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Showing Forth the Richness of God's Grace

Why are we saved? What is God's purpose in saving us? What is the basic reason for our salvation?

The answer can be found in Isaiah 43:21 , where we read, "This people have I formed for myself; they shall show forth my praise." That truth is also in the New Testament pointed out in Ephesians 2:7 , where we read,"That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus."

We are saved so that God will be praised by us for that wonderful grace and kindness which He showed us through His Son. What is more, that we praise Him and call Him God alone, and our covenant Father, Whose kindness and grace made such a rich and tremendous change between us and the rest of the human race, is why we are saved.

Now to praise God is to extol Him. It is to speak of His virtues. It is to say that He is God and God alone. That is what counts: We must confess by our walk as well as by our words that there is no God beside Him. And we must serve Him in order thereby to say this about Him. Creation manifests His wisdom and power. Salvation reveals His grace and love. And although the angels praise Him for this, we can do that more richly, because He saves us through His Son and His cross.

That is that for which we should praise God. We will see and know the richness of His grace more fully when Christ returns. But our calling in this life, and the purpose also of our salvation, is to cry out, "O God, how good Thou art."

Have you tasted that wonderful gift of salvation? Do you praise Him daily for what He wrought for you in the Son of His love? Remember that He said, what is quoted above, that we are formed to show forth His praises. He saved us most deeply for the glory of His own name.

Read: Psalm 136

Daily Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
I Chronicles 2 
I Chronicles 3 
I Chronicles 4:1-4 
Acts 24:1-27 
Psalm 4:1-8 
Proverbs 18:16-18 
Quote for Reflection:

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. (John 8:36).  “It is a spiritual and heavenly freedom of which our text speaks, a freedom purchased by Christ, revealed in the gospel, and conveyed to the saints of God as the great dowry of Christ to His Church and Spouse.  Two great things Christ has entrusted into the hands of His Church-Christian faith and Christian liberty.  Just as we are to contend earnestly for the maintenance of the faith (Jude 3), so also for the maintenance of Christian liberty, and that against all who would oppose and undermine it.”  ~ Samuel Bolton

Last modified on 05 July 2018

Additional Info

  • Date: 6-July

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