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281. A Mindful God



1. Mindful of our human frailty
Is the God in Whom we trust;
He Whose years are everlasting,
He remembers we are dust.
2. Man is like the tender flower,
And His days are like the grass,
Withered where it lately flourished
By the blighting winds that pass.
3. Changeless is Jehovah's mercy
Unto those who fear His Name,
From eternity abiding
To eternity the same.
4. All the faithful to His covenant
Shall behold His righteousness;
He will be their strength and refuge,
And their children's children bless.


Last modified on 02 April 2013

Additional Info

  • Psalter #: 281
  • # Stanzas: 4
  • Metre: 8s and 7s
  • Video: No
  • Psalm: 103
  • Type: Normal
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