
PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for August 30, 2020

Proverbs 22 6The following are special highlights of PRC and sister-church News for this Sunday, August 30, 2020, the thirty-fifth Lord's Day of this year.

  • This morning Rev. G. Eriks (installed last week) preached his inaugural sermon in Unity PRC (Byron Center, MI). This evening the congregation is having a special welcome program outside for him and his family.

  • Kalamazoo PRC's Consistory has announced a new trio according to her bulletin today: Rev. Rodney Kleyn, Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, Washington, Rev. James Laning, Hull PRC, and Rev. Stephan Regnerus, Lynden PRC. A special congregational meeting will be held following the evening worship service of September 6, Lord willing.

  • Rev. M. DeBoer (Edgerton PRC) is considering the call from Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN - received August 9). May the King of the church guide him in his consideration of this call.

  • Rev. M. Vanderwal (Wingham ON PRC) has accepted the call to First PRC, Edmonton, AB (August 16). According to Wingham's bulletin, he plans to preach his farewell on Sunday, Sept.13.

  • Let us remember in prayer the needs of Rev. J. Marcus, who awaits a call to the churches, of Rev. M. McGeown, who awaits permission to enter the States to be installed in Providence PRC, and of Covenant ERC, our sister church in Singapore, as she awaits both pulpit supply from the PRC and a call for minister-on-loan through Grandville PRC - both on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions.
  • For those who may still be limited to house worship, whether completely or partially, we invite you to visit the PR churches page and follow the links to the websites where the churches' livestream may be found.

  • Did you know that:
    • Rev. A. Stewart and Rev. M. McGeown exchanged pulpits today, with the former traveling to Limerick (Ireland) and the latter to Ballymena (N. Ireland)? We rejoice with them that these travels and exchanges have resumed after the UK lockdown earlier this year.
    • while our PRC Seminary is able to hold classes onsite and in person again this term, the seminary of the PRC in the Philippines must conduct their classes online for the time being? Revs. (professors too!) D.Holstege, D.Kleyn, and R.Smit are using live-streaming tools to carry on their instruction. Let us not forget to pray for them too.


  • The 2020 PRC Acts of Synod has arrived from the printer and is in process of being distributed to the congregations. If you haven't received yours yet, be patient - it will arrive soon!
  • 2020 edition of the Church Order: The 2020 edition of the ring-bound Church Order book is now available and may be ordered through the PRC Seminary (616-531-1490). As per synodical decision, these books are updated every five years to incorporate new synodical decisions affecting them. In addition to the Church Order, this book also contains such things as the Constitutions of all synodical committees, the Rules of Synodical Procedure, the Explanation of the Rules for Protests/Appeals/Overtures and the denomination's Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. All these are of most practical use to the office bearers. But, all of our families would do well to cultivate a knowledge of and interest in Protestant Reformed church polity. If you already have the six-ring green binder, you need only order the new inserts ($4.00). The inserts with the binder with the 2020 edition is $10.00. Payment can be made to the PRCA after you receive your materials
  • Classis East is scheduled to meet in Byron Center PRC on Wednesday, September 9.
  • Classis West is scheduled to meet in Edgerton (MN) PRC on Wednesday, September 23.

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Special PRC Seminary Notices:

  • Seminary began its first semester of the 2020-21 school year this past week and all went well. Pray for the professors, students, and staff as they have taken up a new season of training for the ministry of the Word.
  • Due to the current restrictions on indoor gatherings in the state of Michigan, the Theological School Committee has cancelled the 2020 seminary convocation (usually held in early September). The plan is to place Prof. D. Kuiper's convocation speech in an upcoming Standard Bearer, as well as an introduction to the students. Watch for that in the near future!
  • For several years,the seminary faculty have permitted auditors to audit some classes. The presence and input of the auditors has been appreciated. With regret, because of COVID restrictions, the faculty is not inviting any auditors this semester. This decision will be reviewed at the end of the semester with a view to Interim 2021 and the second semester.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website.

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  • Covenant ERC, Singapore: 
    • Due to the pandemic restrictions decided to cancel her annual church camp (usually held in June) and reschedule for June 2021.
    • Do remember our fellow brethren in Kolkata in your personal and family prayers. Pray that God will uphold the saints in their fervent desire to gather for worship at Rev Singh’s home on the Lord’s Day. Pray that the saints in Kolkata rejoice in the great salvation that God has given them and may the joy of the Lord be their strength as they live in this difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray for Rev Singh that the Holy Spirit will use His faithful preaching of the Word to apply the Word into the hearts of the saints so as to bring comfort, courage and joy to them.
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland: Be sure to read the latest issue of the "Covenant Reformed News" - August 2020!
  • PRC in the Philippines: (Maranatha PRC bulletin)
    • The government put Metro Manila and nearby provinces under the General Community Quarantine (GCQ) up to August 31, 2020. The guidelines are reiterated: 1) Everyone should stay home under the GCQ, except frontliners and those who are buying essentials with their Quarantine Pass. 2) Small gatherings, including religious ones, are allowed to ten participants. 3) Island travel and domestic flights are permitted. 4) Classified transportation are allowed to ply with limited passengers only.
    • The latest PRCP newsletter was published this month - have you read the August 2020 report?
  • Are we continuing to pray for our dear brothers and sisters throughout the world? Their needs are many and manifold, and our Lord's mercy is all-sufficient.

RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you or on Sermonaudio wherever you are!

  • Currently Rev. A. Spriensma (PRC home missionary) is delivering the messages, and this month he continues to speak on the truth of God's covenant of grace. Today's message is titled "A New Covenant with Israel." based on Jeremiah 31:31. Listen to the broadcast on the station near you, on your favorite podcast, or visit the links provided here to listen to this program.



The Reformed Book Outlet in downtown Hudsonville, MI (across the parking lot from Gemmens)

  • The Reformed Book Outlet will be running a 25% off sale on most items for the month or September! As a reminder, our hours are Tuesday 10-1, Wednesday 1-5, and Saturday 10-1, or send your order to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • Are you desirous to learn more about the doctrines and practices of the PRC? Or, are you in need of some pamphlets and/or articles published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing? Or are you simply interested in growing in your faith and walk with the Lord? Visit the Resources pages of this website and the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.

psalm 2 1

This Week's Thought for Contemplation:

When we find ourselves suffering for the sake of righteousness, we too must seek shelter in the hope of this psalm. Try as they might, the nations and the wicked will not overthrow the reign of the Lord and his Anointed. Christ reigns and will shelter all those who take refuge in Him. Oh, the heathen rage! Many take counsel together against the Lord and His Christ in rebellion. But Christ is already enthroned. Those who take refuge in Him shall also one day reign with Him. Whatever the opposition, no human power can ever nullify or undo God’s divine purpose.

Are you allowing pessimism to affect you, or are you hanging on to the hope that Christ’s kingdom will prevail in every nation? Do you serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling? Have you kissed the Son in submission and love? One day, maybe very soon, Christ will return as Judge.

From this past week's special meditation by Rev. A. Spriensma, PRC home missionary - "Divine Laughter" (Psalm 2)

Last modified on 30 August 2020

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