
Reformed Reading in "The Standard Bearer" - April 15, 2015 Issue

SB April15 2015The April 15, 2015 issue of The Standard Bearer is now available, containing a fine variety of edifying articles once again (*see the cover image here).

Do you benefit from meditation-type articles? Read Rev.J.Slopsema's meditation on "Treasures of Wickedness", based on Proverbs 10:2.

Do you want to know what it means to be Reformed? You will want to read Prof.B.Gritters latest editorial on "Calvinism's Solas."

Are you interested in what is happening "all around us" in the church world? Then, you will want to read Rev.C.Spronk's notices about some Reformed congregations that have joined the Presbyterian Church in America.

Do you enjoy brief word studies from the Bible? You will want to add Rev.W.Langerak's most recent "word fitly spoken" article to your reading list. This one is on "Rise(n); Raise(d)."

Are you aware of how missions are conducted in a foreign country such as the Philippines? Be sure to read Missionary-pastor D.Kleyn's "Philippine Mission Field FAQ (frequently asked questions)"!

And there is more - book reviews, PRC church and school news - check the cover image here for all the details!

If you are not familiar with this Reformed magazine and would be interested in subscribing, the publisher - the Reformed Free Publishing Association ( has this special advertisement in its latest catalog (promoting the book ministry but also calling attention to the "SB"). Contact them at their website to get started with some solid Reformed reading material!

RFPA SB Promo pg 2015

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