
PRC Congregational and Mission News - January 15, 2017 (Updated)

For this third Sunday in January 2017 the following PRC congregational, denominational, and mission news may be noted:


  • Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville PRC) declined the call from Southwest PRC last week.
  • The Council of First PRC Holland, MI has announced a new trio from which to call a pastor: Revs. C. Haak (Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville, MI), R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane, WA), and A. Lanning (CERC, Singapore).
  • Update: The Council of SW PRC has formed a new trio from which the congregation will call a new pastor.  The ministers on the trio are Rev. S. Key (Loveland PRC), Rev. R. Kleyn, and Rev. C Spronk (Faith PRC). 


  • Rev. and Leah Holstege and their four children arrived safely in the Philippines this past week. We remember them in prayer as they settle into a new home and land to take up the work of serving Christ and His Church in the Philippines.
  • The congregation of Doon PRC will call today from the Council's new trio for missionary to the Philippines: Revs. G. Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), J. Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC, Dyer, IN), C. Spronk (Faith PRC, Jenison, MI). Update: Rev. J. Mahtani received the call to serve as third missionary to the Philippines.
  • Prof. B. Gritters and his wife Lori are finishing their work in Vellore, India today on behalf of Georgetown PRC. They will begin their trip home tomorrow, returning to the States Tuesday. May the Lord grant traveling mercies and a safe return. The other part of the team, Deane and Donna Wassink, will be staying another week yet. For pictures and reports from this mission labor visit Georgetown PRC's Facebook page.

India delegation Paulraj wife Jan 2017
India delegation (Gritters and Wassinks) with Pastor Paulraj and Kasthuri.

Farewell Jan 2017 Emily Liz
Farewell presentation for Emily Moelker and Liz Van Drunen from the young people of Vellore PRC.

  • Rev. R. Van Overloop continues to consider the call from Byron Center PRC to serve as home missionary.


  • Rev. R. VanOverloop and Mr. Sid Miedema are serving on the annual delegation to conduct church visitation with the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in N. Ireland. They and their wives left this past Thursday and arrived safely. They will also visit the mission work in Limerick, Ireland. They plan to return January 23. May the Lord bless their work.
  • Rev. A. Spriensma is in Franklin, PA this weekend and Lord's Day on behalf of the DMC.
Last modified on 16 January 2017

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