
PRC Synod 2018 - Pre-Synodical Service - Monday, June 11 *(Updated)


Synod 2018 announcement: Synod 2017 appointed Byron Center PRC the calling church for the 2018 Synod. Synod will convene, D.V., THIS Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 8:00 a.m., in the gymnasium of Adams Christian School (please note the change of venue from the announcement in the May 1 Standard Bearer).


The Pre-synodical Service will be held on Monday evening, June 11, at 7:00 p.m. at Byron Center PRC (please note that the pre-synodical service and the meetings of synod will be held in different venues), with Rev. S. Key leading the service and ministering the Word (president of last year's synod).

The service will be live-streamed on Byron Center PRC's Sermonaudio channel.

UPDATE: *You may now find the sermon in the audio sermon section of the PRC website.

Let us remember to pray for the delegates as they take up the work of the churches this week. May the Spirit of Jesus Christ guide all the discussions and deliberations, so that the decisions reached are according to His Word and bring honor to the Head of the church.

Report of Classis West - March 7, 2018 - Loveland PRC

Loveland (CO) PRC, Host of Classis West meeting held March 7, 2018

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met in Loveland, Colorado, on March 7, 2018.  Thirteen ministers and seventeen elders represented the churches.  Rev. Dennis Lee chaired the meeting.

After opening devotions and the constituting of Classis, routine reports of the stated clerk, classical committee, and reading sermon committee were read and approved.  The church visitors also reported on their work over the last year and the presence of unity, peace, and love prevailing in the churches.

In closed session, two consistories explained their labors with impenitent members and requested that Classis approve their proceeding to the increase of censure by making a public announcement of the name.  After careful deliberation, Classis advised both consistories to proceed.

With Rev. Griess accepting a call to First PRC (Grand Rapids), the now-vacant Calvary PRC requested pulpit supply from Classis.  The following appointments were made: Rev. B. Huizinga – April 8 and 15; Rev. D. Lee – April 29 and May 6; Rev. J. Laning – May 13; Rev. B. Feenstra – May 20 and 27; Rev. J. Engelsma – June 10; Rev. M. De Boer – June 17; Rev. J. Marcus – July 1 and 8; Rev. A. Brummel – July 15; Rev. E. Guichelaar – July 22 and 29; Rev. S. Key – August 5 and 12; Rev. R. Kleyn – Sept. 2 and 9; Rev. N. Langerak – Sept. 16 and 23; Rev. R. Barnhill – Oct. 7 and 14; Rev. S. Regnerus – Oct. 21 and 28.

Classis approved the subsidy requests for 2019 for five churches and forwarded them on to Synod for its approval.  Classis took note of the fact that Edgerton PRC is no longer requesting subsidy, and Edgerton’s pastor, Rev. De Boer, addressed a word of appreciation to the churches for the financial support provided over the years.

Classis also voted for various classical functionaries.  Rev. Laning was appointed to a three-year term on the Classical Committee, and Rev. De Boer was appointed to finish the remaining two years of Rev. Griess’ term.  Rev. Barnhill was appointed to a three-year term as a primus synodical deputy, Rev. Laning was appointed to a three-year term as a secundus synodical deputy, and Rev. Guichelaar was appointed to finish the remaining one year of Rev. Griess’ term as a secundus synodical deputy.  Classis appointed Revs. R. Hanko, S.Key, R.Kleyn, and J.Laning as church visitors, with Revs. A. Brummel and T. Miersma as alternates.

Ministers delegated to Synod 2018 were Revs. Huizinga, Key, Kleyn, Langerak, and Laning.  Alternates are Revs. Brummel, Engelsma, Guichelaar, Lee, and Marcus.  Elder delegates to Synod are Glenn Feenstra (Hope), Henry Ferguson (First Edmonton), Hilgard Goosen (Immanuel), Alan Meurer (Bethel), and Jim Regnerus (Doon).  Their alternates are Bob Brands (Loveland), Alden De Jong (Hull), George De Jong (Crete), David Griess (Loveland), and Jim Lenting (Crete).

