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304. The Marvelous Works of God



1. O give the Lord whole-hearted praise,
To Him thanksgiving I will bring;
With all His people I will raise
My voice and of His glory sing.

2. His saints delight to search and trace
His mighty works and wondrous ways;
Majestic glory, boundless grace
And righteousness His work diplays.

3. The wondrous works that God has wrought
His people ever keep in mind,
His works with grace and mercy fraught,
Revealing that the Lord is kind.

4. God's promise shall forever stand,
He cares for those who trust His word;
Upon His saints His mighty hand
The wealth of nations has conferred.

5. His works are true and just indeed,
His precepts are forever sure;
In truth and righteousness decreed
They shall for evermore endure.

6. From Him His saints' redemption came;
His covenant sure no change can know;
Let all revere His holy Name
In heaven above and earth below.

7. In reverence and in godly fear
Man finds the gate to wisdom's ways;
The wise His holy Name revere;
Through endless ages sound His praise.




Last modified on 03 April 2013

Additional Info

  • Psalter #: 304
  • # Stanzas: 7
  • Metre: L.M.
  • Video: No
  • Psalm: 111
  • Type: Normal
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