
Reformed Witness Hour Newsletter - June 2022


News from the
Reformed Witness Hour
June 2022


Upcoming Broadcasts for June 2022

For June, we wil be completing Rev. Kleyn's series on Joseph from Genesis. Rev. Kleyn is the pastor of First Protestant Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, MI. 
June 5
A Memorable Family Reunion  
Genesis 45:15 - 46:34

June 12 
Israel Preserved in Egypt
Genesis 47

June 19
The Blessing on Joseph
Genesis 48 & 49:22-26

June 26
Joseph's Confession Concerning Providence
Genesis 50:14-26 
Listen to the current message here
Brethren, Pray for Our Ministry
Reformed Witness Hour meeting minutes from 1995 had an important reminder for us: "Even though some listeners never join us, we think they are important. God is using us to spread His word, and He uses it as He sees fit. We need to be faithful. Asking questions like, "how many people have come into our churches because of the RWH" or "How many responses do you get" is really asking the wrong question."

Thank you for listening to Reformed Witness Hour, please remember us in your prayers that this ministry may reach more people!
Share Our Favorites
Do you have a friend or neighbor? Here are some favorite RWH messages to share with them! Find all our messages on the platforms listed below.
Highlight from the Archives
Every few months we highlight a series from the archives on our Social Media platforms. We are currently highlighting a series on the importance of formal church attendance and membership. Here is an excerpt from the first message of the series. find the full series on our platforms listed below. 

Our Greatest Privilege
What is worship? We could define worship this way, as the fellowship of God with His people in Jesus Christ. From Gods point of view, worship is His work of gathering His people together so that they can enjoy His presence and so that He can find delight in them. So, worship is the miracle of God bringing sinners into His holy presence. Is this how we perceive our calling to worship?

Listen to the full message here for more about this wonderful privilege!

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To learn more about us or to make a donation
to our internet and radio ministry, click here.
Last modified on 02 June 2022

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