
Rev.G. Eriks Declines Call to the Philippines - Oct.25, 2015

gjeriks 2013On Sunday, October 25, 2015, it was announced in Hudsonville (MI) PRC and in Doon PRC, calling church for the PRC mission work in the Philippines, that Rev.G. Eriks (pastor of Hudsonville PRC) had declined the call extended to him on October 5 to serve as second missionary to the Philippine mission field.

Our prayer is that God may grant peace and contentment to the Eriks, Doon PRC, and the Kleyns (currently serving in the Philippines), and that He who gives grace to His servants to labor where He will have them labor will also grant us a servant to labor in that field - in His time and way.

May we continue to commit that need to the Lord in prayer, trusting in His perfect wisdom.

Last modified on 25 October 2015

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