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That Certain Covenant Promise

Of one thing we can be sure. Because Jehovah is the I AM Who changes not, all His promises to us will be fulfilled.

He, Who never lies, Himself tells us in Psalm 89:34 , "My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing gone out of my lips.Remember that His covenant is the relationship of friendship which He established with us in Christ. In Psalm 25:4 we read, "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him, and He will show them His covenant."

We have here what is called a Hebrew parallelism, that is, the same truth presented in two ways, in order to bring out fully its blessedness. The secret of the Lord with us is His covenant being fully realized. And the word secret, in the Hebrew language, means literally a divan or couch, and thus a loveseat where we will sit with God, and have sweet communion with Him. That is the blessedness of the covenant He establishes in Christ with us.

That covenant God will never break. He began giving that fellowship to fallen Adam and Eve, and told Satan that He would do this. Although Satan got Christ to be crucified, this did not ruin that covenant, but gave us the right to enjoy all its blessedness. Christ's heel was crushed, but Satan's head is going to be crushed with all his followers.

Rest assured, then, that what God promised us will be ours. It may take longer to bring us there than we can understand. But remember that Christ cannot come back till the last elect is born and reborn. God will not break the smallest part of His covenant promises. Every word that came out of His lips He will cause to happen. Every elect shall be saved fully.

Put all your trust then in Him, no matter what happens here on this earth. Not only will He keep His word, but He is every minute keeping His promises. Heavenly glory is ahead.

Psalm 25:1-14

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

1 Kings 12:20-33 
1 Kings 13:1-34 
Acts 9:26-43 
Psalm 132:1-18 
Proverbs 17:6

Quote for Reflection:

"It is a sad loss all round: a loss to the austere parent, who loses the cream of domestic joy in thus shutting out from his bosom the young prattler, who should make the sweetness of love spring, like honey, out of the rock itself; and a deeper, sadder loss to the child, who is every day cheated of its birth-right.  It is the climax of parental tact, when the faculty is possessed of letting one's self down into the very heart of childhood, in fresh and genial sympathy with all it finds there.  Such a parent governs easily and well, and governs almost without curb or rein." -- Benjamin M. Palmer, The Family

Last modified on 14 June 2018

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  • Date: 14-June

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