
Reformed Witness Hour News - August 2021

RWH Logo 2019

August 2021

August 1

Building with Sword and Trowel

Nehemiah 4
Rev. C. Haak

August 8

Ought Ye Not to Walk in the Fear of God

Nehemiah 5
Rev. C. Haak

August 15

O God, Strengthen My Hands

Nehemiah 6
Rev. C. Haak

August 22

Putting Things in Order

Nehemiah 7
Rev. C. Haak

August 29

The Power of the Pulpit

Nehemiah 8
Rev. C. Haak

 haak small


This month, we continue revisiting Rev. Carl Haak’s Nehemiah series. Rev. Haak is the pastor of Georgetown Protestant Reformed Church in Hudsonville, Michigan.





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Last modified on 01 August 2021

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