Church Government

Classis East Report - May 15, 2024




Classis East Report of Meeting held May 15, 2024 at Byron Center PRC


Classis East met at Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church. Thirty-eight delegates from the nineteen member churches attended the meeting. Rev. Smidstra (First Holland PRC) led in opening devotions and turned the chair over to Rev. Spriensma (Cornerstone PRC) to preside over the rest of the meeting.

Seven elders, delegated for the first time to classis, signed the formula of subscription. The delegates of each church answered the questions of Article 41 of the church order. Classis approved the transcription of the minutes of its January 10, 2024 meeting. Classis approved the work of its stated clerk (in preparing agendas and minutes) and of the Classical Committee (appointing Rev. Bruinsma as moderator of Pittsburgh PRC and in arranging some pulpit supply for churches in Classis West by ministers in Classis East). The chairman appointed six committees of pre-advice. In closed session Classis heard a report of a consistory regarding its work with a member under discipline and advised the consistory to increase censure on the member per Articles 76 and 77 of the Church Order. After treating these matters classis took a break from meeting as a body to allow the committees of pre-advice time to work.

Most of the material on the agenda required classis to meet in closed session. Classis ruled that one appeal regarding a sensitive matter was not legally at classis, meaning that the appeal was not treated any further. Classis ruled that another appeal regarding sensitive matters was legal and upheld the appellant over against the actions of a consistory. Classis appointed a special committee to be available to assist the appellant and the consistory in their continuing work together. Classis also treated reports from an already existing special committee to assist a consistory in its work. Classis approved the work of this committee, expressed thanks to the committee for its work, and declared that the committee “has sufficiently fulfilled the mandates given by Classis” so that the committee is now dissolved.

Classis treated some matters in open session. Classis appointed Rev. Guichelaar (Grace PRC) as the moderator of Hope PRC (Walker) and Rev. Spronk (Faith PRC) as the moderator of Zion PRC. Classis approved reimbursement of various expenses for the meeting in the amount of $4,248.07. Classis adopted a pulpit supply schedule for Georgetown, Hope, Hudsonville, Pittsburgh, and Zion churches. Rev. Spriensma reported that he thanked the committee of Byron Center for its work in providing meals and other refreshments for the delegates. Classis decided to convene its next meeting September 18, 2024 at Georgetown Protestant Reformed Church at 8:00am. Around 9:30pm classis adjourned and Rev. Spriensma closed with prayer.

May Christ use the work of the church to maintain and spread the good news!

Rev. C. Spronk
Stated Clerk, Classis East
Last modified on 19 May 2024

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