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Approving That Which Is Excellent

There are times when we may be neutral. But in the realm of the spiritual we may never, no never, be neutral. There is no such thing as spiritual neutrality. If we are not for God, we are against God. We must be one hundred percent on God's side in all things spiritual. We must be one hundred percent against Satan and his lies, which come in such crafty form, as they did to Eve in the garden of Eden.

How different things would be today had Adam and Eve agreed with God, remained on His side, and driven Satan away! And now, after their sinful choice of what Satan called good for them, we should disagree with them and agree with God.

Let us agree with Paul, as he in Philippians 1:10 wrote, "That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ." This he wrote after telling us that he prayed that our love might abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all our judgment.

Take hold of that truth in Paul's prayer. We must approve only that which is excellent, that is, all that which God calls excellent. We must hate everything else and reject that which is not approved by God. Not for one split second may we maintain or defend a false doctrine. We must be sincere, that is, pure in our doctrinal stand. There may be no neutrality. Paul prays that we be without offense until the day of Christ, and that we be sincere, that is, pure in our teachings and doctrines. He means that we should be without offense as far as God is concerned, not simply as far as some men are concerned who would like to explain what God wrote.

For the day of Christ is coming. And Christ approves only that which is righteous and holy. He insists that we keep God's law in every detail and go with God and not against Him.

Pray then that the love of God, which He implanted in us, may abound in our knowledge and in all our judgment.

Read: I John 2:15-29

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Jeremiah 1 ; Jeremiah 2:1-30 
Philippians 4:1-23 
Psalm 75:1-10 
Proverbs 24:17-20 
Quote for Reflection:

"If we do not prefer the Church to all other objects of our solicitude, we are unworthy of being accounted among her members."  -- John Calvin

Last modified on 02 October 2018

Additional Info

  • Date: 3-October

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