
Mission News: New Trio for Missionary to the Philippines; Assistance in the Philippines

The Council of Doon PRC has formed a new trio from which to call another missionary to the Philippines.  The trio consists of Revs. C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), and J. Laning (Hull, IA PRC). 

The Doon congregation plans to call from this trio at their congregational meeting on Monday, November 23.

JonMahtaniIn other news related to the mission work in the Philippines, we find this note in one the PRC bulletins (Grace):

 The Foreign Mission Committee is sending various ministers to the Philippines to help the missionary, Rev. D. Kleyn. On Thursday, Nov. 12 Rev. Jon Mahtani (Cornerstone, Dyer, IN) will fly to the Philippines in order to help with the workload until Nov. 30. Let us pray for his travel and speaking to our churches.


May we be in prayer concerning these mission travels and labors. May God grant traveling mercies and make these visits a blessing in the Philippines.
Last modified on 14 October 2017

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