Classis was able to complete its work by noon.  The expenses of this meeting totaled $8,110.23.

Classis will meet next in Heritage PRC (Sioux Falls, SD) on September 26, 2018, the Lord willing.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma

Stated Clerk, Classis West

Pastor-elect D. Noorman Sustains Classical Exam; Ordination Set for March 7, 2018

DNoorman Feb2018 classis 1
Pastor-elect David Noorman prior to preaching his specimen sermon before Classis East.

At the meeting of Classis East on Wednesday, Feb.28, 2018, at Hudsonville PRC Pastor-elect David Noorman (who has accepted call to Southwest PRC in Wyoming, MI) successfully sustained his examination before the Classis.

The body unanimously approved the examination and advised Southwest PRC to proceed with his ordination and installation as a minister of the Word and sacraments in the PRC. That will take place, D.V. next Wednesday, March 7, at 7 p.m. in SW PRC.

We thank God for this further confirmation of Pastor-elect Noorman's call to the ministry and pray for the brother as he prepares to begin his ministry in SW PRC.
And we extend hearty congratulations to David and his wife Carisa!
D CNoorman Feb2018 classis 2
Pastor-elect D. Noorman and his wife Carisa.
Isaiah 52:7 - "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!"

Report of Classis East Meeting, January 10, 2018

HudsonvillePRC picThe stated clerk of Classis East submits the following official report on the recent meeting of Classis East:

Classis East Report – January 10, 2018

Classis East met on Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at Hudsonville PRC. By rotation Rev. J. Smidstra would have been the chairman of this meeting. Due to some weighty matters and the fact that this would be his first Classis meeting as a delegate, he requested of the Classical committee that he step aside as chairman of this meeting. The Classical committee brought this request as well as a recommendation that Rev. R. Van Overloop chair this meeting. Both recommendations were approved by Classis.

Routine matters such as reports from the stated clerk, classical committee, and church visitors were reported. The church visitors reported on their visits with the congregations of Classis East. They used the theme of “Ministering Righteousness in the Congregation” based on Nehemiah 5. They report that “We are thankful that the congregations within our Classis are doing well. The councils reported that there is peace, love, and unity present within their congregations.”

Classis considered three appeals and one overture. Two of the appeals dealt with discipline in two different congregations. In both cases these were decided to be not legally before Classis based on the fact that Articles 30 and 31 were not satisfied, that is, the matters were not finished in the minor assemblies. The remaining appeal was declared legally before Classis and assigned a committee of three ministers and three elders. That committee will bring their recommendation to a special meeting of Classis East on February 28, 2018. The overture was brought by an individual recommending that, prior to the meeting of classis, materials only be distributed to active council members and clergy of the PRC. After much deliberation this overture was adopted.

Classis at its January meeting elects delegates for Synod. Elected were the following: MINISTERS: Primi: Revs. G. Eriks, C. Haak, W. Langerak, C. Spronk, and R. Van Overloop, Secundi: H. Bleyenberg, W. Bruinsma, N. Decker, K. Koole, A. Lanning.  ELDERS: Primi: Pete Adams, Gary Kaptein, Jim Lanting, Howard Pastoor, Pete Vander Schaaf. Secundi: Bruce Jabaay, Larry Koole, Harlow Kuiper, Joel Minderhoud, and Dave Rau

In other voting for delegates ad examina, Rev. M. DeVries was elected as primus and Rev. N. Decker as secundus delegate. Both were for three-year terms. Rev. C. Spronk was elected for two-year term as secundus to replace Rev. R. Smit. Rev. J. Slopsema and Rev. K. Koole were elected as church visitors for 2018. Rev. A. Lanning and Rev. R. Van Overloop will serve as alternates. Rev. W. Langerak was elected to another three-year term to the classical committee.

