Report
2. Psalter Revision Review Committee Report
3. Supplemental Letter from CERC 4. Protest of Rev. W. Langerak

Committee 2: Revs. Mahtani and Engelsma; Elders James Regnerus and Dan Van Uffelen; Profs. Griess and Huizinga.

Comm 2

1. Domestic Mission Committee Report
2. Overture of Covenant of Grace PRC 3. Overture of Providence PRC

Committee 3: Revs. Decker and Kortus; Elders Joel Minderhoud and Peter Smit; Prof. Gritters.

Comm 3

1. Foreign Mission Committee Report
2. Overture of Zion PRC

Committee 4: Revs. Langerak and Marcus; Elders Chester Hunter and Tim Pipe Jr.; Prof. Cammenga

Comm 4

1. Theological School Committee Report
2. Rector’s Report
3. Student Aid Committee Report
4. 100th Anniversary Committee Report
5. Synodical Deputies’ Report, Classis East
6. Appointment of Synodical Deputies from East and West
7. Catechism Book Committee Report

Committee 5: Revs. Eriks and Brummel; Elders Randy Dykstra and Ryan Van Overloop.

Comm 5

1. Board of Trustees Report and Supplements
2. Treasurer’s Report and Supplement and Financial Statements
3. Emeritus Committee Report
4. Finance Committee Report
5. Subsidy Requests
6. Stated Clerk’s Report and Supplement
7. Synodical Expenses
8. Budget for 2024
9. Time and place of Synod 2024

At around 10:00am Senior Seminarian, Matt Koerner, preached a specimen sermon on 2Cor. 8:9 under the theme, Rich through Christ’s Poverty. The delegates approved his sermon and will proceed to his oral examination tomorrow morning.

At around 11:00am synod recessed so the committees could get to work formulating advice.

If you are interested in hearing the examination come to Southwest PRC tomorrow morning at 8:00am. The examination will take place Wednesday and Thursday covering:

a. Intro to Dogmatics: 20 minutes (Questions by Prof. Cammenga)
b. Six Loci of Dogmatics: 30 minutes each (Questions by Prof. Cammenga)
c. Church Polity: 45 minutes (Questions by Prof. Gritters)
d. Church History: 45 minutes (Questions by Prof. Kuiper)
e. OT History: 45 minutes (Questions by Prof. Huizinga)
f. NT History: 45 minutes (Questions by Prof. Cammenga)
g. Practica: 20 minutes (Questions by Rev. Mahtani)

Mark your calendars to attend the graduation ceremony that is scheduled to take place Thursday evening 7:30 pm at Southwest PRC. Prof. Cammenga will be the speaker.

In Christ’s Service, Rev. C. Spronk, 2nd Clerk

Last modified on 14 June 2023

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