church of Christ

  • The struggles for God's people on this earth are very real. But the promise of Heaven for God's faithful is also very real. In this sermon series on Revelation 21 & 22, Rev. Eriks brings God's promise of Heavenly Glory to His people. This sermon is divided into these parts: 1. The Identity 2. The Perfection 3. The Beauty
  • This sermon is part of a series on marriage by Rev. Erik Guichelaar and is divided into these parts: 1. The Inner Beauty 2. The Beautiful Example 3. The Great Blessing
  • Heidelberg Catechism sermon (LD 21) preached in Byron Center PRC (MI) by her pastor.
  • Sermon preached in Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN) by her pastor, Rev. A. Spriensma. The main points are: 1. The Idea of the Church 2. The Privilege of Church Membership 3. The Duties of Church Membership

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  • Baptism sermon preached in Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) by her pastor, Rev.C. Spronk. The message has these parts: 1. Blessed Together 2. Belssed Generationally 3. Blessed With Peace
  • Sermon preached in Georgetown PRC by her pastor, Rev. C. Haak. The message is an explanation of the truth concerning the church of Christ as taught by the Heidelberg Catechism, LD 21a, Q&A 54. The message has these parts: I. Her Beauty II. Our Calling III. Everlasting Membership

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  • Communion sermon preached in Hudsonville (MI) PRC by her pastor, Rev. G. Eriks. The message has these parts: 1. Her passionate love 2. Her expressions of love 3. Her reason for love
  • Message delivered by Missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma (Pittsburgh, PA) on the Reformed Witness Hour radio program, sponsored by the PRC congregations. This begins a new series on the doctrine of the church, as that truth is set forth in the Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 21.
  • Sermon preached in First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) by guest minister, Prof. D.Kuiper. The main points are: 1. Chosen in Eternity 2. Saved in Time 3. Thankful Always

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  • Sermon preached in Pittsburgh PRC by her pastor, Rev. W. Bruinsma. The main points are: I. The Time II. The Means III. The Result

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  • Sermon preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor, Rev.G. Eriks, as part of a series on the letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor, found in Rev.2-3 (this one is to the church in Philadelphia. The message has these parts: 1. By the promise of an open door. 2. By the promise to protect. 3. By the promise of future blessing.
  • Preached in Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane WA, by her pastor for the dedication of their new church building.
  • A message delivered by Missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma on the Reformed Witness Hour program for this date. This is #2 of a series on the doctrine of the church based on the Word of God as expressed in the Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 21.
  • This sermon was preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor as an applicatory sermon and as part of a series on the letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor recorded in Rev.2-3 (this one being Pergamos). The message has three parts: 1. Satan's Attack 2. Jesus' Rebuke 3. Needed Encouragement
  • Sermon preached in Hudsonville (MI) PRC by her pastor, Rev.G. Eriks, as part of a series on the letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor (Rev.2-3). The message has these divisions: 1. The awful condition 2. The needed counsel 3. The striking promise
  • Sermon preached in Hudsonville (MI) PRC by guest minister, Rev. J. Holstege. The main points are: 1. Its critical condition 2. Jesus' calling to wake up 3. Hope for a remnant

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  • Sermon preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor, Rev. G.Eriks, as part of a series on the letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor. This message treats the letter to the church at Thyatira. The message has these parts: 1. The Disturbing Weakness 2. The Announced Judgment 3. The Needed Encouragement
  • Sermon preached in Pittsburgh PRC by her pastor, Rev. W. Bruinsma. The main points are: I. The Child Heir II. The Governor's Rule III. The Appointed Time

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  • Heidelberg Catechism sermon (LD 21, Q&A 54) preached by her pastor. The message has these parts: 1) The Body of Christ 2) Her Beautiful Attributes 3) Loved By Her Members
  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour by Rev. W. Bruinsma, part of a series on 1 Corinthians.

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