Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

News from Our Sister Church in Singapore (March 15, 2015)

The following news items pertaining to our sister church in Singapore (CERC) was found in the bulletin of Grace PRC this Sunday (March 15, 2015), as well as reported in CERC's bulletins in the last few weeks:

SINGAPORE: The [PRC] Committee for Contact with Other Churches was asked by our sister-church in Singapore, Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, to conduct church visitation with them. To this end the Contact Committee is sending Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville) and Rev. S. Key (Loveland, CO) there, leaving this Thursday [March 19] and returning on the 30th.

INDIA: For almost two years there have been almost weekly Skype meetings with a minister in Kolkata, India named Emmanuel Singh by Rev. B.Woudenberg, Rev. J.Kortering, and our pastor [Rev.R.Van Overloop]. About six months ago Rev. A. Lanning along with an elder and a deacon of Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore have joined these meetings. Rev. Singh and his wife have visited the saints in Singapore. Covenant ERC is sending their pastor and an elder (Rev. A. Lanning and Elder Fai Chong) to Kolkata, India for a week to visit Emmanuel Singh and to evaluate his work with a view to taking spiritual oversight of that work.

This is how the CERC reported it in one of their recent bulletins:

The Session of the CERCS will be sending a delegation of Elder Leong and Pastor Lanning to Kolkata, India this month as part of Session’s ongoing labour of investigating the possibility of CERC overseeing Emmanuel’s work in Kolkata and the surrounding villages. The delegation will depart 19 March (Thursday night) and return 25 March (Wednesday morning). The main work will be a two-day conference consisting of several speeches. Other labours will include discussions with Emmanuel and others about the work and evaluating Session’s ability to oversee the field. Let us pray for wisdom for the delegates, as well as for Emmanuel and the saints in Kolkata, as we heed our Lord’s command to “teach all nations” (Matthew 28: 19, 20).

Let us remember to pray for these men as they travel to Singapore and India and conduct the labors for which they were sent. May the Lord of the church be with them and bless their work.

Last modified on 15 March 2015

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