
Classis East Meeting in Holland January 14 - Update: Report Now Available


Classis East meets this coming Wednesday, Jan. 14, at First PRC in Holland, MI.

The main items of business are a protest against Classis' decision in October to allow congregations freedom to change their Prayer Day service from the traditional date, and choosing delegates for Synod 2015. At this meeting Classis also selects its church visitors and various standing committees.

Pray that the delegates may be given wisdom to treat the matters before Classis, for the good of the churches and for the glory of Christ, the Head of the church.

Update: The following is the official public report of the Stated Clerk of Classis East on this meeting (Jon Huisken) - also attached here in pdf form:

Report of Classis East

January 14, 2015

First Holland Protestant Reformed Church

Classis East met in regular session on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at the First Protestant Reformed Church of Holland, MI. The churches were each represented by two delegates. Rev. Heath Bleyenberg served as chair for this session.

Classis received a protest from a brother against its decision taken at its September/October, 2014 session regarding the scheduling of Prayer Day services. The protestant argued that the way to make this change in the date for Prayer Day services would be through overture. Classis did not sustain this protest. The grounds given by classis (summarized): 1) Classis East’s decision did not make allowance for an individual consistory to determine for itself matters of the Church Order or that which belongs to the churches in common. Classis allowed only the change of the date of the service, not the elimination of the day. 2) The protest erroneously assumes that all common practices are of the same importance and therefore must be changed only by overture. 3) The protest is based on a fear that the change of the date on which Prayer Day is observed will lead to other changes. This fear is not a legitimate conclusion. 4) The protest claims that the decision of classis would establish precedent that would prove destructive to denominational unity. The protest, however, does not prove this point. 5) The protest does not respond to nor interact with any of the grounds classis gave for its decision.

Classis elected the following to serve as delegates to Synod 2015: MINISTERS:

Primi: G. Eriks, C. Haak, K. Koole, W. Langerak, R. VanOverloop; Secundi:

N. Decker, M. DeVries, D. Holstege, A. Spriensma, C. Spronk. ELDERS: Primi:

R. Drnek, D. Kregel, Gerald Kuiper, S. Miedema, H. Pastoor; Secundi: Brad Dykstra, J. Engelsma, Steve Kuiper, H. Langerak, J. Warner.

In other voting Rev. A. denHartog and Rev. M. DeVries were elected to serve three-year terms as primus and secundus terms respectively. Rev. W. Langerak was apponted to serve a three-year term on the Classical Committee, and Revs. Haak and Van Overloop were chosen as church visitors; Revs. Koole and DeVries will serve as alternates.

The church visitors reported that they found a spirit of peace and unity in the churches.

Report of Classis East Meeting - Sept./Oct. 2014


Grandville smallReport of Classis East

September 10, 2014 with a continued Session on October 15, 2014
Grandville Protestant Reformed Church

Classis East met in regular session on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 with a continued session on October 15, 2014.  All the churches were represented by two delegates.  Rev. R. VanOverloop was the chairman for these sessions.

What occasioned the continued session on October 15th was the decision of the September 10th session to place four protests against the decision of classis at its May, 2014 relative Article 67 of the Church Order.  At the May, 2014 meeting, an appeal of a consistory’s decision to change the date of its Prayer Day service was treated.  At the May meeting, classis upheld this appeal and decided that any change to the meeting date of the Prayer Day service should be sought by overture to the broader assemblies.  Four protests—three from consistories in Classis East and one from an individual in Classis West—were lodged at the September, 2014 meeting of classis against this decision.  Classis then placed these protests in the hands of a committee of pre-advise whose report was received at the continued session on October, 2014.

Classis received the majority and minority reports of this committee of pre-advice at the October continued session.  Classis adopted the advice of the majority report, namely, that classis uphold the protests received and therefore rescind its decision of May, 2014 that a decision to change the date of the annual Prayer Day service should be sought by way of overture to the broader assemblies.  The grounds (summarized):

  1. 1)      The letter, spirit, and historical interpretation of Article 67 of the Church Order do not require the churches to celebrate Prayer Day together on a specific date.  Further, the consistory’s decision to change the date for its Prayer Day service does not constitute a substantial change to Article 67 of the Church Order
  2. 2)      The consistory’s decision to change the date for its Prayer Day service does not violate Article 86 of Church Order as the May decision asserts since, as stated in Ground 1 above, the decision of the consistory did not substantially change Article 67 of the Church Order.

At its September session, Classis granted classical appointments to Faith PRC and First PRC.  At its October session, Classis granted a request from a consistory to increase censure to the second step for one of its members.

