
PRC Weekly News for January 28, 2018 - Congregational, Denominational, and Sister-Church *(Updated)

grow in graceOn this fourth Lord's Day of 2018, January 28, we note the following news and information concerning PRC congregations, the Seminary, mission fields, and sister churches.


  • Candidate David Noorman has been considering the call from SW PRC (Wyoming, MI - received Dec.17). He is due to answer TODAY. *UPDATE: This morning Cand. Noorman announced his acceptance of this call. We rejoice with this servant of the Lord and his wife for this confirmation of the call to the gospel ministry.
  • On January 21 the congregation of Calvary PRC voted to call Rev. B. Huizinga to serve as her next pastor.
  • Rev. C. Griess preaches his farewell in Calvary PRC this evening, after which a farewell program will be held for him, his wife, and family. Later this week they plan to move to West Michigan, where he will soon take up his ministry in First PRC, Grand Rapids. After a February trip to the Philippines for the Foreign Mission Committee, Rev. Griess will be installed in First PRC on March 4, D.V. May God provide for them as they leave one church family for another.
  • With many officebearer installations taking place, our elders and deacons are reminded of the resources available to them on this special section of the PRC website.


  • ADVICE FOR ELDERS ON FAMILY VISITATION:  If you missed Prof. B. Gritters' speech on Family Visiting on Jan.9, 2018 at Hudsonville PRC (Classis East Officebearers’ Conference), the audio version has now been posted on Hudsonville PRC's Sermonaudio channel.
  • From the PRC Seminary comes this January news:
    • Second semester classes began for the seminary on January 23 (see the link above for that schedule).  If anyone would like to audit classes, the following classes are offered to auditors:  Reformed Symbols (discusses the nature of confessions and includes a treatment of the Lord's Days/Articles of both the Heidelberg Catechism and the Belgic Confession); Dogmatics (Anthropology); and New Testament History (Passion week through the ministry of the apostle Paul).  If you are interested in attending, please call the seminary (531-1490) tomorrow to find out day and time the class you are interested in will meet.
    • The seminary’s interim course this year is now completed. Prof. R. Cammenga taught his special course on “The Theology of John Calvin.”  If you would like to watch/listen to the videos of this course, they are posted on the Seminary's main page.

 CERCS 30thanniv 2017 group
Group photo of Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, Singapore in 2017, for her 30th anniversary


  • Concerning our sister church in Singapore, Covenant ERC, the following may be reported:
    • Rev. A. den Hartog and his wife Sherry safely arrived in Singapore this week. They plan to serve the CERC at least until June when this year's Synod will make a decision on the CERC calling a minister-on-loan from the PRC.
    • Her latest newsletter (December 2017) may be found on this page.
    • The latest young peoples' magazine, Salt Shakers, was received and posted this past week (January 2018). Check that out on this page.
  • Concerning our sister church in Ballymena, N. Ireland, Covenant PRC, we may note the following:
    • The annual church-visitation delegation from the PRC to the CPRC is now in N. Ireland.  Rev. N. Decker and Sid Meidema (PRC Contact Committee) are conducting church visitation with the council of our sister congregation, the Covenant PRC of Ballymena and visiting the Limerick Reformed Fellowship. Rev. Decker will also be preaching and lecturing while there. Rev. Decker and Mr. Miedema will be returning tomorrow, January 29, the Lord willing.
    • Her latest newsletter was received and posted in December of 2017. You may find that on this page. And don't forget her other publication - Covenant Reformed News! That latest issue may be found here.
    • Join Reformed believers from around the world at the 2018 British Reformed Fellowship family conference at Hebron Hall in South Wales from Saturday, July 21, to Saturday, July 28. Our speakers, Prof. David Engelsma and Rev. Andy Lanning, will lecture on "The Reformed Family—According to the Word of God." More information and booking forms are available at or contact Briana Prins (616-214-2779; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Sb new cover 2017 1


