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Seeing and Believing

Although they were shepherds watching their flock of sheep by night, they did not yet know and understand the message of the angel that this child Who was born in Bethlehem is The Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. But they did believe what the angel told them, and they went to"see this thing which had come to pass." They were believers and revealed strong faith in Him as their Savior.

We read that they came with haste and found the babe lying in a manger. Of all places for a newborn child to be born! What humility it showed for one Who the angel said was their Savior! What is so revealing, and what is evidence that He is our Savior, is the fact that He, as the Son of God in our flesh, caused the shepherds to make "known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child" (Luke 2:17 ).

Here, indeed, is instruction and exhortation to us. Christmas is past. But is its truth past as far as your life is concerned? You still have the gifts your loved ones gave you yesterday. But do you cherish and appreciate more today than you did a year ago the gift of God's Son, after celebrating the birth of Christ?

Since last year we added a load of sin to our sins of the past. These sins made necessary not only the coming of our Savior, but also His dying on the cross to save us from their punishment. Since these sins increased, did His birth as Savior have richer meaning yesterday than a year ago? Do you more enthusiastically sing with the angels, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will to men"?

Seeing His cross, we ought to be far more thankful this year than last year, understanding more clearly what He did for us, and that He is the Lamb of God Who removed our guilt.

Read: Luke 2:8-20

Daily Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Zechariah 9:1-17 
Revelation 17:1-18 
Psalm 145:1-21 
Proverbs 30:32 

Quote for Reflection:

“Young men and women, and especially those who have been brought up in religious families, I fear much for you. I fear lest you get a habit of giving way to every temptation. I fear lest you be afraid of saying "No!" to the world and the devil,—and when sinners entice you, think it least trouble to consent. Beware, I do beseech you, of giving way. Every concession will make you weaker. Go into the world resolved to fight Christ's battle,—and fight your way on.” - J. C. Ryle

Last modified on 25 December 2019

Additional Info

  • Date: 26-December

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