Classis approved a 2018 subsidy request from Providence PRC ($30,000). 2019 Subsidy requests were approved for Pittsburgh PRC ($109,000), Providence PRC ($30,000), Wingham PRC ($36,000 – CAD). Expenses for Classis amounted to $1,160.24. Classis will reconvene at Hudsonville PRC on February 28. The May Classis meeting will be held on May 9, 2018 at Faith PRC.

Respectfully submitted,

Gary Boverhof, Stated Clerk

Report on Classis West Special Meeting - Wednesday, Nov.29, 2017

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Pastors-elect Stephan Regnerus (l) and Brian Feenstra (r) being examined

Report of Classis West

Classis West held a special meeting on Wednesday, November 29, in Lynden PRC.  The purpose of this meeting was to examine Pastors-elect Brian Feenstra and Stephan Regnerus, who had accepted the calls extended to them by Immanuel PRC (Lacombe) and Lynden PRC, respectively.

The night before Classis, Lynden held a special worship service at which Pastor-elect Regnerus preached a specimen sermon on Romans 12:1-2.  On Wednesday morning, after Classis was constituted, Pastor-elect Feenstra preached a specimen sermon on Revelation 5:1-17.   Classis approved both sermons, and then proceeded to examine the men in ten different subject areas for 20 minutes each.  The oral examination lasted until mid-afternoon.  Both men gave a good account of their knowledge, convictions, and spiritual character.  Classis West, with the concurrence of the synodical deputies from Classis East, unanimously approved their examinations and advised both consistories to proceed with their ordinations.  Pastor-elect Regnerus' ordination in Lynden is scheduled for Friday, December 1, and Pastor-elect Feenstra's ordination in Lacombe is scheduled for Sunday, December 10.
Lynden PRC did a fine job of hosting the meeting of Classis, and the delegates had several opportunities to enjoy good fellowship with each other and with the congregation.
The expenses of Classis totaled $14,964.87.  The next meeting of Classis is scheduled for March 7, 2018, in Loveland PRC.
Rev. Joshua Engelsma
Stated Clerk, Classis West

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Receiving the news of their approval from the chair of Classis, Rev. J. Laning

SR BF CW exam 2017

We praise God for the gift to the churches of gospel preachers and pastors.

Special Classis East Meeting - October 18, 2017 *(Updated)


A special meeting of Classi East was held on Wednesday, Oct.18, 2017, at Georgetown PRC.

Below is the brief summary report from the Stated Clerk, Gary Boverhof.

JoeH JustinS ClassisEast Oct 2017

Report of special meeting of Classis East for the purpose of examining Pastors-elect Joe Holstege (left in picture above) and Justin Smidstra (right in picture above).

They each preached a specimen sermon and then were examined extensively on the six loci of Reformed dogmatics, and their knowledge of the Scriptures, confessions, controversy, and practica.

Both men gave excellent demonstrations of their knowledge and training in all these areas over roughly 5 hours of oral questioning. Classis voted unanimously to approve of their examinations (and the Synodical Deputies from Classis West concurred), recommending that Zion PRC and First PRC of Holland proceed to the ordination and installation.

With much thanksgiving to God, we rejoice in His provision of these ministers of the gospel to the PRCA.

Also a classical appointment schedule was made for First PRC while they are without a pastor.

Pastor-elect Joe Holstege will be ordained and installed as Zion PRC's pastor on Friday Oct.20 at Faith PRC (7 p.m.), D.V. *UPDATE: Below is a picture from Rev. J. Holstege's ordination/installation service Friday evening in Faith PRC. It captures the important ceremony of the laying on of hands by the professors and ministers who were present.

JHolstege ordination Oct 2017

Pastor-elect Justin Smidstra will be ordained and installed as First PRC-Holland's pastor on Tuesday, Oct.24 at First PRC of Holland (7 p.m.), D.V.

You are cordially invited to witness these events if you are in the area, or via live-stream through these churches' website.




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