1. Gracious Lord, remember David,
How he made Thy house his care,
How he vowed to seek no pleasure
Till Thy house he should prepare.
Lord, remember his devotion;
Restless in his courts he trod
Till he found a habitation
Fit for Israel's might God.
2. Far away God's ark was resting;
It is with His people now;
We will go into His temple,
At His footstool we will bow.
With the ark Thy might revealing,
Enter, Lord, into Thy rest;
Let Thy priests be clothed with justice,
Let Thy joyful saints be blest.
3. Let the king behold Thy favor
For Thy servant David's sake,
Unto whom a sacred promise,
Sure and faithful, Thou didst make.
If his children keep Thy covenant
And Thy testimony own,
Then, as Thou, O Lord, hast promised,
They shall sit upon his throne.
4. Thou, the Lord, hast chosen Zion,
Thou hast ever loved her well;
This My resting place forever,
Here, Thou sayst, I choose to dwell.
Surely I will bless and help her,
Feed her poor, her saints make glad,
And her priests shall stand before Me
In salvation's garments clad.
5. I will cause the might of David
Ever more and more to grow,
On the path of My Anointed
I will make a lamp to glow;
All His enemies shall perish,
I will cover them with shame,
But His crown shall ever flourish,
Blessed be His holy Name.
Additional Info
- Psalter #: 367
- # Stanzas: 5
- Metre: 8s and 7s
- Video: No
- Psalm: 132
- Type: Normal