Church Government

PRC Synod: Day 2 - Committee Work and Examination of Sem.R.Barnhill


Synod 2015 group 1

As Synod entered its second day of sessions, it was able to start receiving and acting on the reports of its committees of pre-advice this morning (cf. committee pictures below). At 10:00 AM synod turned its attention to the examination of Sem.Ryan Barnhill once again. Today he is being examined in all the loci of Dogmatics by Prof.R.Cammenga. See the full report of the day at the end of this post.

RBarnhill Synod 2015 2 Synod 2015 ProfRCammenga

In connection with the work of Committee I on the Domestic Mission Committee report, Missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma addressed the synod, describing the joys and trials of his mission labors in Pittsburgh, PA and in the eastern U.S.

Synod 2015 RevWBruinsma

Rev.R.Smit, former missionary to the Philippines (before taking a call to First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI in March of this year), answered questions from the synodical delegates relating to the work and needs in the Far East country.

Synod 2015 RevRSmit 1

Below you will find pictures of the five (5) committees of pre-advice for Synod 2015, along with a brief note on what aspect of the work has been delegated to them.

Synod 2015 Comm 1

Committee I - Elder B.Drnek, Prof.R.Cammenga (advisor), Rev.A.Brummel, Elder J.Lenting, Rev.C.Haak - DMC & FMC reports

Synod 2015 Comm2

Committee II - Deacon P.Hall (Covenant PRC, N.Ireland), Rev.J.Laning, Rev.W.Langerak, Elder D.Kregel, Elder S.Hunter, Deacon Tang Yoon Chuan (Covenant ERC, Singapore) - Contact Comm. & Peace PRC request

Synod 2015 Comm3

Committee III - Rev.D.Kuiper, Elder K.Bruinsma, Elder H.Pastoor, Rev.R. Van Overloop - Theological School Comm. and Student Aid

Synod 2015 Comm4

Committee IV - Prof.R.Dykstra (advisor), Rev.R.Kleyn, Rev.K.Koole, Elder J.Regnerus, Elder S.Miedema - Appeal of J.Kalsbeek

Synod 2015 Comm5

Committee V - Elder G.Kuiper, Elder A.Meurer, Rev.G.Eriks, Rev.S.Key - Board of Trustees, Finances, Emeritus Comm., etc.

Synod 2015 Officers 2

And we include another picture of the officers of synod this year - our thanks to Don Doezema for all the photos!

Rev.S.Key, Pres.; Rev.A.Brummel, 2nd clerk; Rev.D.Kuiper, 1st clerk; Rev.C.Haak, Vice-pres.

Daily summary by 2nd clerk of synod:

Synod witnessed the dogmatic section of the examination of Mr. Barnhill today. Mr. Barnhill gave a very good account of his knowledge of Reformed Doctrine demonstrating humility as well as excellently defining the terms and demonstrating the doctrines from Scripture. The remainder of his examination will commence Thursday morning at 8 a.m. which consists of Church History, NT History, and Practica (this will also be live-treamed through Faith PRC's website.). The examination should be finished around 10 a.m., Lord willing.

Synod took up the report of the DMC and approved the work in Pittsburgh thanking Rev. Bruinsma and Southwest PRC for their labors. Rev. Bruinsma was present to speak of the challenges of 17 years of history behind our labors with not much more to show in terms of numbers. He expressed encouragement in seeing a united core group that loves the truth and interacts well with the many visitors they continue to see at worship services and lectures. The DMC and Southwest, along with the Fellowship and missionary believe that God continues to give an open door to the spread of the gospel in the Pittsburgh area. The proposed budget was approved for 2016.

Synod turned to the work of the FMC approving the work in the Philippines. Rev. Smit, previous missionary to the Philippines, was granted permission to speak and spoke of the great need for assisting the PRCP with theological training for their students. We pray that the Lord of the Harvest will equip and prepare men for the work.
Synod approved the work of the FMC regarding Myanmar and India where they are working with Hope PRC and Georgetown PRC with a view to developing new fields of labor in those lands.
Synod approved an overture from the FMC that expands the policy of synod regarding payment for the travel of wives accompanying their husbands on official delegations. Previously men needed to be gone for 4 Sundays and their wives present for at least 14 days in order for their travel to be covered. The new policy places the responsibility on the standing committees to approve coverage on a case by case basis in situations they believe the presence of the wife will be of benefit to the delegation.

Synod plans to take up the work of Committee 4 regarding an Appeal of a decision of Classis East regarding the change of the date of the Annual Prayer Day service on Thursday at 1:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Allen Brummel

Last modified on 21 June 2015

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