Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

Myanmar Report - May 2018

Myanmar map 2

Dear brethren,

Greetings in our sovereign and gracious covenant Lord's name. I pray that you all will be in good health and peace of the mind for His mercy.

The month of March was quite special for us, because [for] the first time we are going to have a seminar without one of you come over and teach. So, preparing for that, I stopped writing Sunday Digest, and translating of KJV, [and] Thursday Bible classes. But I continued to edit the KLV Burmese, [and have] reached chapter 14. [I continue] preaching on the Heidelberg Catechism, and am up to Lord's Day 20.

At, seminar, as many as 38 people all over the country and from various denomination came. Two weeks seemed to be a very short time. The men learned a lot in these short two weeks. Especially, the second subject, which is called "Reformed Man." In that subject, I compared the present day so-called Christian viewing [of] their family, wife, children, work, money, modern things, and what the Bible taught us, especially Reformed view. They all are very much surprised and started to say, "We Burmese Christian never view [things] in those ways."

E. g., seeing our wives as our sisters in that Lord, when we get to heaven, we will not be husband and wife rather brother and sister in His covenant family. The same with our children, they are actually created by God Himself through parents, so the real owner is our Covenant God, not the parents. In this area also, when we get to heaven, we will not be parents and children, rather we all will be brothers and sisters in His big covenant family. So, [to] take care of them is covenant duty, so working for the family is not secular thing for the Reformed man but sacred thing, doing covenant duty for His glory; in other words, serving Him. In our Burmese cultural setting, doing religious means sacred thing, so have to forsake all earthly bounds and ties. The result is, feeding the children, working to earn a living to raise family is secular. But, I taught reverse with this popular view and set forth our covenant view.

To love our wives in our duty [is] not a shy-thing; we love our wives because the Bible demands it. I point out the texts, "Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband." (1 Corinthians 7:3 KJV) "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." (1 Peter 3:7 KJV) And many others to show the relationship between believing husband and wife is the picture of God's covenant of grace in Jesus Christ for His elect Church. They all love that very much, and they expressed they will not be the same when they return home.

All these things, I can teach only because you invited me and my wife to live among you and learned about your way of Reformed living; during three weeks, I opened my eyes as wide as I can to learn how you live as Reformed people, now I can teach that experiences to my people; thank you for that. And actually the success of this seminar is the fruit of your labors.

[in the] morning, Belgic Confession, I explained all the words are written in blood of Reformed believers, so that we must study with respect. And, to [be] call[ed] Reformed [we] must have confession; without confession, cannot be called Reformed church.

Weather is extremely hot; last year, only the month of May, hot as now. This year is special, but for His mercy, we did not fell sick during the seminar. And, after the seminar, Rakhine state churches demanded me to pay official visit, as well as, Nagah Land also asked me to come over to their place. I promised them, if the Lord wills, I will come, at least two weeks and teach in their places.

We are so much thankful for all the Face-time and Whatsapp videos calls during all the two week seminar, every morning, that gave us real encouragement. Thank you very much for supporting my ministry, without your help I cannot do all the things that I do for His people.

Please continue to pray for us, so that the Reformed truth that we hold dear as PR churches will be through out generations. In my congregational prayer, I continue to pray, always for you, so that you also will have covenant strength to go on in the precious truth that you now have with you many, many generations to come.

The Lord's blessings to you all.

Your brother,
Rev. Titus

Last modified on 16 May 2018
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