

Monthly Update from the Philippines

RevJohnFlores-2012Pastor John Flores and elder Reden Zuniega (First Reformed Church of Bulacan) will be visiting the Protestant Reformed Fellowship in Albuera, Leyte (PRFA) this coming weekend, the Lord willing. They will be gone from Friday (September 20) through Tuesday (September 24). May the Lord keep them safe as they travel and give them an enjoyable and profitable time among our fellow believers in Albuera, using the time for the encouragement of the members of the PRFA there.

The next 7M pastors’ class is scheduled to meet on Monday, September 23 in Batasan Hills.

SNegrosOccidental-1Rev. Smit and Rev. Kleyn will be travelling to southern Negros Occidental this week to teach Reformed doctrine and Reformed church government to a group of 8 pastors there. To learn more about this work and see pictures of the last visit to this area, see this recent post on the Kleyn's blog.



EPC Youth Camp 2013-14, Tasmania


The biannual youth camp has rolled around again. This year the Launceston youth under the oversight of the Launceston Session, will be hosting a camp at the Bridport Bayview Centre. The camp will start on the afternoon of Saturday the  28th of Dec, 2013 and run through to mid­day on the 3rd of Jan 2014. 

The campsite is located on the north-east  coast of Tasmania—approximately an hour’s drive from Launceston city centre. Right on a beach!! 

The purpose of this camp is to engage in  the study of God’s Word with respect to subjects particularly relevant to Christian young people and to provide opportunity for fellowship in the walk of faith.

This year's camp  speaker will be Pastor Ron Van Overloop of Grace Protestant Reformed Church (PRC) MI,  America. 

Those who are post-high up to the age of 30 or so and would like to travel to Australia the end of the year, please contact Nick Kleyn (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for more details. 


See the attached flyer for more information.


September 2013 Newsletter - CPRC N.Ireland

PaulrajAStewartOur sister church in Ballymena, N.Ireland, Covenant PRC, has published her latest newsletter. Rev.A.Stewart reports on his summer trip to the United States, the beginning of the Bible study and catechism season in the church, his latest preaching series, and the recent visit of Paulraj from India. Be sure to read about the latest activities in our sister church in N.Ireland! See the attached pdf.


New Philippines Mission Newsletter! September 2013


New Portable Document 2 Page 1

The latest newsletter from our missionaries in the Philippines has been published! This issue focuses on the labors with Pastor Leovy Trinidad and the Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela, Manila. Read about this precious group of Reformed Christians and their efforts to reach this part of the Philippines with the gospel of sovereign grace! Here is a quote from the first part of the newsletter. Read all of it from the attached pdf.

One of the churches which has become a significant and regular part of our mission work here in the Philippines is the Maranatha Protestant Reformed Church in Valenzuela. This congregation is located about 25 miles (usually an hour’s drive) from where we live in Antipolo. Rev. Smit and his family worship here at least two Sundays each month. Rev. Smit preaches and teaches with the goal in mind (which is also the stated desire of the congregation) that this church might one day become part of the federation of Protestant Reformed Churches here, the Lord willing. We hope that by means of this newsletter you may gain some knowledge and awareness of this congregation of beloved fellow-saints in Christ.


Ibe Family and Berean PRC Newsletter

VernonIbe-1Pastor Vernon Ibe, serving in the Berean PRC in Manila, the Philippines, has published a new family and church family newsletter. Read the attached newsletter, or visit the Missions page for the latest news. Besides learning about the activities and events of the last few months, you won't want to miss the wonderful pictures!

Here's the note which Pastor Ibe sent with the newsletter:

Dear All,

Greetings in the name of Jehovah, our faithful covenant keeping God!

We're sending you our newsletter for the months of May to August. 

I think the last one was sent four or five months ago. We're trying our best to keep in touch and to keep you all informed as to what's new and what's life and the ministry had been for us since we came back to the Philippines. 

...We're making progress here as always by the grace of God! 

Since we arrived, we moved four times already and it is possible that we will move again in two or three months time from now (D.V.). 

The ministry is going strong despite many problems we encounter each day as our journey continues in this life, Yes. This is normal and it ought to be that way...this is God's way of making us stronger each day as He makes us realize that apart from Him we cannot do anything! 

For that reason, we solicit your prayers as Jehovah God reminds you all of us! 

May God shower you all with His constant care and love in Christ our Lord! 

Sincerely in Christ, 

Ptr. Vernon and family


September Messages on the Reformed Witness Hour


For the month of September Rev.Carl Haak, pastor of Georgetown PRC, will continue his messages on the Reformed Witness Hour, sponsored by the First Protestant Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, MI. The topics and texts for these messages are as follows (You will also find the September flyer in pdf form attached here for posting use):

Sept. 1, 2013: Youth, Remember! Ecclesiastes 12:1

Sept. 8. 2013: Keeping The Lord’s Day Holy; Hebrews 10: 24-25

Sept. 15, 2013: Not Weary in Well Doing; Gal. 6: 9

Sept. 22, 2013: Spiritual Lethargy, Song of Sol. 5: 1-8

Sept. 29, 2013:Grace For Today, Matthew 6: 34

You are cordially invited and encouraged to listen to this solid Reformed radio and internet broadcast!


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