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Constant Covenant Faithfulness

Psalm 117:1

One of the virtues of God that calls for praise from our lips is often kept in the background of our minds and not frequently expressed in our prayers and songs. That virtue is God's faithfulness. Yet all the good God does for us is there, because He is everlastingly faithful to His covenant promises given in Christ.

The idea expressed by the psalmist is that He is true to His word. He states it this way, "The truth of the Lord endureth forever."  And the versification of Psalm 117:1 therefore has it correctly when it states:

    His loving kindness bless, 
    His constant faithfulness 
    And changeless truth confess; 
    Praise ye the Lord. (PRC Psalter)

This fits in so beautifully when in the original we find, not, "Praise the Lord," but "Praise Jehovah."  That name literally means "I AM." There is then no change in Him. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Never does He say, "I was." Never does He say that He will be different from what He eternally has been. He has kept His word because nothing can make Him change His mind or will. What He eternally decreed, He will do. What He promised us in Christ will surely come to pass.

The things round about us keep changing. The seasons come and go. The sun rises and sets. The days, weeks, and years fly by and never return. But God is not only here exactly as He eternally was, but His thoughts and desires are eternally the same. He will fulfill every covenant promise in its smallest detail.

Praise Him then today for His merciful kindness; but have no doubt in your mind as to whether He will deal in loving kindness tomorrow and into everlasting life.

When sickness and disease come; when weakness and forgetfulness on your part manifest themselves; do not accuse God of unfaithfulness. Instead praise Him for uninterrupted faithfulness that will bring you through all these shortcomings and woes to what He promised in Christ.

Rest assured that His faithfulness will bring you to His kingdom, where you will faithfully sing His praises.

Read: Psalm 19 
Psalter versification: #316

Daily Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter #190
Why not sing along?


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Leviticus 6 ; Leviticus 7:1-27 
Mark 3:7-30 
Psalm 37:1-11 
Proverbs 10:3-4 

Quote for Reflection:

"The Lord's Supper 'is a visible sermon, wherein Christ crucified is set before us'."  Thomas Watson, The Ten Commandments, p. 165.

Last modified on 17 February 2019

Additional Info

  • Date: 18-February

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