Built Upon the Living Stone

Jesus Christ, our Savior, is the eternal, living cornerstone of the Church.  But as our cornerstone, He is ablso the builder of the Church which provides tremendous comfort for the beliver who is joined to a true church.  Click here to listen to Rev. Overway, pastor at Hope Protestant Reformed Chruch, explain the meaning of these statements.

This month’s theme for the app content is “The Necessity of Membership within a True Church of Jesus Christ” in preparation for a free public lecture event held by Hope Protestant Reformed Church on November 11, 2016.  Professor David Engelsma will speak on this topic, answering such questions as “Is membership in a church really necessary?’ and “What qualities should I seek for in a church home?”  To learn more, click here to visit Hope’s website for the event.

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Additional Info

  • Sermon Series: The Church in the Wilderness
Overway, David

Rev. David Overway (Wife: Rebecca)

Ordained: September 2002

Pastorates: Covenant, Wyckoff, NJ - 2002; Doon, IA - 2005-2013; Hope PRC-GR 2013-2020

Contact Details

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    United States

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