Published under the auspices of Hope PRC in Walker, MI.
Dear brethren,
Greetings in our faithful covenant Lord's name. I believed that for His mercy you are doing well in summer time there. Here is raining season started and we had extraordinary rain this year, almost every day rain heavily and everywhere wet and mud and very dirty. Good thing is that the delegates not coming this time of the year; I believe they will run away for too dirty.
With rain falling, our economy also falling very badly, as the weather is gloomy, the hearts of the people in this country also gloomy with hopelessness. Because, the new government neglected the economy very badly, it almost stop now; you can read this news in
Myanmar, But our hope is in the Lord who faithfully leads us with His covenantal, Fatherly hands. I have to preach that message every week to my people. Deacon and elder are very busy to manage for our people, the same time they themselves struggle for their families. Regime change always have some severe effects for all the people. We hope that for His mercy, we will be better in near future.
And religious extremists also quite active, so the new government is try everything it can to quench the crisis. We wish that for His providence care, our new government will know the best way to reconciliation all those differences is to make economy good, then
every body will forget all those extremists ideas. Now a days, we see on the road also very few foreigners, quite different atmosphere. Many so-called missionaries also leaving the country, because the new government increase visa fees, last time they pretended themselves businessmen and do mission work which is not very good, but now even those people very few, mostly they are from Korea, and American Evangelical - Baptist groups.
We continue regularly our Thursday Bible class, Rev. Laning sometimes participated through Facetime; he took one hour and another hour we continue discussion on Reformed Essentials.
But, I am still busy, editing my KJV Burmese translation, I finished the book of Hebrews, and going to start the book of James and I preached every week from out of that editing. Evening services Hidelberg Catechism, now I reach LD 36.
For Sunday Digest, now I started translating, the book of Joshua, reach chapter 10. I reached translating "Come, Ye Children," by Gertrude Hoeksema, "David and Jonathan." I am translating, "Unfolding Covenant History," by Homer C. Hoeksema. I am translating the topic "God's Creation of the Living Creatures."
Catechism classes, younger one, we started Heidelberg Catechism, by Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma. This week we reach lesson 35. Older youth, I am still teaching "Essentials of Reformed Doctrine, A Guide in Catechetical Instruction" by Rev. Herman Hoeksema, revised by Prof. Herman Hanko," Our re-discussion on the points that the youth have to know more still continue, so we kind of have free-hand discussions; the youth asked me from lessons that they like to know more about or things they did not find very clear the first time.
Thank you very much for supporting my ministry till today; without your help I cannot do all the things that I do for His people. Please, continues to pray for us, so that the name of the Lord will be glorified here in this land. In my congregational prayer as well as in
personal prayers always pray for you to overcome all the present crisis and move forward for His glory. The Lord's blessings to you all.
Your brother
Rev. Titus
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