March 29 – LD 13, Day 4: Redeemed to Glorify God

I Corinthians 6:20 “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

The fact that Jesus is your Lord, and you are a servant to Him requires a certain attitude in life. Having been bought with a price, Paul admonishes us to glorify God in our body and in our spirit which are God’s.

We were set free from the guilt and power of sin. Sin is such a tremendous power in our lives. We who were captives to sin have been set free. With this redemptive work comes great comfort, but also an obligation. We are called to live unto Him. Your body belongs to Jesus Christ. What you do with your body must be in accordance with His will. If you pursue the ways of sin in your body, you involve Jesus Christ in those ways of sin. If you unite yourself with a prostitute or commit adultery, you unite Christ with the ways of wickedness (I Corinthians 6:15-17).

Some try to make Christ the Lord of their spirits, but they want to retain the control of their bodies. Christ has redeemed us both soul and body. When His name is Lord, then our name must be servant. And, by His grace, we will serve Him and pursue His will. The way of joy and happiness is not found in rebellion, but loving submission to the one who gave His life so that we might live forever.

Last modified on 28 March 2015

Additional Info

  • Date: 29-March
Brummel, Allen

Rev. Allen J. Brummel (Wife: Crysta)

Ordained: November 1995


Edgerton, MN - 1995; South Holland, IL - 1998; Missionary in Sioux Falls, SD - 2007; Heritage, Sioux Falls, SD - May 2010; Calvary PRC, Hull, IA - May 2018

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