1. The mighty God, Jehovah, speaks
And calls the earth from sea to sea;
From beauteous Zion God shines forth,
He comes and will not silent be;
Devouring flame before Him goes,
And dark the tempest round Him grows.
2. He calls aloud to heaven and earth
That He may justly judge His own;
My chosen saints together bring
Who sacrifice to Me alone;
The heavens His righteousness declare,
For God Himself as Judge is there.
3. Hear, O my people, I will speak,
Against thee I will testify;
Give ear to me, O Israel,
For God, thy covenant God, am I;
I do not spurn thy sacrifice,
Thy offerings are before My eyes.
4. I will receive from out thy fold
No offering for My holy shrine;
The cattle on a thousand hills
And all the forest beasts are Mine;
Each mountain bird to Me is known,
Whatever roams the field I own.
5. Behold, if I should hungry grow,
I would not tell My need to thee,
For all the world itself is Mine,
And all its wealth belongs to Me;
Why should I aught of thee receive,
My thirst or hunger to relieve?
6. Bring thou to God the gift of thanks,
And pay thy vows to God Most High;
Call ye upon My holy Name
In days when sore distress is nigh;
Deliverance I will send to thee,
And praises thou shalt give to Me.
Additional Info
- Psalter #: 137
- # Stanzas: 6
- Metre: L.M.
- Video: No
- Psalm: 50
- Type: Normal