Rev. R.Smit and Rev. D.Kleyn will be traveling to Southern Negros Occidental this week Monday through Wednesday (May 20-22). They will be conducting classes with a group of pastors there on Monday and Wednesday. On Tuesday they will be giving their speeches in Hinobaan on the theme “The Sovereignty Of God Over All Things.”
Annual Berean PRC Conference - April 2013
- Published in Berean PRC, the Philippines
The annual BPRC’s conference was held on April 26. Rev. R.Smit and Rev. D.Kleyn gave the four speeches concerning “The Sovereignty Of God Over All Things” (Sovereignty and Creation, Sovereignty and Salvation, Sovereignty and the Inspiration of Scripture, Sovereignty and the Responsibility of Man). To read about this conference and to listen to the speeches given, visit the Kleyn's blog.
2013 Bible Study Classes in Cranberry PA
- Published in Pittsburgh PR Mission - Pittsburgh, PA
The Survey of Old Testament History class in Cranberry continues on Wednesday nights in the Cranberry Township Municipal Center. The classes begin at 7 PM sharp since we have the room rented for an hour. We will be meeting in the back room of the Senior/Teen Center. A new schedule will be available for the summer classes.
Evangelism Class on Jehovah's Witnesses
- Published in Providence PRC, Hudsonville, MI
The Evangelism Committee is sponsoring a 2-class lecture series "Jehovah's Witnesses: What they Believe and How to Witness to Them." Dates for the lectures will be Tuesday June 25, and Tuesday July 2. We anticipate meeting at the church property. More information to come as the time approaches!
Sem.Josh Engelsma's 2013 Internship
- Published in Peace PRC, Lansing, IL
The Consistory has approved a request from the faculty of the seminary that our Consistory and Pastor oversee the internship of Seminarian Joshua Engelsma. The Lord willing Seminarian Engelsma, his wife Courtney, and children Calvin and Charlotte, will be part of our congregation’s life and fellowship from July 1 to December 31. We look forward to welcoming the Engelsma family into our midst.
Video Series for Parents: "Shepherding a Child's Heart"
- Published in Loveland PRC Loveland, CO
The Young Adults Bible Study is currently hosting a video series on child-rearing, entitled “Shepherding a Child’s Heart,” by Tedd Tripp. This will occur in the months of April and May, with most meetings taking place on Thursday nights from 7:30 - 9:00. Pastor Key will chair the meetings and lead any discussion. Members of the congregation are welcome to attend.
2013 Heidelberg Catechism Writing Contest!
- Published in Hudsonville PRC Hudsonville, MI
Attention writers who love the Heidelberg Catechism: A writing contest sponsored by the Protestant Reformed Seminary will be part of the celebration of the 450th anniversary of this beautiful confession this coming fall. Generous prizes will be awarded to excellent papers on assigned topics submitted by writers in five different age categories, including a category for adult writers this time. For more information, please visit the new website set up by Hudsonville PRC, the host church for the celebration in the fall of 2013. Don't delay; the due date for all contest entries is Friday, June 28. Click here to see and print the Contest Guidelines.
Evangelism Work at Redlands' Market Night
- Published in Hope PRC Redlands, CA
The Evangelism Committee is preparing for its summer activities at Redland's Market Night. We are asking the members of the congregation to volunteer to accompany a member of the Evangelism Committee to Market Night.