
November 2013 PR Theological Journal Now Available!

Nov2013-471 Page 1The November 2013 issue of the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal has just been published and sent out to those on our mailing list! This begins volume 47 and is a special issue, containing three of the six speeches given at the recent PR Seminary sponsored conference marking the 450th anniversary of the Heidleberg Catechism (1563-2013).The April 2014 issue (v.47 #2) will contain the other three speeches given at this conference, D.V.

Inside this issue are the Journal-adapted speeches (extended and more academic in nature) of Dr.Jurgen Klautke of Giessen, Germany, Rev.Angus Stewart of Ballymena, N.Ireland, and Prof.Ronald Cammenga. And once again there are a goodly number of book reviews, including several on recent publications on the Heidelberg Catechism.

The PRTJ is sent out free of charge to any who wish to receive it. We will gladly place you on our mailing list if you so desire. Contact the Seminary secretary, Judi Doezema (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you are interested in receiving the Journal this way. We can also send it to you electronically if you wish to receive it in Kindle or ePub formats (Those versions are also now available - see the Seminary's Journal page linked below.). We also attach it in pdf form here for your convenience.

If you wish to view and read any past issues, they are all archived at the Journal page on the Seminary's website. There you will also find an index for searching these issues.

Last modified on 11 January 2014

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