Protestant Reformed Literature
and Confessions
translated in other languages

For additional listings, see  this site.




Russian (Uzbekistan)






    "Whosoever Will" by Herman Hoeksema; Spanish translation: "Todo El Que Quiera"


 La Fe y la PRACTICA
The Christ of Arminianism (El Cristo Del Arminianismo)
Todo El Que Quiera
Saved By Grace (Salvos Por Gracia)
Marriage And Divorce (Matrimonio Y Divorcio)
Knowing The True God (Conociendo Al Verdadero Dios)
Total Depravity   (La Depravacion Total)
Our Only Comfort   (Nuestro Unico Consuelo)
Irresistable Grace   (La Gracia Irresistible)
(Copies of these Spanish pamphlets can be obtained in quantity by writing: Holland Protestant Reformed Church)

   Reformed Confessions: Three Forms of Unity

Los Canones De Dort

Catechismo De Heidelberg

Confessión Belga



"The Five Points of Calvinism" by Prof. Herman Hanko, Prof. Homer C. Hoeksema, and Rev. Gise J. Van Baren: Die Fünf Punkte des Calvinismus


"What is Saving Faith?" [audio] (Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 7) by Rev. Barry Gritters;
German: Hebräer 11; Heidelberger Katechismus, Sonntag 7, Was ist rettender Glaube? [in print] von Rev. Barry Gritters

"What Must I Do to be Saved?" [audio] (Acts 16:30-31) by Herman Hoeksema; German: Apostelgeschichte 16, 30-31 Was muß ich tun, daß ich errettet werde? [in print] von Prof. Herman Hoeksema


   Book: "Marriage, The Mystery of Christ and the Church" by Prof. David J. Engelsma; Slovakian:  ManŽelstvo: Tajomstvo Krista a cirkvi


"The Gospel" [in print] by  Rev. Herman Hoeksema; Slovakian:    "Evanjelium" [in print] by Herman Hoeksema

"Limited Atonement" [in print} by Rev. Gise J. Van Baren; Slovakian: "Ohranicená obe? zmierenia" [in print]; Autor: G.Van Baren

 (The occasion for this Russian translation)

    Book: "Voice of Our Fathers" (Part I: On the First Head of Doctrine) by Homer Hoeksema
                       "Voice of Our Fathers" (Part II: On the Second Head of Doctrine) by Homer Hoeksema
                        "Voice of our Fathers" (Part III: On the Third Head of Doctrine) by Homer Hoeksema


               "The Christ of Arminianism" by Rev. Steven Houck (in Russian)
                  "The Covenant"
by Rev. Ronald Hanko (in Russian)
    "Infant Baptism and Sovereign Grace" by Rev. Ronald Hanko (in Russian)
  "Remembering the Lord's Day" by Prof. David J. Engelsma (Russian translation)
                 "Form for the Administration of Baptism" (Russian translation for churches in Uzbekistan)
                 "Declaration of Principles" (Russian translation in "Word"  or "htm" for churches in Uzbekistan)
                 "Scriptural Praise" (Russian translation for churches in Uzbekistan)
                 "Westminster Confession on Divorce and Remarriage" (Russian Translation:
Вестминстерское Исповедание Веры о повторном браке)

                 "Biblical Grounds for the Baptism of Infants";  (Russian translation:
                "The Gospel" by Rev. Herman Hoeksema (Russian translation: The Gospel)
                "The Covenant: God's Tabernacle With Men" Rev. Herman Hoeksema (Russian translation )


 "De Geloovingen en Hun Zaad"
"Prediking en Zending zonder een Verzwakkend Aanbod" (English: "Preaching and Missions without a Debilitating Offer"


'The Premillennial Error' -- O Erro Pré-Milenista ou O Rapto e a Revelação
Sovereign Reprobation --  Soberana Reprovação
Limited Atonement -- Expiação Limitada
'The Bondage Of The Will' -- O Cativeiro da Vontade
The Christ of Arminianism -- O Cristo do Arminianismo (A doutrina do livre-arbitrio)
The Framework Hypothesis -- (excerpt:) O Evangelho em Gênesis 1 (Adobe)
Pentecostalism: Spirit-filled Blessing -- (translation of chapter by Rev. W. Bruinsma:) Uma Análise Bíblica dos Dons do Espírito no Pentecostalismo
Grace Uncommon -- Graça Incomum -- Uma Consideração Protestante Reformada da Doutrina da Graça Comum --
Knowing the True God -- Conhecendo O Verdadeiro Deus
Saved by Grace -- Salvo pela Graça
God's Sovereign Love: Our Comfort -- O Amor Soberano de Deus: Nosso Conforto

'Critique by Rev. Charles Terpstra' (on Mel Gibson's passion movie) - Proclamando a Verdadeira Paixão de Cristo
Book - excerpts from Prof. Hanko's book: "We and Our Children"
    The Reformed Baptist Argument concerning the Lord's Supper" -- O Argumento Batista Reformado Com Respeito à Ceia do Senhor (Adobe)
    chapter 2 "Two Dispensations" -- Duas Dispensaçðes? (Adobe)
Book - "Unfolding Covenant History," Volume 5 (excerpt): - O Nascimento de Sansão
Book - "The Covenant of God and the Children of Believers" (excerpt): Visão Federal (Adobe)
Book - "Reformed Dogmatics" (excerpt): Mais Doutrina, Mais Cristo
Book - "The Clark-VanTil Controversy" by Herman Hoeksema (excerpt) - A Controvérsia Clark-Van Til (Adobe)
Confessions: "The Heidelberg Catechism" -- Catecismo de Heidelberg (1548)
                      "The Belgic Confession" --
Confissão Belga
Sacraments: "Sacramentos" by Rev. R. Hanko

Additional literature of evangelical and Reformed writers  in Portuguese can be found at: