
This Week's PRC and Sister-Church News, October 6-12, 2019 *(Updated)

Jer3 15 pastorsOn this fortieth Lord's Day of 2019, October 6, the following news and information concerning PRC congregations, the Seminary, sister churches, and mission fields may be noted.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “(On hearing the preaching) “...It shouldn't merely bounce off our eardrum or glide smoothly through our soul's networks. But it should directly, immediately, intensely, and totally penetrate our whole being. It should grip us in our entirety as spiritual beings. Its message should touch every spot in our soul. It should make us quiver in our total being. Not externally like the Quakers' experience, as though our lips and hands should tremble. But internally, so that our hearts quiver in our chests. It should also mean that our spirits tremble 'because the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword that cuts to the cleaving of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and is the judge of all thoughts.” ~ Abraham Kuyper


  • This morning pastor-elect M. Kortus was ordained into the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC and installed as the new pastor of Hope PRC (Redlands, CA). We rejoice in God's gracious gift of another minister of the Word in the PRC. May the Lord continue to prepare and equip this brother for his labors as a servant of Jesus Christ and His church.

  • On September 22 Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) extended a call to Rev. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane). He plans to answer by Oct.13. We remember him in prayer as he weighs this call. Rev. T. Miersma is leading the worship services at Immanuel PRC again today. The next two Sundays are "open" weeks for her supply.

  • The congregation of Grandville PRC was to vote this evening from the Council's new trio for calling a minister on loan to labor in Covenant ERC in Singapore: Revs. Garrett Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), Rodney Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC) and Jon Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC). *Rev. J. Mathani has received this call.

  • Special Lecture, Bethel PRC: Bethel PRC is holding its annual Reformation Day Lecture at its premises in Roselle, IL on Friday, October 12, at 7:30 p.m. Professor R. Dykstra will be speaking on the subject: "Peace In Troubled Times". All are welcome.

  • From the bulletin of the new daughter church of Byron Center PRC comes this significant notice: "At a council meeting this past week, our mother church set the date for Unity PRC organizational service for Wednesday, October 30 at 7pm at BC PRC. After our organization, there will also be a congregational meeting at which elders and deacons for Unity PRC will be elected, the Lord willing."
  • Georgetown PRC is celebrating her 25th anniversary this year. This note is found in her bulletin about that upcoming celebration: "25th Anniversary and Church Picnic is planned for Saturday, October 26.  Join us for breakfast at Heritage Christian School! Our theme is, “Thanking God For Our Treasured Heritage”. The following Sunday, we will have special sermons by Rev. R. VanOverloop for our morning service and Rev. Haak for our evening service on Psalm 16: 5,6 and 8,9. Please plan to attend as we have so much to be thankful for!"

  • Pictures taken at the recent Seniors' Retreat in Gull Lake, MI may be found in a pdf accessed by registered users on the PRC bulletin page. Thanks to Phil Harbach for providing these. 


Classis West: Classis West met from Sept.25-27 at Calvary PRC in Hull, IA. It will reconvene in early November to finish its work. For the full, official report of the stated clerk, visit this special news page on this meeting.

Contact Commitee:  Revs. C. Griess and C. Spronk along with their wives, and Pete Vander Schaaf and his wife, are currently visiting the BERG in Giessen, Germany on behalf of the Contact Committee of our PRC.  They will be gone from September 30 (tomorrow) to October 14.

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PRC Seminary News:

  • The seminary is now entering its seventh week of the first semester in the new school year, and both faculty and students are busy with their tasks of teaching and studying. Some of the students and most of the professors also teach catechism and lead Bible studies in the West Michigan area. The first practice preaching session will be held Monday Oct.6, as Sems. Tan and Wee will deliver their first sermons of the new term. Pray for them and for the staff as they busy themselves in these kingdom labors.
  • The schedule for the first semester has been posted on the seminary's website. If you are interested in visiting, please contact the seminary.

  • Looking for some good Reformed books to read, Bible study materials or seminary publications to use? Come and visit the seminary's bookstore! We have a variety of Bibles, commentaries, and good books - used and new - for our members and friends.

  • Need for Ministers: Synod 2019 took a decision to place the urgent need for seminary students before our churches. Nine of our 39 active ministers are 63 years of age and older. The next prospect for seminary graduates in our churches is not for another four years. Then those nine ministers will be 67 and older. Please remember in your prayers to petition the Lord of the harvest for pastors, and please encourage young men, whom you observe to have the gifts, to consider the ministry.

  • The finishing touches are being put on the seminary addition and library renovation projects (new archives and offices). The second shioment of new furniturte for the library arrived last week and more preparations were done on the special fire protection system in the arcives room. The other custom library desks will be finished soon, along iwth the work area for the archives roowi
  • Be sure to visit the new PRC seminary website! Visit the site and check out the various pages, including the new blog - and sign up to receive seminary news by email! The library is also online there (under Resources). If you are looking for a particular book to read or use, or just want to browse, visit the library page.