  • Save the Date: The dates for the 2018 Family Conference have been finalized! First PRC in Edmonton, AB plans to host the conference July 20-22, 2018 D.V. Hear from our speakers: Rev. B. Huizinga, N. Langerak and J. Marcus on the topic of 'Seeking The Lord'. Mark your calendars and plan to attend what promises to be a spiritually encouraging time of growth and fellowship with saints from Canada and abroad, as well as an opportunity to see some of the beauty that God has created here in Canada. For more information or to register, please visit our website, or contact Scott Ferguson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Rev. Martyn McGeown, missionary-pastor of Limerick Reformed Fellowship, was interviewed by Christopher Arnzen on his radio program, “Iron Sharpens Iron”, on Friday, January 5. The subject for this interview was Rev. McGeown’s recent book, Called to Watch for Christ’s Return. If you missed the live program, you may still listen to the mp3 recording of it found on the Covenant PRC website.
  • Are you a Standard Bearer subscriber? Why not begin the new year by becoming one and feeding your soul with solid Reformed and biblical articles in 2018 and beyond!
  • Reformed Book Outlet: The January 2018 newsletter notes that you may find many devotional books for the new year and that officebearers may find many resources for their work (cf. attached pdf.).

  • THE HOPE HERALDS 2017 CD ENTITLED, “OUR GOD IS GOD” is available for $10 in the main offices of Covenant Chr. High School and Heritage Christian School and also at the Reformed Book Outlet and the PR Seminary bookstore. If you are not able to pick up your copy at any of these locations, please call or text Karen Daling (616-662-0784) or Dan VanDyke (616-610-3276) and we will mail the CD for $12. Thank you!
  • Psalm Choir - The latest CD, Volume 20, ‘Sweet Refreshment’ is now available. There are over 25 selections from the past two seasons.  Please visit the website to order.

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  • Don't forget to listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday! Todays' message by radio pastor Rev. W. Bruinsma is "Wholly Sanctified" based on 1 Thess. 5:23. This concludes his four months on the program and his series on 1 Thessalonians. We thank him for his service and his edifying messages. Next we welcome Rev. R. Kleyn of Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA). He will be doing a series on Ruth - be sure to listen in on that!
    • NEW RWH Station - The Cornerstone PRC Word and Deed committee has partnered with the Reformed Witness Hour to air their messages on the radio in the Chicago area. Beginning today, September 10, the broadcast can be heard every Sunday at 4:00PM on WYLL 1160AM or on the internet at Please tune in and encourage others to do so as opportunity arises in your personal witnessing.

 Flores Leyte March 2017
Rev. J. Flores preaching in the PR Fellowship in Albuera, Leyte in 2017.


  • From Georgetown PRC's bulletin we learn about the current delegation to Vellore, India: "Pastor and Mary Haak and Bruce and Cherie Jabaay [arrived safely this past Wednesday, Jan.17] for a three week visit to the PRCV of India. They hope to continue the work of our previous delegation, i.e.; meeting with the Tamil and English Church, assisting in the Sola Gratia Program, working with the GFH, visiting with members of the church and the Consistory of the PRCV, teaching and preaching, etc." Her Jan.28 bulletin gives this update: "Please continue to pray for the team of the Haaks and Jabaays in their work among the saints in India. They are very busy strengthening the bond of faith we have with the saints there. Teaching, visiting, planning and preaching fills their time. They report the great joy they have in being with the saints there though it seems there is never enough time to get everything done. May God grant they remain healthy and safe, have wisdom and strength for the work, and be brought safely home according to plans on Feb. 5. You can follow their visit with their letters and pictures home on our church facebook page."
  • The last Philippines mission newsletter is dated November 2017 and may be found on this PRC webpage.
  • The December 2017 newsletter of the Limerick Reformed Fellowship mission station is now posted on this page.
  • From this Sunday's bulletins of the Maranatha PRC and the Provident Christian Church in Marikina, the Philippines we find the following notes concerning their pastors as well as concerning our missionaries and their labors today and in this coming week:
    • Provident CC: 
      • Rev. Holstege will preach in both services today. Church Order class will meet after the first service. We will consider Articles 45ff. Next Sunday, Lord willing, Rev. Holstege will preach for PCC.

      • The Kleyns travelled to Negros this past week to instruct the pastors in Sipalay.

    • Maranatha PRC:

      • Today Rev. D. Kleyn will lead us in both services and conduct the Lesson, “Role of the Officer Bearers.
  • Let us remember and continue to lift up the needs of these busy pastors and missionaries in the Philippines. May the Lord of the harvest give them grace to be faithful in all their labors.







Last modified on 28 January 2018

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