second coming of Jesus

  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour radio broadcast on this date by Rev.R. Kleyn, pastor of Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA.
  • Preached in Hope PRC of Redlands, CA by her pastor on the last Sunday of the 2013. The message has 3 points: I. The End II. Its Nearness III. Our Calling
  • Sermon preached in Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA) by her pastor, Rev.R. Kleyn.
  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour radio program by Rev. R. Kleyn, pastor of Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA.
  • Sermon preached in Peace PRC (Dyer, IN) by her pastor, Rev. R. Barnhill. The main points are: 1 The Color of Death 2 Running through the World 3 Fearless in its Presence

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  • Preached in Faith PRC, Jenison MI, by guest minister Rev.Jon Mahtani. The message has these parts: 1. The Illustration 2. The Foolish Unpreparedness 3. The Wise Readiness
  • Sermon preached in Peace PRC (Dyer, IN) by her pastor, Rev. R. Barnhill. The main points are: I. Passion-Fueled Conflict II. Christ's Sovereignty

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  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour radio program by Rev.R. Kleyn, pastor of Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA. This message begins a series on the second coming of Jesus Christ and the signs of that coming.
  • Preached in 1st PRC of Holland, MI by her pastor, as part of a series on Matthew 24. The message has these parts: 1. The Rise of False Christs 2. The Warning Not to Believe Them 3. The Solid Ground for this Warning
  • Preached in First PRC, Holland MI, by her pastor as part of a series on Matt.24 and the signs of Christ's return. The message has 3 parts: 1. Its Meaning 2. Its Purpose 3. Its Relation to the End
  • Preached in First PRC, Holland MI, by her pastor as part of a series on Matthew 24. The sermon is divided as follows: 1. Its Meaning 2. Its Fulfillment 3. Its Significance
  • Preached in First PRC, Holland MI, by her pastor as part of a series on Matt.24 and the signs of Christ's coming. The sermon has 3 parts: 1. The Causes of this Apostasy 2. The Process of this Apostasy 3. The Comfort for the Faithful
  • Preached in First PRC, Holland, MI, by her pastor as part of a series on Matthew 24. The sermon has these parts: 1. The Tribulation 2. The Calling 3. The Comfort
  • Preached in 1st PRC, Holland, MI by her pastor, as part of a series on Matthew 24. The message has these parts: 1. His Glorious Appearance 2. Amidst Heavenly Turmoil 3. To Gather His Elect
  • Sermon preached in Wingham PRC (Ontario, Can) by her pastor, Rev. D. Holstege. The main points are: 1) The Sign and Its Fulfillment 2) The Purpose of This Sign 3) The Relation of This Sign to the End

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  • Sermon preached in Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA) by her pastor, Rev.R. Kleyn, as part of a series on the end times. In Matthew 24 Jesus answers the question of the disciples in v. 3; not only "When shall these things (the destruction of Jerusalem) be?" but also, "What shall be the sign of thy coming and the end of the world?" All future millennialists (pre and post) deny that there are signs of Jesus' coming. Sadly, this removes from God's people the urgency of watching and waiting for the return of Christ. Jesus lays out in this chapter not only that there will be identifiable signs of his coming and what these are, but also explains for us how these signs are related to his coming. Being alert to the signs of Christ's coming in nature, nations and the church is essential for proper preparedness for the end times. End times doctrine is not speculative arm chair theology, but is practical and brings home the urgency of Jesus' word to us that we must be ready.
  • Special lecture held in Loveland PRC, CO by guest speaker, Rev. James Laning (Hull, IA PRC).
  • New Year's Day sermon preached in Calvary PRC (Hull, IA) by her pastor, Rev.C. Griess. The message has these parts: 1. The World is Passing Away 2. Living in the Light of It 3. Opportunities for What Matters
  • Preached in First PRC, Holland MI, by her pastor as part of a series on Matthew 24. The message has these parts: 1. A Time Unknown 2. A Time Unexpected 3. A Time of Rapture and Judgment
  • Easter sermon preached in Wingham PRC (Ontario, Can) by her pastor, Rev. D. Holstege. The main points are: 1) The Mysterious Change 2) By the Sound of a Trumpet 3) In the Twinkling of an Eye

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