The expenses of both sessions amounted to $366.24.  Classis will meet next on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at the First PRC of Holland, MI.

Respectfully submitted,

Jon J. Huisken, Stated Clerk


Pastor-elect Josh Engelsma Sustains Classis West Exam

On Wednesday, September 24, 2014, Pastor-elect Joshua Engelsma was examined by the delegates of Classis West meeting in Peace PRC, Lansing, IL. Part of the exam included preaching a specimen sermon before the delegates of Classis and the congregation of Peace PRC at a special worship service the evening before, held in Crete PRC.

Following a thorough examination in all areas of theology and practical theology (pastoral care), pastor-elect J.Engelsma was unanimously approved for ordination as a minister of the Word and sacraments in the PRCA. Doon PRC's Council, from whom Josh had received his call into the ministry, was instructed to proceed with his ordination and installation into the ministry.

This is planned for Friday evening, Oct.3, at 7:00 p.m. in the Doon PRC with Prof. David Engelsma conducting the service. Pastor-elect Engelsma's inaugural sermon will take place on Sunday, Oct.5, during the evening service (6:00 p.m.).

The picture below is of Pastor-elect J.Engelsma and his wife Courtney, as he receives his Classical diploma from the president of Classis, Rev.Erik Guichelaar (compliments of Rev.R.Van Overloop, one of the delegates ad examina representing Classis East).

Josh  Courtney E -ClWest - Sept2014-2

We give thanks to Jesus Christ, the King of the church, for giving pastor-elect J.Engelsma the grace to sustain his exam before Classis, and for providing us as churches with another herald of the gospel. May He now give him additional grace to enter into the ministry and to fulfill its glorious labors in faithfulness to the charge given him. Let us pray for this brother as he prepares to take up his labors.

*Note: For a full report of the meeting of Classis West and the Officebearers' Conference, see the pdf attached to this post.

Classis West Officebearers' Conference - Sept.23, 2014

The special committee of Classis West announces that a special Officebearers' Conference on preaching will be held September 23, 2014 in Peace PRC, Lansing, IL, the day before the next meeting of Classis West (See note below about links to the audio versions of these speeches.)

The public is invited, but especially area officebearers - elders, deacons, and pastors are encouraged to attend. Lunch will be provided. Please contact the church or Rev.C.Spronk for more information.

The special flyer prepared for this event is posted below, as well as a pdf version of it for your own publication and posting.

OBConf-Preaching-CLWest-Sept2014 Page 1

*Note: The four speeches of this conference are now available in audio form on Peace PRC's Sermonaudio page. The links are provided here:

  1. Developing Your Preaching Beyond Seminary - Missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma
  2. The Important Place of Application in Reformed Preaching - Prof.B.Gritters
  3. The Art of Making Christ-Centered Sermons, with Biblical Illustrations - Prof.R.Dykstra
  4. The Elders' Supervision of the Preaching - Prof.R.Cammenga

Additional Resources on PRC Synod 2014

Acts of Synod 2014-coverThough the PRC Synod of 2014 completed its work over a month ago (June 10-13), two new resources are available on its work and decisions.

First, the 2014 Acts of Synod & Yearbook has been published and distributed to the churches for our members. This publication is the official, public record of the decisions of this year's Synod, as well as the annual, updated directory of churches, ministers, committees, and officers of the PRC.

If you have not yet received it, you should be shortly. If you did not receive a copy and are interested in receiving one, contact our Stated Clerk, Don Doezema, at the PRC Seminary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 


Second, the July 2014 issue of The Standard Bearer is the annual "Synod" issue, with a report on Synod's actions by Prof.B.Gritters in the editorial ("Synod 2014: The PRC Working Together") and many pictures featured in the center as well as on the cover of this Reformed magazine (see image below).

If you would like to receive a copy of this issue, or subscribe to this periodical, contact the "SB" through its website.

SB cover-July 2014-Synod

Synod 2014 - Report on Day 4 (Closing Sessions)

Once more 2nd clerk of Synod, Rev.Clay Spronk, provides a summary report of the decisions of the Friday June 13 session of Synod (also attached in pdf form). And Don Doezema provides us with some candid photos of all the delegates as they fellowshiped together and interacted concerning the work of the Lord's church. The public Acts of Synod 2014 will be published and distributed in due time.

Day 4 Report of Synod 2014 Page 1

Day 4 Report of Synod 2014 Page 2

The 2014 Synodical delegates in fellowship (can you identify them all?):



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