Heidelberg Catechism



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Lord's Day 8

  • Q. 24.  How are these articles divided?
    A.  Into three parts: the first is of God the Father and our creation;1 the second, of God the Son and our redemption;2 the third, of God the Holy Ghost and our sanctification.3

  • Q. 25.  Since there is but one only divine essence,4 why speakest thou of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?
    A.  Because God hath so revealed Himself in His Word,5 that these three distinct persons are the one only true and eternal God.

  1. Gen. 1.

  2. 1 Pet. 1:18, 19.

  3. 1 Pet. 1:21, 22.

  4. Deut. 6:4.

  5. Gen. 1:26. Isa. 61:1. John 14:16, 17. 1 John 5:7. John 1:14. Mat. 28:19. 2 Cor. 13:14.

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