Church Government

PRC Synod 2021 - Day 4 - Friday June 11

GT PRC drone shot 1

One of the delegates did some drone pictures of Georgetown PRC today. Can you guess who?

The 2021 PRC Synod gathered for a new day and a new session in Georgetown PRC on Friday June 11. With the examination of Sem. J. Tan completed, she could dig into her regular business and begin trearting committee report recommendations right away. The delegates and visitors are back meeting back in the fellowship room of the church.

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The summary report of today's deliberations and decisions follows:

Protestant Reformed Churches in America June 11, 2021
Synod began the day by continuing to deal with material from the Theological School Commitee (TSC). The TSC had received a request from a congregation to delay calling a replacement for Prof. Gritters for a year. The TSC did not approve this request, and synod concurred with the TSC’s action. Synod then proceeded to calling a man to replace Prof. Gritters as Professor of Practical Theology and New Testament Studies. The result of the voting was that Rev. Cory Griess was chosen to receive the call. We pray that the Lord would make his will known clearly to Rev. Griess over the next weeks, and, if it be his will, that he would accept this call. In the event that he is led to decline the call, Rev. Engelsma was chosen as an alternate to receive the call.
Before Synod was a protest of a decision taken by Synod 2020 not to include a report in the printed Acts. After deliberations, the matter was recommitted to the committee of pre-advice for reformulation.
Another protest objected to Synod 2020 giving instruction to an appellant regarding the form of his appeals after treating those appeals. This matter was also recommitted to the committee of pre-advice for reformulation.
Synod treated an appeal from an individual who objected to a decision of Classis West to declare a protest of his not legally before it. Synod rejected the appeal and upheld the decision of Classis West, declaring that Classis West correctly ruled that the individual may not appeal to Classis without bringing a protest of the consistory’s decision to the consistory.
Synod approved the appointment of synodical deputies from Classis East and West, recommitted advice from a committee of pre-advice regarding a letter of correspondence, and approved the work of the stated clerk.
At around 2:00 PM, Synod moved to recess until Tuesday morning in order to give committees of pre-advice time to work.
In Christ’s Service,
Rev. Joshua Engelsma Second Clerk of Synod 2021
*UPDATE on Tuesday Start time: Synod now plans to begin at NOON on Tuesday, June 15.
CGriess JEngelsma
Revs. C Griess (l) and J. Engelsma (r)

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PRC Seminary professors and advisors to synod: R.Dykstra, B.Gritters, R.Cammenga (back); D.Kuiper, B.Huizinga (front)

Audience singing grad
Audience singing Thursday night at the commencement program for Josiah Tan (in front with his wife)

Last modified on 14 June 2021

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