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  • Concerning our sister church in Singapore, Covenant ERC, we may note the following:
    • Rev. A. denHartog and his wife returned to the CERC to take up the work again while they are vacant.
    • The congregation of Grandville PRC was to vote Sunday evening from the Council's new trio for calling a minister on loan to labor in Covenant ERC in Singapore: Revs. Garrett Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), Rodney Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC) and Jon Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC).
    • Her latest newsletter (August 2019) - Reformed News Asia - was posted recently posted and may be found on this page.
  • Concerning the PRC in the Philippines, we may note the following from the bulletins of the Berean PRC, PRC in Bulacan, Maranatha PRC, and Provident CC:
    • Berean PRC: "Rev. Smit will lead us in our worship services today. Rev. Ibe will lead the worship service with the saints in Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija today. We pray for God’s continued blessings as they hear and receive the proclamation of His Word!"
    • Maranatha PRC:

      Let us pray for Rev. D. Kleyn in his missionary work in Sipalay, Negros Occ.

      The PRCP Classis will have their regular meeting on October 31, 2019 at 9:00 in the morning. D. V.

    • Provident CC: "Rev. Kleyn will preach in the first service today and Rev. Holstege in the second. Next week, Lord willing, Rev. Kleyn will preach both times for PPRC and Rev. Holstege will preach once for the PRC in Bulacan."
    • And for more on the life and work of our "sisters" in the Far East read the news under Philippine missions (bulletins).
  • The PRC also has a "corresponding relationship" with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) of Australia. We remember these brothers and sisters in our prayers and labors also.

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Looking for Bible study resources or a good book to read this Fall? Visit the RFPA Bookstore in Jenison, MI or shop online at her website.

If you missed the speech at the annual RFPA meeting on Sept.26, visit this link to watch Rev. J. Smidstra's fine talk on "Training Our Children in the Discipline of Reading."


  • If you are in need of some pamphlets and/or articles published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing, visit the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.
  • Looking for a study Bible or Bible study resources this Fall? Visit the Reformed Book Outlet in downtown Hudsonville!

  • Do you have an interest in good Reformed literature and a solid Reformed and biblical magazine? Visit the Reformed Free Publishing Association's website (, where you will find information on books in all major Christian categories, as well as on the bi-monthly periodical, the Standard Bearer. If you missed the speech at the annual RFPA meeting this past week, visit this link to watch Rev. J. Smidstra's fine talk on "Training Our Children in the Discipline of Reading."

  • You can now listen to the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dordt on audio! Visit the links provided to hear the Catechism, the Confession, and the Canons. It's another excellent way to learn the Reformed faith and memorize these Reformed creeds.

RWH Logo 2019

  • Remember to listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you or on Sermonaudio wherever you are!
    • For October to January (2020) the RWH welcomes Rev. W. Bruinsma of our Pittsburgh PRC to the microphone. Today he delivers the message “The Woman Eve” based on Genesis 2:23-24; 3:20 (or visit the RWH website linked here to listen anytime).
    • From the Reformed Witness Hour Committee:

      Have you signed up yet to receive the emailed Reformed Witness Hour (RWH) newsletter? Six times per year, we update you on news about our speakers, program, and online reach, and we share stories from listeners and readers who have been blessed by the RWH, a ministry of the PRC. Please visit to sign up for the newsletter.

    • A new Spanish edition of the RWH has been produced and may be found on this YouTube channel (PRC Espanol). Why not check it out - and help spread the word!

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Are you active in participating in your church's young people and young adult Bible study groups?

ESPECIALLY FOR PRC Young People and Young Adults:

  • The 2019 PRYP's Convention is now history (held Aug.12-16 at Michindoh Conference Center in Hillsdale, MI.). Southwest and Providence PRCs hosted this year's event. For pictures and more visit this YouTube channel or the Facebook page. The 2020 PRYP's Convention will be hosted by Georgetown PRC and held at Lake Williamson Christian Center (St. Louis, MO).
  • THE EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA would love to invite any young people and young adults, aged 13 and up, to their biennial youth camp. This youth camp will be held in Brisbane, Australia from the 28th of December 2019 – 3rd January 2020. Rev. Martyn McGeown from the Limerick Reformed Fellowship of the Republic of Ireland will be our guest speaker, taking the camp on the topic of ‘The Christian’s Armour’ (From Ephesians 6). Amongst other activities, the theme night will be on the “Australian Bush”. The cost for the camp is $250 AUD (approx $170 USD). This is a great time to meet other young people, fellowship with them and learn about our Saviour. Please contact Megan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the full flyer + registration form, or for any additional questions/information.

  • The latest young peoples' magazine of Covenant ERC in Singapore, Salt Shakers, was received and posted (August 2019 - cf. image above). Check that out on this page.



Domestic Labors:

  • Remember in prayer our home missionary, Rev. A. Spriensma, who continues to labor in the West Michigan area and beyond through Byron Center PRC, the calling church.
  • Limerick Reformed Fellowship News:
    • Rev. M. McGeown is preaching today and will lead the Bible study Tuesday 8 PM in Corbally.
    • S. Wales Lecture: Rev. McGeown will speak in Margam Community Centre on Thursday, 10 October, at 7:15 PM on “The Development of God’s Covenant (7): Joseph and the Bondage in Egypt.” Remember this witness in your prayers.
    • A fresh mission newsletter from the Limerick Reformed Fellowship is now available! The September 2019 edition may be found here.

Philippine Missions:

Let us continue in prayer to the Lord for the fulfillment of the needs of these busy pastors and missionaries in the Philippines. May the Lord of the harvest give them grace to be faithful and encouraged in all their labors.



  • Let us also remember Hope PRC's (Grand Rapids, MI) support of and involvement with Rev. Titus' work in Myanmar; for his latest report, visit this page.
Last modified on 07 October 2019

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